
  • 网络Medicinal food;Yaksik
  1. 方法:(1)应用生物传感器技术,对大蒜、苦瓜、鱼腥草、生姜、芫荽等5种药食两用植物进行与LipidA结合活性的筛选。

    Methods : ( 1 ) The biosensor technology was applied to screen the medicine-food plants , then isolate the active fractions from one of the medicine-food plants selected by the target of Lipid A.

  2. 苦瓜(Momordicacharantialinn,MC)既是我国主要的蔬菜,也是典型的药食同源植物。

    Momordica charantia Linn ( MC ) was not only a main vegetable , but also a traditional Chinese herbal drug .

  3. 栝楼(TrichosantheskirilowiiMaxim)是葫芦科栝楼属的一种药食两用植物,多年生草质藤本。

    Snakegourd , or Trichosanthes ( Trichosanthes kirilowii Maxim ) is Perennial Herb liana of medicinal plant in family Cucurbitaceae .

  4. 桑叶(MulberryLeaves)与莲子心(PlumulaNelumbinis)均为国家卫生部批准的药食两用的植物,具有特定的营养价值和药用价值。

    Mulberry leaves and plumula nelumbinis have specific nutritional and medicinal values , which are considered as food-medicine herbs approved by National Ministry of Health .

  5. 玛咖(Maca)是药食两用植物,特产于南美洲秘鲁,当地印加人将其用做补药,称其为秘鲁人参。

    Maca is a medical and edible plant , Native to South American , Peru where the Incas used to cure desease , and call it Peruvian ginseng .

  6. 本课题以药食同源天然植物槐米和甘草为主要原料,以VC为增效剂制备天然复配抗氧化剂,对其抗氧化活性和防腐性能进行了深入的研究。

    The subject used natural plants Flos Sophorae Immaturus and Radix Glycyrrhizae which were homology of medicine and food as the main raw materials , Vc as synergist to prepare natural mixed antioxidants , and a deeply research on the antioxidant activity and anti-corrosion performance was did .

  7. 银杏是一种具有良好保健功效的药食两用植物,尤其是银杏提取物(EGB)广泛应用于医药和食品行业。

    Ginkgo is a kind of plant resource used both as medicine and food , it has good health protection efficacy . EGB , of which especially is used widely in medicine and food industry .

  8. 作为药食两用的苦荞(Fagopyrumtataricum),不仅营养丰富,而且富含以芦丁为代表的黄酮醇。

    As an excellent resource of both food and medicine , tartary buckwheat ( Fagopyrum tataricum ) is not only rich in nutrition , but also rich in flavonols , ( rutin in specific ) .

  9. 药食两用中药预防性驱铅效果研究

    Study on Effects of the Medicine-food Herbs Removing Lead for Prevention

  10. 莲子药食同源,通芯白莲是江西省重要经济作物。

    Lotus seed is an important economic crop in Jiangxi Province .

  11. 佤族的药食同源文化

    On the Homologous Culture of Medicine and Food of the Wa Nationality

  12. 药食真菌中微量元素分析测定及其研究热点

    Analysis determination and research focus of trace elements in edible and medicinal fungi

  13. 槭属植物资源的药食功效及其利用研究

    The medicine and edible functions and the study exploitation progress of Acer plants

  14. 药食同用植物&菱角质量标准的研究

    Study on Quality Standard of Fruit of Trapa manshurica

  15. 罗汉果是我国的传统植物,可药食两用。

    Momordica grosvenori is a traditional medicinal and edible plant in our country .

  16. 药食两用花卉中营养元素的光谱测定

    Spectrometric Determination of Nutritional Elements in the Medicine-Food Flowers

  17. 药食两用植物降血脂功能研究进展

    Research progress in blood-lipid lowering function of two plants

  18. 药食两用木本新油源&接骨木油

    A New Medicinal and Edible Oil from a Woody Plant & Sambucus williamsii

  19. 系统性红斑狼疮的药食忌口

    Abstinence of Drugs and Foods in Systemic Lupus Erythematosus

  20. 4种药食兼用野菜的微量元素含量分析

    Analysis on trace elements in four kind wild vegetables

  21. 提示这些药食兼用植物具有延长果蝇寿命的作用。

    It indicated that these plants had effects of prolonging Drosphlia Melangaster 's life .

  22. 废次烟叶作为天然药食资源的研究进展

    Discarded tobacco leaf : low-cost , valuable and natural resource for drug and food

  23. 荞麦是一种药食同源的作物,具有较高的营养、药用及保健价值。

    Buckwheat is one kind of crop that has high nutritional and medical values .

  24. 关于构建蚕桑药食用途育种技术体系的思考

    Thought of Design for Breeding Technique System for Edible and Medicinal Purpose in Sericulture

  25. 常见药食植物提取物体外抗氧化活性的评价

    Evaluation on Antioxidant Activities of Extracts from Common Edible and Medicinal Plants in vitro

  26. 灵芝是我国医药学宝库中的一种珍贵的药食两用菌。

    Ganoderma lucidum is one of most frequently used fungi in Chinese medicine and nutrition .

  27. 我国86种药食两用植物的抗氧化活性及其与总酚的相关性分析

    Correlation analysis between antioxidant capacity and total phenolic content of 86 Chinese edible herbal extracs

  28. 马齿苋是一种具有药食两用的野生蔬菜,具有丰富的营养和保健作用。

    Portulaca oleracea is a kind of wild vegetable having various nutritions and health functions .

  29. 峨眉山野生药食两用蔬菜资源初步调查

    Initial Investigation on Wild Vegetable Resources Used both as Drug and Food in Emei Mountain

  30. 荸荠是一种优良的药食兼用的果蔬类食品。

    Chufa is a kind of garden stuff that can be eaten as medicine or food .