
yòu cè wò wèi
  • right arm recumbent;right arm reclining
  1. 当你右侧卧位时胃位于食管的上方,可对下方的食管括约肌(LES)施加压力,增加了反流的风险。

    The stomach is located higher than the esophagus when you sleep on the right side , which can put pressure on the lower esophageal sphincter ( LES ), increasing the risk for fluid backup .

  2. 半卧位,左、右侧卧位即刻及30min时SaO2值均比仰卧位高(均P<0.05);

    SaO_2 with semi-reclining and side-lying position at 0 and 30th min was higher than that of supine position ( P < 0.05 for all ) .

  3. 医学专家建议:睡眠时右侧卧位帮助消化。

    Medical experts say you should sleep on your right side to improve digestion .

  4. 睡觉时试着左侧卧位而不是右侧卧位。

    When going to bed , try lying on the left side rather than the right side .

  5. 方法:选择右侧卧位下开胸手术病人55例。

    Materials : 55 patients were selected for thoracic surgery , which required with right lateral position ( RLP ) .

  6. 为了观察左、右侧卧位对单侧胸腔积液患者肺内气体交换的影响,我们系统观察了15例单侧(结核性)胸腔积液患者体位变化时动脉血氧分压变化情况。

    The effect of body position ( right and left lateral position respectivelly ) on gas exchange was observed systematically in 15 patients with unilateral tuberculous pleural effusion .

  7. 结果1、2级前房积血患者交替左、右侧卧位比半坐卧位的积血吸收时间短,而且患者感到舒适,并发症发生率无差异。

    The results showed that the absorption time of 1 or 2 grade hyphema in the group of alternatively right and left position with more comfortable was shorter than that of semireclining position . The incidence of complications in two groups had no different .

  8. 采用全麻、右侧斜卧位或完全右侧卧位、三孔法(27例)或四孔法(4例)进行手术。

    All the operations were performed under general anesthesia by using either three-port technique ( 27 cases ) or four-port technique ( 4 cases ) .