
  • 网络Tax Discrimination
  1. 同时,在布鲁塞尔,欧盟委员会正在接受13家欧洲大公司的投诉,指责匈牙利对外国公司实行税收歧视。

    Meanwhile , in Brussels the European Commission is taking up a complaint launched by13 large European companies , accusing Hungary of tax discrimination against foreign-owned businesses .

  2. 但是,欧盟现行机制制约了税收非歧视待遇的进一步发展。

    However , the current legal framework of EU restricts the further development of tax non-discrimination .

  3. 当同一产业相同规模的公司受到税收体系的歧视时,我们自然就没有公平竞争可言了。

    When tax systems discriminate between companies of the same size carrying on tile same line of business then , by definition , we do not have a level playing field .

  4. 这些问题包括:如何确保此类税收不违反反歧视法规?如何定义“奖金”以使之无法逃避,例如通过临时转到较高薪酬的工作而避开税收?

    Questions included how to ensure any such tax did not breach anti-discrimination rules and how to define a bonus so it could not be side-stepped by , for example , a temporary move to a higher-paid job .

  5. 揭示了企业税收负担来源,讨论了税收负担不均衡、税收制度性歧视以及政策目标混乱等问题。

    The paper indicates the source of enterprise tax burden , and analyzes the following problems , such as unbalanced burden of taxation , tax institutional discrimination and disordered policy objectives , etc.