
  • 网络food safety standards
  1. WTO视野下的我国食品安全标准解读

    In view of the WTO under the food safety standards

  2. Buck表示,现在可以采取许多措施来提高美国的食品安全标准。

    Buck says more can be done to improve U.S. food safety standards .

  3. 目前还没有全球性的食品安全标准,但雀巢等一些公司已经开始执行国际标准化组织(ISO)标准。

    There are no global food safety standards , although some companies such as Nestl é have begun implementing ISO standards .

  4. 稻米、玉米、大豆、油菜、猪肉、鸡肉和鸡蛋等膳食样品总汞含量超过国家食品安全标准(GB2762-2012)的限定值。

    The total Hg content in rice , corn , soybean and cole exceeded mercury safety limits recommended by national standard ( GB2762-2012 ) .

  5. 我国食品安全标准体系的现状与展望

    Status Quo and Prospect of Chinese Food Safety Standard System

  6. 中国食品安全标准的现状、问题与对策

    The present situation , question and countermeasure of Chinese food security standard

  7. 对中国食品安全标准体系的探讨

    Probe into the Standard System of Chinese Food Security

  8. 目前没有全球性的食品安全标准。

    There are no global food safety standards .

  9. 中国将规范食品安全标准。

    China to formulate food safety standards .

  10. 肯德基(中国)公司声称这符合中国的食品安全标准。

    KFC Corp ( China ) say that this goes along with China 's food safety standards .

  11. 他们也暗示更喜欢在大型超市购物,因为相信那里的食品安全标准较高。

    They also hinted that they prefer shopping at big supermarkets , where they believe food safety standards are higher .

  12. 在食品安全标准和审查异常严格的日本,中国进口食品的合格率为99.4%。

    In Japan , where food safety standards and inspections are unusually rigorous , the acceptance rate was 99.4 per cent .

  13. 行走于破解与重构之间&我国食品安全标准强制性的规范法学解读

    Walking between the crack and reconstruction & Interpretation of the Normative Law about " Mandatory " of China 's Food Safety Standards

  14. 日前中国通过相关法律,规定明星代言不符合食品安全标准的食品广告将为其造成的消费者伤害和损失承担连带责任。

    China has approved legislation to make celebrities who advertise a food product that is later found to be substandard liable for damages .

  15. 委员会的工作成果构成国际食品安全标准,亦即“食品法典”。

    The results of the commission 's work form the international food safety standard , Codex Alimentarius ( Latin for " food code ") .

  16. 本文的思路主要是从食品安全标准的制定、食品安全体系的认证制度和食品召回三个方面来具体叙述。

    This idea is mainly coming from the food safety standards , food safety and food recall system certification system to describe the three aspects specifically .

  17. 从微观层面看:存在食品安全标准模糊、地方保护主义严重、监管信息透明度不够、监管执法无力及监管立法不明确。

    From the microscopic view , it exists the faintness of food security standard , serious local protectionism , opaque supervision information and unclear supervision regulation .

  18. 但是,我国畜牧业普遍存在着产品质量低、达不到食品安全标准、容易遭受流行病冲击、价格波动频繁等问题。

    However , a large proportion of the livestock products are low quality and generally falls short of food national safety standards and their price frequently fluctuate .

  19. 堂本晓子认为,在中国开采有争议的海底天然气或食品安全标准等问题上,不能信任北京。

    The governor argued that on issues such as China 's exploitation of disputed underwater gas reserves or its food-safety standards , Beijing could not be trusted .

  20. 北京晨报昨天报道沃尔玛和特意购的官方声明都说他们是依据中国的食品安全标准操作的。

    It is reported by the Beijing Morning Postyesterday that both of the official statements from Walmart and Tescosaid they operate according to the Chinese'food safety standards .

  21. 现行食品安全标准法律体系存在如下问题:标准的含义与世界贸易组织关于标准的定义抵触;强制性标准的法律性质、效力来源与法律位阶不明;

    The present food safety legal system of standard in China has the following problems : the definition of standard goes against that of the World Trade Organization ;

  22. 食用农产品的生产者应遵照食品安全标准使用杀虫剂、肥料、生长调节器、兽药、饲料和饲料添加剂。

    Producers of edible farm products are required to abide by food safety standards when using pesticide , fertilizer , growth regulators , veterinary drugs , feedstuff and feed additives .

  23. 从规范法学角度看,食品安全标准的强制性是指食品安全标准“具有强制效力”,而非食品安全标准本身是强制标准。

    From the normative law point of view , mandatory of food safety standards means it has the effectiveness of mandatory , rather than it is the mandatory standard itself .

  24. 在上述总体构建的基础上,认为地方政府的管理角色还应正确定位,以利多方合作,共同促进食品安全标准化系统监管机制的构建。

    Construction in general on the basis of the above , that the role of local government management should also be properly positioned to facilitate multi-party cooperation system for monitoring food safety standards Mechanism .

  25. 生产不符合食品安全标准的食品或者销售明知是不符合食品安全标准的食品,消费者除要求赔偿损失外,还可以向生产者或者销售者要求支付价款十倍的赔偿金。

    Besides claiming damages , a consumer may require the producer , who produces food which does not conform to the food safety standards , or the seller who knowingly sells food which does not conform to the food safety standards , to pay10 times the money paid .

  26. 虽然3种改良剂均能降低土壤中有效态Cd以及糙米和秸秆中Cd的含量,使稻米质量符合国家食品卫生安全标准,但土壤性质的不同会影响改良剂的效果。

    In addition , all three amendments could decrease the content of Cd in brown rice , stalk and effective Cd content in soil , and make rice accord with the National Food Safety Standards .

  27. 国内外食品安全卫生标准状况的比较研究

    The study of status of ST and ard for safety and sanitation at food in world

  28. 其他不属于进口无食品安全国家标准的食品。

    Other foods not in the category of import foods without governing national food safety standards .

  29. 进口不符合我国食品安全国家标准的食品;

    It imports any food which does not conform to the national food safety standards of china ;

  30. 据参加协商的消息来源称,贸易协定中的条款很有可能废除欧洲更高的(食品安全)标准。

    According to sources at the negotiations of these treaties , the provisions in them may well eradicate the EU 's higher standards .