
shuì é
  • Tax amount;the amount of tax to be paid
税额 [shuì é]
  • [the amount of tax to be paid] 需上缴税款的数额

税额[shuì é]
  1. 减免的税额在地产和受益人之间分摊。

    The allowable deduction is apportioned between the estate and the beneficiaries .

  2. 政府一直在搞税额抵免、加速折旧及其他一些经济上的花招。

    The government has been offering tax credits , accelerated depreciation , and other economic hanky-panky .

  3. 酒税税额随酒瓶容量的大小而有所不同。

    The cost of the alcohol duty varies according to the amount of wine in the bottle

  4. “她享有的个人所得免税额是3,000英镑。”——“是的,但是她一分钱都不挣。”

    ' She is entitled to her personal allowance which is three thousand pounds of income . ' — ' Yes , but she doesn 't earn any money . '

  5. 税额的大削减刺激了消费的迅速增长。

    The big tax cuts fueled a consumer boom .

  6. 销项税额=销售额x税率

    Output tax = Sales amount * Tax rate

  7. 进项税额=买价x扣除率

    Input tax = Purchasing price * Deduction rate

  8. 满意度最高的五类分别是A级信用度纳税人、年纳税额大于50万元的纳税人、B级信用度纳税人以及增值税一般纳税人。

    The highest satisfaction level five are A credit taxpayers , the annual tax amount is greater than 50 million taxpayers , B-level value-added tax credit the taxpayer and the general taxpayer .

  9. 每年Intuit公司为电子报税者处理的退税额高达几十亿美元。

    Intuit processes billions in refunds for electronic tax filers every year .

  10. 出口的影响因素众多,但在我国起到决定性作用的主要是累计FDI、出口退税额、贸易环境等因素。

    The effect elements on China 's export are numerous , but the most important element is Progressive FDI , the Amount of Export drawback , trade environment and so on in China .

  11. 美国也是,其公司利润占gdp的比重近年来维持在历史最高点,可是联邦总收入中公司税额却处于历史最低点附近。

    In America corporate profits as a share of GDP have been at record levels in recent years , but the corporate tax take as a proportion of federal revenues has been near historic lows .

  12. 澳大利亚反对党工党(Laborparty)正承诺争取在7月2日大选前削减对购房出租者的税额减免,维多利亚州则在去年首次推出针对外国购房者的印花税后仅过了一年就上调了该税率。

    The opposition Labor party is promising to cut tax breaks for buy-to-let investors ahead of a July 2 election , while Victoria 's stamp duty increase for foreign buyers comes just a year after it introduced the tax for the first time .

  13. “更好的做法是,将政策向美国下半部家庭倾斜,因为他们更有可能将更多抵税额用于消费,”华盛顿税收政策中心(taxpolicycenter)主任兰布尔曼(lenburman)表示。

    " A better way to do this would be to skew it towards the bottom half of American households because they would be likelier to spend more of it , " says len Burman , head of the tax policy center in Washington .

  14. 在第五章我们建立了RCA降税模型,其降税依据是农产品国际竞争力,更确切地说,是根据农产品总体显示比较优势来确定各类税目的降税额。

    It is in fourth chapter that optimizing tariff model of tariff decreasing is constructed based on social welfare or optimizing tariff And RCA model of tariff decreasing in fifth chapter on international competition , exactly on general RCA of farm produce .

  15. 这些措施很可能会使将来的税额降低。

    These measures are likely to lead to future tax cuts .

  16. 个人所得税免税额是否应该调整及其相关问题分析

    A Correlative Analysis on Adjusting the Allowance of Individual Income Tax

  17. 政府已通过提高所得税额法案。

    The government has put through a law Faising income taxes .

  18. 他还暗示说,适用于高收入美国人的税额减免上限将低于25000美元。

    He suggested the cap would be lower for upper-income Americans .

  19. 新减税额只是九牛一毛。

    The new tax cuts are a drop in the ocean .

  20. 抵押款提高了,其中一部分可由免税额增加而抵消。

    Higher mortgage rates are partly offset by increased tax allowances .

  21. 商业税额明显增加。

    Therefore , the total business taxes were increased clearly .

  22. 在收入税收法案下,增加基本个人和配偶免税额。

    Raise basic personal exemption and spousal exemption under income tax act .

  23. 请计算出具体税额,我们要补税。

    Please calculate the concrete customs , we want to repay it .

  24. 对进口品的实际征税率实际应缴地方所得税额

    Effective duty rate on imports Local income tax to be paid 19-20

  25. 能够接受的扣减(特别是减免税额)。

    Acceptable as a deduction ( especially as a tax deduction ) .

  26. 法律提高了我们必须缴的税额。

    The statute increased the taxes we must pay .

  27. 从海关取得的完税凭证上注明的增值税额。

    VAT indicated on the tax payment receipts obtained from the customs office .

  28. 某些营业上的亏损可以从税额中抵消。

    Certain business losses can be set against taxes .

  29. 首相明白地暗示她打算提高税额。

    The Minister gave a broad hint that she intends to raise taxes .

  30. 就是减免小公司的税额

    The answer is tax credits for small businesses .