
shí kè
  • Diners;a person sponging on an aristocrat;a hanger on of an aristocrat;sponger;customer in the eating house
食客 [shí kè]
  • (1) [sponger]∶古代寄食在贵族官僚家里为主人谋划、奔走的人

  • 士以此方数千里争往归之,致食客三千人。--《史记.魏公子列传》

  • (2) [customer in the eating house]∶饮食店的顾客

食客[shí kè]
  1. 食客们不想吃到肚子胀鼓鼓的才离开饭桌。

    Diners do not want to leave the table feeling bloated .

  2. 即使是最挑剔的食客在这里也会找到让人胃口大开的美食。

    Even the most finicky eater will find something appetizing here .

  3. 城里的其他街区为食客们提供了中国菜、葡式菜、希腊菜等多种选择。

    Other neighbourhoods in the city offer foodies a choice of Chinese , Portuguese or Greek food .

  4. 提供的这些东西未必是亏本特卖品,因为它们增强了廉价食品店对食客群体,包括不想吃汉堡的人们的吸引力。

    These offerings are not necessarily loss-leaders , as they broaden the appeal of outlets to groups of diners that include some people who don 't want to eat a burger .

  5. 快节奏的音乐使食客们吃得更快。

    Fast music hurried diners out .

  6. 利用视觉暗示来影响我们的饮食:当餐盘与食物相匹配时,食客可以多吃20%的意大利面。

    Take visual hints that influence what we eat : diners served themselves about 20 percent more pasta when their plates matched their food .

  7. 特别的香味也有效果:闻到薰衣草香味的食客比闻到柠檬味或没有香味的食客逗留时间更长,花费更多。

    Particular scents also have an effect : diners who got the scent of lavender stayed longer and spent more than those who smelled lemon , or no scent .

  8. 食客有数百万种选择。

    Diners have millions of options from which to choose .

  9. 这台名为“Mr.GoPizza”的红色自动贩卖机上有四种不同的披萨饼可供食客选择,售价从约35元到46元不等。

    Buyers using the flaming red " Mr. Go Pizza " machine can choose from four different kinds of pizzas costing from 4.50 to 6 euros ( $ 5.2-7.2 ) .

  10. 但在最近一个温和的夜晚,食客们就在北京最新最时尚的餐厅之一CapitalM体验了这种感觉。这些餐厅是北京迅速发展的餐饮业的新风景。

    But on a recent balmy evening , diners were doing just that at Capital M , one of the newest , and most stylish , additions to Beijing 's rapidly evolving restaurant scene .

  11. 谁也不会(Hui)知道在下一个(Ge)转角中会(Hui)是怎样的惊喜,会是一家风格独特食客不断的小吃店?

    No one knows what kind of pleasant surprise may be in store for him around the corner : a uniquely styled and busy cafe ?

  12. 联合创始人阿里特斯•洛佩兹对《食客》说,创造出葡萄酒这种独特颜色的灵感源于W•钱•金写的《蓝海战略》,W•钱•金生于韩国,是一位商业理论家。

    Co-founder Aritz L ó pez told Eater that the inspiration for the unique color of the wine came from Blue Ocean Strategy , a book written by W. Chan Kim , a Korean-born business theorist .

  13. KFC和Sbarro在食客进餐整体满意度调查和食品质量调查中的得分都很低。

    KFC and Sbarro both earned low marks in overall fast food dining satisfaction along with quality .

  14. Campbell负责客户与消费者洞察事务的副总裁查尔斯?维拉(CharlesVila)称,该公司把大约25%的消费者戏称为被迫一厢情愿的食客。

    Campbell 's dubs about 25 % of consumers ' constrained wishful eaters , ' says Charles Vila , vice president of customer and consumer insights for Campbell .

  15. SpearmintRhino脱衣舞俱乐部把顾客称为“绅士”,闪光寿司公司也希望自己的顾客并非一般的食客。

    Just as Spearmint Rhino calls its customers " gentlemen ", the folk Flash Sushi wish to attract are a cut above the usual diners .

  16. 按特许经营模式运作的在华业务是15年前由前花旗集团(Citigroup)投资银行家贾斯汀•肯尼迪(JustinKennedy)在香港建立的。他为中国食客推出了“北京烤鸭”比萨饼。

    The China franchise was established 15 years ago by Justin Kennedy , a former investment banker at Citigroup in Hong Kong , who introduced a ' Peking Duck " pizza for Chinese diners .

  17. 每位食客都可以享受一顿包括两道菜的美餐,只要他们将美食的照片上传到图片网站Instagram、推特或是脸书网上,他们就无需付钱了。

    Each diner will be served a two-course meal and if they upload photos of the food to Instagram , Twitter or Facebook they won 't have to pay .

  18. 其中一个原因是这里的食客吃的东西是一模一样的。这个温馨的餐厅像邮票一样小巧,timbre就是邮票的意思。

    That 's in part because everyone eats the exact same thing in this pleasantly cramped space the size of a postage stamp , which is what " timbre " means .

  19. 大比目鱼大比目鱼中有两种物质帮助人们更好地睡眠:色氨酸以及维生素B6,而它的温和的口味以及厚实的口感定能吸引那些挑剔的海鲜食客。

    Halibut Halibut is packed with two building blocks for better sleep : tryptophan and vitamin B6 , which has a mild flavor and meaty texture that appeals to finicky seafood eaters .

  20. 他将西班牙称为“当今欧洲最令人惊叹的国家”,新兴的分子烹饪法(moleculargastronomy)与依然采用传统做法的祖母们相互竞争,而食客则大为受益。

    He calls Spain " the most amazing place in Europe right now " , as the molecular gastronomy set goes up against grandmothers who still do things the traditional way , all to the benefit of those who eat there .

  21. 与提供复杂美食LeRicher不同的是,CaféConstant专注于提供让食客重温鸡蛋含羞草、蓝带牛肉以及烤鸡这些儿时的美味佳肴——制作水准甚至连法国老奶奶也望尘莫及。

    Instead of the complex food served at Le Richer , Caf é Constant 's kitchen focuses on revisiting such childhood classics as eggs mimosa , veal cordon bleu and roast chicken - and even a French grand-m è re would have trouble rivalling its versions .

  22. ReginaHui表示,他们已经从当地食客中收到了非常积极的反馈,而分析师认为,由于较高的健康意识和多样的就餐选择,通常来说,这些人非常难以取悦。

    Hui said the chain had seen " very positive feedback " from local diners , who analysts say are increasingly tough to win over due to greater health awareness and a boom in the range of available dining options .

  23. 在春节期间,福临门香港两家酒楼的订餐情况都很不错,而据Chui表示,需求在很大程度上是由到香港过节的大陆食客推动的。

    The chain 's two Hong Kong restaurants are booked solid over the New Year season , and Ms. Chui says demand is largely fueled by mainland Chinese diners holidaying in the city .

  24. Kitanachelin节目很受欢迎,也就是说,一旦哪家餐馆获得好评,慕名而来的食客数量很可能激增。

    Once featured on ' Kitanachelin , ' the show 's popularity means a restaurant will likely see a surge in customers .

  25. 参与调查的读者认为,名单里列出的所有餐厅中,Chick-fil-A餐厅的食物最美味,食客给出的总体满意度评分也最高。参与评分的餐厅名单上还有KFC、BostonMarket、PopeyesLouisianaKitchen等。

    The best in show overall ? Chick-fil-A , which was said to have the most delicious food , as well as the highest satisfaction score among a cast of restaurants , including KFC , Boston Market , Popeyes Louisiana Kitchen , and others .

  26. 塞蒂为食客准备了山羊脑(bheja),先水焯、然后切碎,与马萨拉(masala)调料一起煎炒,作为加香料调味的山羊肉碎(methikeema)的伴菜。

    Sethi serves goat 's brains ( bheja ) blanched , chopped and fried in a masala as a supplement to a dish of spiced goat 's mince ( methi keema ) .

  27. 据新华社报道,江苏省张家港市一餐厅加收每位食客1元(0.15美元;10P)费用,以弥补空气净化器的设备成本。

    Diners at the eatery in Zhangjiagang city , Jiangsu Province , were charged one yuan ( $ 0.15 ; 10p ) each to cover the cost of purifying the air inside , the official Xinhua news agency reports .

  28. Nur饭店不许食客点菜,只提供包括九道菜的品味套餐。上菜的速度很快,上菜的顺序和方式也很合理,整个过程我从未感觉不耐烦或压力(当然最后,我发现自己吃得过饱)。

    Nur doesn 't give you any choices . It serves just one tasting menu of nine courses including dessert , and they came in rapid enough succession and sensible enough measure that I never felt impatient or overwhelmed ( though , by the end , I felt amply filled ) .

  29. 因此,对于其中的每一道菜肴,食客们都不惜时间,细嚼慢咽,尽情享受。

    So diners take time to chew and savor each course .

  30. 贝恩:天哪!你可真是个吵人的食客!

    Finn : My goodness , you are a noisy eater !