
  • 网络right atrioventricular orifice;Ostium atrioventriculare dextrum;atrioven tricular opening
  1. 结论上腔静脉内径、右房室口直径、第一房间隔高度和宽度随胎龄的增长而增加。

    Conclusion As the growth of age , the internal diameter of superior vena cava , the diameter of right atrioventricular orifice and the height and breadth of the first septum of the right atrium is increasing .

  2. 胎儿出生后左心室舒张期房室瓣口血流速度A/E比值明显下降,主动脉瓣口血流峰速明显增快;右心室房室瓣口血流及肺动脉瓣口血流速度无明显变化。

    A / E ratio in mitral were obviously decreased and blood flow velocity of aortic valve were significantly increases in neonate .