
shí fèn
  • caecotrophy
食粪[shí fèn]
  1. 食粪高峰出现在上午1011时,与饲喂时间有关,约为早饲后的34h。

    Feces eating occurs during the resting with a regular pattern . The highest peak of feces eating is related with the feeding time , occuring about 3 4 hours after feeding in the morning ( 10 11 o'clock ) .

  2. 食粪昆虫天虻的自然诱集及饲料营养评价

    Natural Attracting Coprophagous Insect and Evaluating its Nutrients as Feed

  3. 食粪行为广泛存在于草食性中小型哺乳动物中,是特指动物取食由盲肠内容物所形成的粪便的行为。

    Coprophagy is widespread among small-and medium-sized mammalian herbivores .

  4. 家兔白天食粪行为初步观察

    A Preliminary Study on the Feces Eating Behaviour of Rabbits During the Day

  5. 这种做法被称为食粪行为,是必要的仓鼠,以取得适当的营养物质的食物。

    This practice is called coprophagy and is necessary for the hamster to obtain the proper nutrients from its food .

  6. 食粪症是犬只摄食犬类粪便或其他动物粪便的一种行为异常。

    Coprophagia is the ingestion by a dog of feces , either its own or those of another dog or animal .

  7. 食粪次数从7&8次到近100次不等,不同生理阶段差异很大,以哺乳母兔、妊娠母兔和配种期公兔最多。

    The times , from 7 & 8 to 100 , vary with the physiological stages , which are the worst during lactation and pregnancy of the does and the males mating .