
yào wù yù fánɡ
  • Drug prevention;chemoprophylaxis;drug prophylaxis
  1. 结果:药物预防组和药物治疗组小鼠皮肤SOD活性明显增高,脂褐质含量明显降低;

    Results The chemoprophylaxis group and the medication group indicate an obvious increase of SOD activation in mice skin and of a reduction of lipofuscin content .

  2. 旅行者可以采取药物预防措施,抑制疟疾的血液感染期,以防罹患疟疾。

    For travellers , malaria can be prevented through chemoprophylaxis , which suppresses the blood stage of malaria infections , thereby preventing malaria disease .

  3. 这就是所谓的药物预防法。

    This is known as drug prophylaxis .

  4. 目的本课题以探索衰老动物脑区基因组DNA多态性与脑衰老的相关性及观察食品、药物预防或修复脑衰老脑损伤为目的。

    Objective : To investigate the relationship between brain aging and genomic polymorphism of brain aging in animal .

  5. 质子泵抑制剂和H2受体阻滞剂类药物预防脑卒中后应激性溃疡出血的系统评价

    Proton Pump Inhibitor and H_2RA Pharmacological Prevention of Stress Ulcer Bleeding in Stroke Patients : A Systematic Review of Randomized Controlled Trials

  6. 降脂、抗凝药物预防激素所致股骨头骨细胞坏死、凋亡及对Bcl-2表达的影响

    Study on Antilipemic and Anticoagulant Preventing Necrosis and Apoptosis of Osteocytes in Steroid-induced Osteonecrosis of the Femoral Head

  7. 结果表明增重显著优于感染对照组(0.01<P<0.05),显著抑制卵囊增殖(P<0.01),药物预防保护率达96.1%。

    It Proved to be highly efficacious in controlling oocyst output ( p < 0 . 01 ) and bodyweight gain ( 0 . 01 prevention efficiency was 96.1 % .

  8. 他汀类药物预防心房颤动的Meta分析

    The randomized control trials of statins for the prevention of atrial fibrillation : a meta-analysis

  9. 目的评价小剂量肌肉注射剂型乙肝免疫球蛋白(HBIg)联合核苷类抗病毒药物预防肝移植术后乙肝病毒(HBV)再感染的疗效。

    Objective To evaluate the efficacy of combination of intramuscular HBIg and nucleoside analogs of HBV reinfection .

  10. 药物预防急诊术后Cushing溃疡出血的对照观察

    Contrast study of prophylaxis effects of drugs on Cushing ulcer bleeding following emergency operation

  11. 然而,抗高血压药物预防CKD发生的有效性尚未被证实。

    Howerver , to prevent CKD incidence , the efficacy of antihypertensive drug has not been confirmed .

  12. 目的:探讨在伴骨折的高危病人中药物预防脂肪栓塞综合征(FES)的疗效。

    Objective To evaluate the preventive effect of medication on fat embolism syndrome ( FES ) in high-risk patients with fractures .

  13. HDN可以预测,药物预防安全有效。

    Major ABO-HDN subgroup belong to antibody with IgG1 and IgG2 . The HDN can be predicted , Medicine prevention was safe and valid .

  14. Cates写道,艾滋病预防研究的下一个前沿将是对用抗逆转录病毒药物预防艾滋病病毒进行评估。

    Cates wrote that the next frontier for HIV-prevention research is the evaluation of antiretroviral drugs to prevent HIV .

  15. 目的:通过对近年来绝经后骨质疏松症药物预防和治疗试验研究现状的总结,以探讨绝经后骨质疏松症postmenopansalosteoporosis,PMO的()有效预防和治疗方法。

    OBJECTIVE : To summarize the present status of study on the drug prevention and therapeutic trials of postmenopausal osteoporosis ( PMO ) in recent years , so as to investigate the effective prevention and treatment for PMO .

  16. 抗真菌药物预防医院真菌感染的研究

    A study on prevention of nosocomial fungal infection by antifungal medicine

  17. 近年来药物预防急性氧中毒的研究进展

    Progress in preventing acute oxygen toxicity with medicine in recent years

  18. 药物预防桡动脉痉挛(经桡动脉介入治疗)效果的观察

    Pharmacal Effect Observation in Radial Spasm Patients with Radial Intervention Treatment

  19. 产前药物预防新生儿呼吸窘迫综合征的研究

    Study on preventing neonatal respiratory distress syndrome by drugs in pregnancy

  20. 目前预防结石的方法包括基础预防和药物预防。

    Stones prevention method includes the basic prevention and drug prevention .

  21. 抗菌药物预防性应用在重型病毒性肝炎治疗中的价值

    Application Value of Prophylactic Antibiotics Therapy in Patients with Severe Viral Hepatitis

  22. 冠状动脉介入术后再狭窄药物预防治疗现状及进展

    Progress of Drugs Prevention and Treatment for Restenosis after Coronary Artery Intervention

  23. 因此,人们对化学药物预防结肠癌寄予了厚望。

    Therefore , much hope is currently placed on chemo-prevention .

  24. 暴露前口服药物预防艾滋病-箭筒中的另一支箭?

    Oral Preexposure Prophylaxis for HIV & Another Arrow in the Quiver ?

  25. 腹腔镜术后药物预防卵巢巧克力囊肿复发探讨

    Preventive effect of medicinal therapy for ovarian chocolate cysts after laparoscopy surgery

  26. 清洁手术的围手术期抗菌药物预防使用分析

    Analysis of Using Antimicrobial on Peri-operative Treatment of Clean Operation

  27. 在外科领域,清洁伤口手术应用抗菌药物预防术后感染越来越普及。

    Antibiotics have been often applied postoperatively to protect infection in clean wound .

  28. 目的探讨应用抗真菌药物预防医院感染的作用。

    Objective To study the effect of antifungal medicine to prevent nosocomial infection .

  29. 三种清洁手术围手术期抗菌药物预防性使用的调查与分析

    Prophylactic use of antibacterials in perioperative period about 3 kinds of clean surgery

  30. 皮肤光老化的外用药物预防与治疗

    Prevention and Treatment of Skin Photoaging With Topical Drugs