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  • medicinal powder
  1. 为了更好地表达自己的观点,Sandor拿治疗梅毒的特效药撒尔佛散,又名606化合物,来给我们举例说明。

    To demonstrate his point , Sandor used the drug Salvarsan also called compound 606 as an example .

  2. 土家药消肿止痛散治疗运动性关节损伤82例

    The Treatment of 82 Cases of Sports Injury to Joint Ligament With Analgetic Powder For Subsiding a Swelling

  3. 目的:1.主要目的:以安慰剂和阳性药对照评价散寒止痛的常用外用贴膏复方南星止痛膏对膝骨关节炎的止痛效果,为膝骨关节炎疼痛选用外用贴膏的治疗依据。

    The main purpose of : a placebo and drug control evaluate analgesic effect of compound Southern Star balm , which is a pain and cold commonly used topical Plaster , which can provide the treatment basis for knee osteoarthritis pain on selecting commonly used topical plaster . 2 .

  4. 在药次比例大于99%可信区间的65味药中,祛风寒湿药、疏风散寒药、活血通经药、益气补脾药列药次前四位。

    In 65 drugs frequency proportion over 99 % reliability scale , the forward 4 is drugs for eliminating wind-cold-dampness , drugs for dispersing cold , expelling wind , drugs for promoting blood circulation and removing blood stasis and drugs for replenishing the vital-qi and reinforcing the spleen .