
  • 网络Food safety hazard;food hazard
  1. 其次,分别介绍了本文研究中所涉及的基本概念和相关理论。包括介绍食品安全的内涵及重要性;食品安全危害的分类;HACCP理论和危机管理理论。

    Secondly , it introduces the relevant basic concept and theory involved in this article research , including the introduction of food safety and the importance of connotation ; classification of food safety hazard , the theory of HACCP and crisis management .

  2. 食品链的紧急变化:针对这些变化引起的食品安全危害重新进行分析和评估,必要时进行食品安全体系的更新。

    Sudden changes in food supply chain : analyze and revaluate the food safety hazard caused by the sudden changes , and if necessary , update the food safety system .

  3. HACCP是人们用来控制食品安全危害的一种通常技术,一个分析工具,也是一种重要的管理体系,它可以与任何操作相结合,能使正在进行的食品安全性项目保持经济有效。

    HACCP is a kind of usual technology and analysis tool which may control food hazard . And it is also a kind of important manage system .

  4. 该小组应当熟知食品安全危害和HACCP原理,当出现了内部无法解决的问题时,可以请有关的专家帮助。

    The team should be familiar with food safety hazards and the principle of HACCP , when there was an internal can not solve the problem , can ask the relevant experts to help .

  5. 环境激素对食品安全的危害及防治

    The Perniciousness of Environmental Hormone to Food Safety and Its Prevention and Control

  6. 耐药性呈全球发展趋势,极大地影响着食品安全,危害着人类身体健康。

    The resistance has a development trend towards all over the world , which deeply affect the safety of delicatessen and badly endanger the health of the humankind .

  7. 主要管制点为一个点、步骤或程序,若加以控制,则可预防、去除、或减低食品中安全危害至可接受之程度。

    Critical control point , ccp : a point , step or procedure at which control can be applied and a food safety hazard can be prevented , eliminated or reduced to acceptable levels .

  8. 系统阐述了食品安全的危害因素和不同阶段的理解,着重论述了有机食品和常规食品的质量安全对比及其形成原因,并对2种农业耕种方式在保障食品安全中的作用进行了简要说明。

    The hazards and stages of food safety were analysised , and the comparison of organic food and conventional food were analysised , also its reasons . Simple explanation was made about the role of two styles for food safety .

  9. 危害分析与关键控制点(HACCP)质量控制体系是鉴别、评价和控制对食品安全至关重要的危害的一种体系,该体系被认为是保障食品安全最有效的管理体系。

    Hazard analysis critical control point , or HACCP is a systematic approach to food safety that identifies , evaluates and control critical hazards . It is considered to be the most effective managerial systematic approach to ensure food safety .

  10. 同时,食品安全问题的危害性和破坏力不容小觑,要想完全解决它,也绝非一朝一夕之计,这就对以人为本思想的进一步贯彻落实提出了更高的要求。

    At the same time , food safety hazards and the destructive power can not be underestimated , in order to completely solve it , it is a short duration of time plan , the " people-oriented " of the thought carry out further fulfill put forward higher requirements .

  11. 我国动物源性食品质量安全问题、危害及其监管对策

    The Safety , Harm and Supervision Countermeasures on Animals'Source Food in Our Country

  12. 三鹿奶粉事件为国人敲响了警钟,警示大家食品安全事件已经成为危害我们生命健康权的重大问题。

    Sanlu milk powder incident Sounded the alarm for the people , which alerts us that food safety incidents have become hazardous to our life and health .

  13. 掺杂食品,增加食品中的安全危害。

    Leakage of noxious materials increases the safety hazard .

  14. HACCP计划是一个预防食品发生安全问题,监测、控制食品危害的管理系统和工具,它被用来防止、减少、避免、排除可能对食品安全造成的危害。

    HACCP is a systematic approach to identify , assess , and control of hazards , it was used to minimize and prevent the potential un-safety in the food production .

  15. 食品安全管理体系的重点是预防和控制食品安全危害。

    The key of food safety management system is preventing and controlling food safety hazards .

  16. 此外,食品安全事件和那些被鉴定为新的潜在食品安全危害,会引起媒体对食品安全问题的更多关注,同时导致消费者对食品安全风险管理的信心降低。

    Moreover , food safety incidents and the identification of new potential food safety hazards , can lead to more media attention to food safety issues and lower consumer confidence in food safety and risk management .

  17. 不合理的使用兽药后容易造成动物性食品中兽药残留,不但影响动物性食品的安全性,危害人体健康,而且还影响我国动物性食品的国际贸易。

    It is easily lead to the unreasonable use of veterinary drugs residues in animal food . Not only affect the animal food safety , harm to human health , but also affect the international trade of animal products .

  18. 由于目前食品安全牵涉面广、管理部门多、监管难度大,而且食品安全的危害还具有一定的隐蔽性和不确定因素。

    Because food safety involves a wide range of management and supervision difficult , and the food safety hazards also has a certain degree of secrecy and uncertainties .

  19. 建立了良好的重大活动食品安全保障工作模式,通过关键控制环节的监控,监督员能及时发现食品安全危害因素,针对重点环节开展监督保障,提升科学监管的效率。

    We established a good food security system of major events . With the help of the critical control points , supervisor could find food safety risk in time , monitor the key point and upgrade scientifically regulatory efficiency . 3 .

  20. HACCP体系作为食品安全控制方法业已为全世界所认可,虽然HACCP不是零风险体系,但HACCP可用于尽量减少食品安全危害的风险。

    The HACCP system as a food safety control method has been universally recognized , although HACCP is not zero risk system , but the HACCP can be used to minimize the risk of food safety hazards .

  21. 因此,建立食品原料的验收、烹调加工、冷菜制作、餐具消毒、个人卫生5个关键控制点,能有效控制餐饮食品安全危害因素。

    Therefore , the application of five critical control points about material purchasing , cooking process , cold food production , tableware disinfection and personal hygiene could effective control food safety hazards .