
tà bǎn
  • pedal;treadle;footboard;footrest;footstep;pedal of a piano;foot stool;balance brow
踏板 [tà bǎn]
  • (1) [pedal of a piano,etc.]∶某些乐器中用来改变声音条件的一种装置

  • 强音踏板

  • 弱音踏板

  • (2) [foot stool]∶阶梯(如楼梯)上供脚踏其上的水平部分

  • 楼梯踏板

  • (3) [footrest;treadle;footboard]∶马车等上供人站或放脚的一块板或狭平台

踏板[tà bǎn]
  1. 浅谈影响跳远运动员踏板准确性的因素

    Analysis of the elements affecting the accuracy of footboard of long jumpers

  2. 踏板技巧是一个重要又容易被忽视的问题。

    The skill of the footboard is an important and easy to be ignored question .

  3. 她猛踩刹车踏板。

    She pressed her foot down sharply on the brake pedal .

  4. 她用力踩下油门踏板。

    She pressed down hard on the gas pedal .

  5. 把你的脚放在离合器踏板上。

    Put your foot on the clutch .

  6. 踩离合器踏板

    to depress the clutch pedal .

  7. 你的脚离开踏板,汽车便会熄火。

    Your foot falls off the pedal and you stall the car .

  8. 踏板似乎有点偏心,离合器也相当紧。

    The pedals seem a bit off-centre and the clutch is rather stiff

  9. 踏板在枢轴处断裂了。

    The pedal had sheared off at the pivot .

  10. 劳拉松开离合器踏板,沿车道慢慢驶离。

    Laura let out the clutch and pulled slowly away down the drive .

  11. 刹车踏板刚刚啪的一声绷断了。

    The brake pedal had just snapped off

  12. 转动一把特制的钥匙,踩下刹车踏板,这样你的汽车刹车就锁住了。

    Turn a special key , press the brake pedal , and your car 's brakes lock

  13. 12岁的孩子能踩到踏板已经是不可思议,就更不用说开车了。

    It is incredible that the 12-year-old managed to even reach the pedals , let alone drive the car .

  14. 矫健的自行车手们纷纷骑车冲出起跑门,突然苏格兰选手的左脚咔嗒一声踩空了踏板,观众不禁倒抽了一口冷气。

    As the gladiators rolled away from the starting gates , a gasp went up when the Scottish cyclist 's left foot clicked out of the pedal .

  15. 他用劲踩油门踏板。

    He put his foot down hard on the accelerator .

  16. 设想一下,你进入一辆没有方向盘、刹车和油门踏板的汽车。

    Imagine you enter a car with no steering wheel , no brake or accelerator padals .

  17. 在没有重力的情况下,很容易使劲踩踏板。

    With no gravity , it 's just as easy to pedal violently .

  18. 在洞中度过的日子里,志愿者们在帐篷中睡觉,用踏板自行车自己发电,因为洞中没有自然光。

    During their time in the cave , the volunteers slept in tents and made their own electricity with a pedal bike since there was no natural light .

  19. CAM技术加工踏板摩托车发动机箱体零件工艺设计(1)

    The Process Design for Scooter Engine Housing by CAM ( 1 )

  20. 对引进日本铃木AG系列踏板摩托车空气滤清器的改进

    Improvement of Air Filter for AG Series Scooter Introduced from Suzuki Japan

  21. 于是,我设计了一个只要按一下踏板就能打出“x”的装置。

    I then devised a rig that enabled me to strike an x by treading a pedal .

  22. 当激活abs系统时,驾驶员踩制动踏板有轻微的脉动的感觉。

    When ABS is activated , the driver feels the brake pedal pulsate gently .

  23. 将车速v、油门开度α和油门踏板深度变化速度β作为模型动态三参数进行建模。

    The vehicle speed , the throttle value and the rate of accelerator pedal deepness are all considered as parameters to create model .

  24. 踏板摩托车CVT变速系统力学分析

    A Mechanics Analysis of CVT Transmission System for Scooter

  25. 蹋下并保持刹车踏板,用DRB引动左后液压。

    Depress and hold the brake pedal , with the drb , actuate the left rear hydraulic .

  26. 雅马哈在欧洲上市的500mL级坐式踏板摩托车

    Yamaha 500 mL Scooter Stepping into the European Market

  27. 丰田公司(Toyota)最近几个月召回了数百万辆轿车和卡车,它们都可能存在一个令人不安的问题油门踏板被卡,加速失控只是这个问题的委婉说法。

    Uncontrolled acceleration is a euphemism for the disturbing problem jammed accelerator pedals at risk of afflicting millions of Toyota cars and trucks that the company has recalled in recent months .

  28. 当转子处于低温时,提出了以主制动器踏板压力信号为输入变量、以可控硅导电角为输出变量的制动力矩开环Fuzzy控制方法,以尽可能提供驾驶人员期望的制动力矩。

    When rotor temperature is low , the main brake pedal pressure was taken as input variable and SCR conduction angle taken as output variable , controler would run at open loop fuzzy control model so as to provide as possible as the expected braking torque .

  29. 桥梁、隧道列车接近报警系统采用MCS-51单片机、语音芯片和集成功放,利用电磁踏板监测列车接近。

    The Train Approaching Alarm System for bridge and tunnel adopted MCS-51 chip microprocessor and speech IC and amplifer IC , detected the approaching , train by electromagnet sensor .

  30. 前、后制动器分别为前通风盘式制动器和实心盘式制动器,制动踏板为吊挂式踏板,带真空助力器,制动管路为双回路对角线(X型)布置,采用ABS。

    Before and after the brakes were a former ventilated disc brakes and solid disc brakes , brake pedal for the hanging pedals , with vacuum booster , brake pipe for dual-loop diagonal ( X type ) arrangement , using ABS .