
tà qīng
  • go for a walk in the country in spring;have an outing in spring;go for a walk in the country in spring when the grass has just turned green
踏青 [tà qīng]
  • [go for a walk in the country in spring when the grass has just turned green] 清明前后到野外去观赏春景

踏青[tà qīng]
  1. 到郊外去踏青,重叠了你的足迹。

    My footsteps overlap yours when we go for a walk in the country in spring .

  2. 今天这一个是上个月陪我的家人去郊外踏青的一些照片所做的MV,请多指教。

    Today 's MV is that I went to Hsinchu LingYin Temple with my family .

  3. 很多人会趁此机会出去踏青,享受阳光!

    Many people like to go out and enjoy the sunshine .

  4. 初春我们到郊外踏青。本周六去踏青好吗?

    We went to the suburbs for an outing in early spring .

  5. 有什么踏青的安排吗?

    My Company has a Spring out plan at May .

  6. 本周六去踏青好吗?

    How about going on a hike the coming saturday ?

  7. 我们在哪儿见面去踏青呢?

    Where shall we meet for the hike ?

  8. 新年最后一天,全家出游踏青,以避邪恶。

    The last day of New Year , the whole family Ta-Qing to avoid evil .

  9. 踏青又叫春游。

    Outing also known as spring tour .

  10. 春暖花开日子,年轻的心在欢呼雀跃,让我们踏青去!

    Warmth of spring days , the young heart rejoice , let 's outing to go !

  11. 随着天气温度的逐渐攀升,外出踏青游玩的人也开始增多。

    As the temperature rises gradually , more and more people go Ta-Qing to enjoy the spring .

  12. 在阳光明媚的春日里,就让我们一起来到合肥植物园,走进今春合肥最美的踏青赏花地。

    With the bright sunshine , Hefei Botanic garden becomes the most beautiful place to admire the flowers .

  13. 我们公司本周要去郊游。本周六去踏青好吗?

    We 'll have a company outing this week . How about going on a hike the coming Saturday ?

  14. 清明节的活动,在今天主要是踏青、扫墓、植树等内容。

    Activities like going hiking , sweeping tombs and planting trees are what people often do during the festival .

  15. 踏青是春回大地之际,到大自然欣赏春暖花开的春日景象,抒解严冬的郁结心绪。

    Spring is a spring returns to the Earth , nature appreciation are blooming spring , relieve winter depression mood .

  16. 人们会去扫墓,表达他们对先人和死去爱人的感恩之情,或者去踏青。

    People will sweep tombs to expresse their gratitude to their ancestors and deceased loved ones or go for an outing .

  17. 参加沙发客到平溪踏青并看天灯时我和三个好朋友们一起捕捉镜头。

    Action shot of me with three of my good friends during a CouchSurfing excursion to the Lantern Festival in Pingxi .

  18. 在长达一周的节日期间,人们郊游踏青、竞渡、荡秋千、赐新火,充分享受节日的娱乐。

    People went out for spring hiking , boat race , swing and having new fire to enjoy all kinds festival revels .

  19. 清明节扫墓是重头内容,除此之外,还有很多活动,其中比较有趣的是踏青和插柳。

    The grave is to build content for Ching Ming Festival , there are a variety of different activities , which are an outing and .

  20. 因此,这个节日中既有祭祀扫墓的忧伤之情,又有踏青游玩的欢笑声,是一个富有特色的节日。

    Therefore , the sacrifice festival in both grave feelings of sadness , but also the laughter of play outing is a characteristic of the festival .

  21. 我们不谈生活,琐碎的只是过去而已,踏青只为挥霍我们的青春,留住一份绿色的记忆。

    We talk about life , trivial only in the past only , outing only squander our youth , to keep the memory of a green .

  22. 风筝是一项具有千年历史的民俗传统游戏娱乐活动,清明时节踏青放风筝是自古以来我国各族人民的风俗习惯。

    Kiting is a thousand-year history of folk traditional entertainment game . Kite-flying is the customs of the people of all nationalities throughout the country since ancient times .

  23. 因此,这个节日中既有祭扫新坟生别死离的悲酸泪,又有踏青游玩的欢笑声,是一个富有特色的节日。

    Therefore , this festival in both Jisaoxinfen Health Do not die from the acid tears of sorrow , another outing laughter of play , is a distinctive holiday .

  24. 我向来认为这种神圣的习俗只是仪式,可是你说其实不只是这样而已吗?哈卡踏青服务史坦·瑞哈纳不只是这样。

    I always think of these holy rituals as being ceremonial , but you 're saying it 's not , it 's more than that ? STAN REIHANA , HAKA TRAILS

  25. 花木感春而开,当春回大地又到了一年山花烂漫的季节时,处处阳光明媚、鸟语花香、遍地皆绿,这个时期正是全家踏青好季节!

    Plants blossom in spring when it is warm , sunny and the world is full of green and vigor , so it is a good season for a family outing .

  26. 这一天不仅要扫墓,也是踏青来庆祝春天到来,万物复苏、大地返绿的日子。

    It is a day not just for visiting cemeteries , but also for going out to celebrate the coming of spring as nature wakes up , dressing the world in green .

  27. 早春气温开始回暖,(踏青的)人还不多,但是草木已经开始复苏、鲜花开始绽放。春天也因此成为一年中最适合旅行的季节之一。

    In early spring temperatures are warmimg up , crowds are thinner , and flowers and trees are just beginning to bloom , making it one of the most pleasant seasons for travel .

  28. 无论您是在苏格兰散步,或是在北极看北极熊,又或者是在雨林中踏青,我们都有合适的的户外装备供您使用。

    We like to think that whether you 're walking in Scotland , watching polar bears in the Arctic , or trampling through the rain forest , we have designed an appropriate set of gear .

  29. 那些淡粉色的盛开的花,仿佛在昭示这是与亲朋好友出门踏青游玩合影留念的好时节。

    The pale pink blossoms are in full bloom , signaling that it 's time to flock to parks across the temple for picnics under the cherry trees or take pictures together to have fun .

  30. 同时在古代也是男女结交的好时机,踏青或有唐朝崔护清明“人面桃花相映红。”

    At the same time in ancient times is also a good opportunity for men and women make , an outing or a Tang dynasty Cui nursing and poignant " peach blossom face a rosy . "