
  • 网络Social Barriers
  1. 继技术性贸易壁垒之后,社会壁垒又涌现出来。

    Behind the technical barriers to trade , there come the social barriers to trade .

  2. 最近几年,社会壁垒已经成为欧盟国家及其他发达国家的重要贸易手段。

    Social barriers have become an important trade tool of EU countries and other developed countries in recent years .

  3. 这部分阐述了社会壁垒的涵义,特点、表现形式、并深入分析了社会壁垒主要的表现形式SA8000。

    The part expatiates the meaning of social and its character , form , and deeply analyzes the main form SA8000 of social barrier .

  4. 第三章从不同角度分析了社会壁垒对国际贸易的影响。

    The third chapter analyzes the influence of social barrier in international trade from various angles .

  5. 首先,站在发达国家和发展中国家的立场,从国际政治经济学视角分析社会壁垒;

    Firstly the chapter analyzes social barrier from international plutonomy according to the standpoint of developed countries and developing countries ;

  6. 本文从基本概念入手,采用逐步深入的逻辑分析,系统阐述社会壁垒和劳工标准的内容和发展历程,以及其发展趋势。

    This paper began with basic concept , combining with practice , researched the content of Social Barrier , process and trend of development .

  7. 随着我国对外经济贸易迅速发展,社会壁垒这一论题的理论和实践意义愈发显得重要。

    With the rapid development of external trade of our country , it begins more important to study the theory and practice of the Social Barrier .

  8. 这些严格苛刻的技术标准、质量标准、环保标准、技术法规就构成了技术壁垒,劳工标准则是社会壁垒的核心内容。

    Technical standard , quality standard , environmental standard , technical laws and regulations are the main body of technical barrier while labor standard is labor barrier .

  9. 本章从突破新型贸易壁垒的角度,重点研究技术壁垒、绿色壁垒、社会壁垒对中国苹果汁国际竞争力的影响。

    This chapter , from the breakthroughs of new trade barriers , focuses on technical trade barriers , green barriers , social barriers on apple juice international competitiveness .

  10. 新型非关税壁垒,包括技术壁垒、环境壁垒和社会壁垒,是贸易保护主义在经济中的现实反映。

    The new non-tariff barrier , including the technical barrier , the environment barrier and the social barrier , is the trade protectionism in the economical reality reflection .

  11. 本文就社会壁垒的产生、发展及其合理性进行了分析,并指出其对我国政府与企业的积极影响。

    In this paper , the author analyses the emerging and development of social barriers and its rationality , and sets forth its positive impact on Chinese government and enterprises .

  12. 但这件事道出了一个事实,就是我们那里非常缺乏安全感,你需要伪装成另一种人,才能越过重重社会壁垒。

    but it speaks to a very real insecurity in these places that you have to pretend to be somebody you 're not to get past these various social barriers .

  13. 其次,结合比较优势理论、竞争优势理论,分析社会壁垒对发展中国家国际贸易利益的影响以及对发展中国家国际竞争力的影响。再次,应用关税和非关税壁垒的分析方法,分析

    Then the chapter combine the comparative advantage theory with the competitive advantage theory , analyzing the influence of social barriers for developing country 's international trade benefit and their international competitive

  14. 在传统贸易壁垒作用日益减弱的今天,技术壁垒、绿色壁垒、社会壁垒等新贸易壁垒已成为我国外贸发展的主要障碍。

    Nowadays the function of traditional trade barriers have been weakened gradually and new trade barriers , such as technical barriers to trade , green barriers and social barriers , become the main obstacles of foreign trade .

  15. 传统的社会壁垒指以劳动者的劳动条件和环境以及生存权利等为借口而采取的各种贸易保护措施的总称。

    It is quite different from the traditional social barriers , which concentrated mainly on the trade protection based on the excuses of the workers ' working environment , working conditions and their rights to live and so on .

  16. 社会壁垒的根源是国际劳工标准在国际贸易领域的应用,发达国家企图通过贸易限制促使发展中国家尽早提高劳工标准。

    The root of the social barriers is the application of the international labor , standards in the area of international trade , and with the " stick " of trade restriction , the developed countries try to force developing countries to improve their labor standards .

  17. 可是他们依据的是儒家学说,并不打算打破农村宗法社会的壁垒&解放农民,并把他们吸收到革命阵营中来。

    But these men allied themselves with Confucian ideals and they made no attempts to smash the walls of village clan life and use the released prisoners in the services of a revolutionary power .

  18. 介绍了我国家电业将来面临反补贴、社会责任壁垒的可能性,以期提高家电企业对这两类壁垒的警惕性。

    On the base of it , the paper introduces the possibility of countervailing and social responsibility barriers which China household appliance industry will face in future , the goal of which is to improve the household appliance enterprises vigilance to two types of barriers .

  19. 而另一些评论者则表示,文化和社会习俗的壁垒才是女性事业成功的拦路虎。

    Other commentators say cultural and institutional barriers hinder female success .

  20. 证券产业的退出壁垒主要分为经济性退出壁垒和社会性退出壁垒。

    The exit barriers are composed by economic barrier and social barrier .

  21. 企业社会责任贸易壁垒化的经济效应研究

    Study on the Economic Effect of the Trend to Trade Barrier of the Corporate Social Responsibility

  22. 第五部分是企业社会责任贸易壁垒化对我国经济影响的实证研究。

    The fifth part is empirical studies showing the impact to China of the trend to trade barrier of corporate social responsibility .

  23. 在许多国家,法律以及社会和文化壁垒妨碍风险群体获得必要的干预措施和知识以减少有害行为。

    In many countries , legal as well as social and cultural barriers prevent groups at risk from receiving the interventions and knowledge needed to reduce harmful behaviours .

  24. 市场结构方面,结合进入壁垒理论分析,发现银行间债券市场既存在一般的经济性壁垒和法律、政策性壁垒,又具有特有的高社会性进入壁垒。

    As to market structure , combined with the Entry Barrier Theory , there are some contractual characteristics of incomplete function in IBBM . According to there existed not only market and policy barriers but also high-social barriers in IBBM .

  25. 第三部分和第四部分主要运用局部均衡的分析方法,分析企业社会责任贸易壁垒化的经济效应,详细阐述其在短期及长期对出口额、产业发展及福利的不同效应。

    The third part and the fourth part mainly apply the theory of partial equilibrium analysis to study the mechanism of the trend to trade barrier of corporate social responsibility . Elaborate on its short-term and long-term affect on exports , industry and welfare .

  26. 基于出口企业社会责任的贸易壁垒演变研究

    A Study of the Evolution of the Trade Barriers Based on Exporters ' Corporate Social Responsibility

  27. 本文通过对出口企业社会责任与贸易壁垒演变的相关性研究,试图揭示贸易壁垒产生的合理性及贸易壁垒演变的新趋势。

    By the relevant research between the exporters ' CSR and the evolution of trade barriers , this thesis tries to reveal the reasonableness and new trend of the trade barriers and the correlation between them as well .

  28. 第二部分主要论述企业社会责任和传统非关税贸易壁垒的基本理论以及国际贸易中企业社会责任贸易壁垒化的历程和现状。

    The second part focuses on the emergence , development and sophisticated theory of corporate social responsibility and general non-tariff barriers as well as the development process and content of the trend to trade barrier of corporate social responsibility in the international trade field .