
yòu xīn shuāi jié
  • right heart failure
  1. 方法:一次性皮下注射MCT制备大鼠右心衰竭模型。

    Method : Rats were given a single subcutaneous injection of MCT to produce right heart failure .

  2. Rastelli术后右心衰竭的临床分析

    Clinical analysis of right heart failure after rastelli procedure

  3. 33例心功能I级,3例心功能II级(成形2例、瓣膜替换1例),1例行人工瓣置换者术后顽固性右心衰竭,于1年后失访。

    Patients are in NYHA class II ( after repair in 2 , replacement in 1 ) . One case with tricuspid valve replacement had refractory right ventricular failure and lost after one year follow up .

  4. 目的静脉联合使用米力农(Mil)与前列腺素E1(PGE1)防治术后右心衰竭,并初步探讨其机制。

    Objective To study the effect of milrinone ( Mil ) and prostaglandin E1 ( PGE1 ) on postoperative right ventricular failure ( RVF ) .

  5. 目的探讨心功能综合指数(Tei指数)、脑钠肽(BNP)在诊断肺动脉缩窄所致急性右心衰竭中的作用。

    Objective To investigate diagnostic value of cardiac function index ( Tei index ) and brain natriuretic peptide in acute right heart failure induced by constricting pulmonary artery .

  6. 目的:回顾性分析8例Rastelli术后右心衰竭的可能原因以及防治措施。

    Objective : To study retrospectively the possible causes , preventions and treatments of right heart failure after Rastelli procedure .

  7. 结果:本组均有不同程度的左、右心衰竭表现,心功能(NYHA分级)Ⅲ级7例、Ⅳ级4例。

    Results : All patients had varying degrees of left and right heart failure , NYHA cardiac function classification : class ⅲ was 7 cases and class ⅳ was 4 cases .

  8. 结果:1例术后52h右心衰竭至全心衰竭死亡;

    Results : A patient died of acute right heart failure at 52h after operation .

  9. 目的:肺动脉高压(Pulmonaryarteryhypertension,PAH)属于肺循环疾病,是由多种因素引起的以肺动脉压力和肺血管阻力升高为特点的临床病理生理综合征,最终会导致右心衰竭和死亡。

    Objective : Pulmonary artery hypertension , which is a kind of disease of pulmonary circulation , associated with a variety of factors , is a clinical pathophysiological syndrome characterized by increased pulmonary artery pressure and pulmonary vascular resistance , and finally resulting in right heart failure and death .

  10. 睾酮治疗对右心衰竭雄性大鼠心功能影响的研究

    Testosterone Therapy Improves Cardiac Function of Male Rats with Right Heart Failure

  11. 野百合碱注射复制大鼠右心衰竭模型

    Making a right heart failure on rat by monocrotaline injection

  12. 延长部份心肺转流治疗体外循环心脏手术后右心衰竭

    Prolonged partial heart-lung bypass for right heart failure after extracorporal CIRCULAT-ON heart surgery

  13. 结果8例成活,1例死亡,死亡率111%,死亡原因为急性右心衰竭;

    Results There was one death resulting from acute right heart failure ( 1 / 9 ) .

  14. 目的探讨急性右心衰竭时肠系膜微循环的改变与中心静脉压的相关性。

    Objective To study the meaning of the change of mesentery as to the change of heart load .

  15. 心功能综合指数与脑钠肽对诊断肺动脉缩窄所致急性右心衰竭的作用

    Diagnostic value of Tei index and brain natriuretic peptide in acute right heart failure induced by constricting pulmonary artery

  16. 急性右心衰竭兔中心静脉压及颈总动脉压与肠系膜微循环的关系

    Correlation of central venous pressure , common carotid artery pressure and microcirculation in rats with acute right heart failure

  17. 高原失血性休克再灌流中肺水肿右心衰竭实验研究

    Study of pulmonary edema and right heart failure of dogs with hemorrhagic shock during rapid infusion at high altitude

  18. 高钠饲料引起的肉鸡腹水、右心衰竭、肺动脉高压和肺小动脉肌型化研究

    Ascites , right ventricular failure , pulmonary hypertension and muscularization of pulmonary arterioles induced by dietary excess sodium in broilers

  19. (生)重视肺动脉瓣的重建,术后早期利尿和多巴胺强心剂的应用,治疗右心衰竭等。

    Reconstruction of pulmonary valve , early postoperative diuresis and use of dopamin to diminish occurrence of right ventricular failure .

  20. 左心与右心衰竭患者血浆肾素-血管紧张素-醛固酮系统心钠素改变的临床意义

    Clinical Significance of Changes in Renin-Angiotension - Aldosterone System and ANF in Plasma of Patients with Failure of Left and Right Heart

  21. 右心衰竭幼龄大鼠B型钠尿肽的变化及卡维地洛的干预作用

    B-type natriuretic peptide ( BNP ) levels and the effects of carvedilol on BNP levels in juvenile rats with right heart failure

  22. 左、右心衰竭的患者间及心功能状态不同的患者间相比,四者浓度均有差别。

    There were also differences between patients of left - and right-sided heart failure and between patients with different condition of cardiac functional capacity .

  23. [结论]选择合适的供、受体,完善的术前准备,精确的术式,连续、动态的围手术期监测和积极的综合治疗是心脏移植术后急性右心衰竭治疗成败的关键。

    [ Conclusion ] Key to treatment of acute right heart failure consists of suitable donor and receptor , perfect preoperative preparation , accurate surgery approach , dynamic perioperative monitor and synthetical treatment .

  24. 1例混合结缔组织病伴肺动脉高压患者,死于右心衰竭及肺部感染。

    Clinical and Autopsy findings of 1 case with Mixed Connective Tissue Disease ( MCTD ) associated with severe pulmonary hypertension , died of right heart failure and pulmonary infection , was reported .

  25. 24例患者均有不同程度的左心功能不全(100%),其中,心原性休克10例(42.6%),右心衰竭8例(33.3%),死亡9例(37.5%)。

    All patients had cardiac dysfunction , including cardiogenic shock in 10 ( 41 7 % ), right heart failure in 8 ( 33 3 % ), and death in 9 ( 37 5 % ) patients .

  26. 结果所有患者术后均接受血管活性药物治疗,移植早期6例患者发生移植心脏急性右心衰竭而死亡,35例患者长期存活,生活质量良好。

    Results All recipients received vasoactive drug therapy and 6 recipients died of acute dysfunction of the right ventricle of the allograft during the postoperative period . The remaining patients survived well and led a life with rather good quality .

  27. 据此,证实彩色多普勒观测下腔静脉血流变化对于早期诊断右心衰竭,评估右心功能,监测病情和指导治疗的重要价值。

    So application of color Doppler to observations of changes of hemodynamics in inferior vena cave . is of important value for early diagnosis and estimation of function of right heart failure , monitoring patient 's condition and instruction for treatment as well .

  28. 术后严重右心功能衰竭和多器官功能衰竭是死亡的主要原因。

    Severe postoperative right ventricular failure was the main cause of death .

  29. 发生致命性肺栓塞时,溶栓治疗相对禁忌,抗凝溶栓治疗能迅速纠正右心功能衰竭和血流动力学异常,为降低胃癌术后肺栓塞死亡率的基本治疗。

    Thrombolytic therapy is relatively contraindicated to fatal pulmonary embolism . Heart failure could be rapidly ameliorated by the treatment of thrombolysis plus anticoagulation , and it could be considered as the basic treatment of PE after gastric cancer surgery .

  30. 结果本组32例,治愈29例,术后并发肺高压危象9例,右心功能衰竭3例,频发室性早搏3例,低心输出量综合征4例,共死亡3例。

    Result Of the 32 cases , 29 were cured ; pulmonary hypertension crisis ( PHC ), the right heart failure , and frequent ventricular premature beat were in 9,3,3 cases respectively ; lower cardiac output syndrome was in 4 cases .