
  • 网络flavorants;flavor;Food Perfume
  1. 纳米TiO2催化合成食用香料苯甲酸异丁酯

    Study on catalytic synthesis of flavor isobutyl benzoate using nanometer TiO_2 as catalyst

  2. 食用香料化合物4-戊烯酸的合成研究

    Study on Synthesis of food flavor 4-pentenoic acid cooling compounds

  3. 33种药用及食用香料植物的抑菌活性研究

    Study on Antimicrobial Activities of 33 Herbal and Edible Spice plants

  4. 食用香料植物在食品工业中的开发与应用

    Development & Application of Food Flavoring Plants in Food Industry

  5. 热分析在食用香料香精分析中的应用

    Application of Thermal Analysis Technology in Analysis of Edible Flavors

  6. 食用香料对花生油抗氧化作用的研究

    Study on antioxidative effect of edible spices on peanut oil

  7. 食用香料香精安全性与国内外法规标准

    The safety concern and regulations & standards for flavorings

  8. 硫酸氢钠催化合成食用香料异丁酸苯氧乙酯

    Synthesis of flavor phenoxyethyl isobutyrate catalyzed by sodium bisulfate

  9. 食用香料5(6)-癸烯酸的研究进展

    Progress of 5 ( 6 ) - decenoic acid

  10. 食用香料草莓酸的合成新工艺

    Improved Synthesis Method for Strawberry Acid of Edibility Flavor

  11. 食用香料肉桂酸异戊酯合成研究

    Studies on synthesis of edible perfume isoamyl cinnamate

  12. 桃醛可作为皂用、日用化妆品和食用香料。

    Peach aldehyde can be used as soap , daily cosmetics and edible flavoring .

  13. 己酸异戊酯的合成研究食用香料己酸苄酯的合成

    Study on the Synthesis of Flavor Benzyl Hexanoate

  14. 3个重要含硫食用香料的研制

    Development of Three Thio - flavor Substances

  15. 含氮食用香料的概况

    The general situation of nitrogen-containing flavor

  16. 含硫食用香料的合成及应用

    Of them nineteen are sulfur - containing compounds . The Synthesis and Application of Sulfur - Containing Flavor

  17. 食用香料柠檬醛缩1,2-丙二醇的新法合成食品添加剂和配料在香精生产中的应用

    Synthesis of citral 1,2-propanediol acetal catalyzed by copper methanesulfonate Applications of food additives and ingredients in perfume compound production

  18. 以硫酸氢钠为催化剂,环己烷为脱水剂,己酸和苄醇为原料,合成了食用香料己酸苄酯。

    Using sodium hydrogen sulfate as the catalyst , butanic acid and benzyl alcohol reacted to form benzyl butyrate .

  19. 肉桂酸酯食用香料合成方法研究(Ⅱ)&强酸性离子交换树脂催化肉桂酸酯化反应

    STUDIES OF SYNTHETIC METHOD ON CINNAMIC ACID ESTER FOOD FLAVOR (ⅱ) Catalytic Esterification of Cinnamic Acid with Strong Acidity Cation exchange Resins

  20. 本文研究利用相转移催化剂催化肉桂酸盐与卤代烷反应合成肉桂酸酯食用香料的简便方法。

    This paper studies a simple way of synthesizing food flavoring ofcinnamic acid esters by using phase transfer eatylist to catalyze sodium cinnamate and alkyl halided after reaction .

  21. 摘要本文简单介绍了食用香料中的长效和耐高温香料。它们包括缩醛类、长效凉味剂、取代脂肪酸甘油酯和糖苷等。

    This paper describes briefly the flavor materials being resistant to high temperature and having a long-lasting taste and odor , including acetals , long-lasting cooling agent , substituted fatty acid glyceride and glucoside .

  22. 天然食用植物香料的特点和烹调应用

    The characteristics and culinary application of the edible vegetal spices

  23. 食用香精香料发展趋势展望

    Perspective on Development Tendency of Flavoring Essence and Spice

  24. 食用植物香料加工业发展现状

    Development prospect of natural food plant spices industry

  25. 近年来天然食用植物香料工业获得了长足的发展。

    This paper has analyzed the difficulties , which the development of natural food plant spices industry has faced .

  26. 藿香营养丰富,香气独特,兼具药用、食用、香料等多方面应用价值。

    The agastache rugosa with abundant nutrition and special fragrance has great value in medicine , eating , spile etc.

  27. 公司拥有一大批国内外食用香精香料领域知名的技术专家,并与数家境内外专业机构、高等院校签有长年技术合作协议。

    We boasts a great number of renowned experts , both domestic and foreign , in the field of food flavor and fragrance .

  28. 圣地亚哥索克研究机构的研究员大卫·舒伯特正在对姜黄&一种尤其在南亚被人广泛食用的香料进行研究。

    Researcher Dave Schubert from the Salk Institute in San Diego has been looking at turmeric , a spice that 's commonly used , particularly in South Asia .

  29. 食用香精香料在食品的生产和消费中起着十分重要的作用,但是其安全性研究因受多种因素影响而不尽完善。

    Food flavoring substances always play an important role in the manufacturing and consumption of foods , while the present research on their safety is still not satisfactory due to a variety of reasons .