
lín shí
  • temporary;provisional;tentative;casual;contingent;occasional;impromptu;for the time being;for a short time;pro tem;at the time when sth.happens;at the time when sth. happens
临时 [lín shí]
  • [at the time when sth.happens] 事到临头

  • [temporary; casual; contingent; impromptu; provisional; tentative; temporary; occasional; for the time being] 非正式的;短期的、暂时的

  • 临时总统

  • 这本参考书临时借用一下

  • 临时办法

临时[lín shí]
  1. 人们意识到这只是个临时的解决方案。

    It was recognized that this solution could only be temporary .

  2. 他们希望能草草搭成一个临时安置区。

    They hope to be able to patch together a temporary settlement .

  3. 80%的入室行窃都是临时起意者所为。

    80 % of burglaries are committed by casual opportunists .

  4. 由现有的委员组成了一个临时委员会。

    A pro tem committee was formed from existing members .

  5. 我们用木板和砖头临时搭了些架子。

    We improvised some shelves out of planks of wood and bricks .

  6. 预先安排好的节目将临时换成特别新闻简报。

    The scheduled programme will be pre-empted by a special news bulletin .

  7. 我把讲稿丢了,只好临时说了一通。

    I lost my notes and had to ad-lib the whole speech .

  8. 他以前从事临时服务业。

    He hired himself out to whoever needed his services .

  9. 雇主雇用临时职员有增加的趋势。

    There is a growing tendency among employers to hire casual staff .

  10. 特约演奏临时取消了。

    The gig was pulled at the last moment .

  11. 他在我们这里做临时工。

    He works for us on an occasional basis .

  12. 他总是临时变卦。

    When it comes to the point , he always changes his mind .

  13. 他竟厚着脸皮要他以前的女朋友为他们临时照看小孩。

    He had the cheek to ask his ex-girlfriend to babysit for them .

  14. 我们可以临时把帐篷搭在那块地上。

    We could pitch our tent in that field .

  15. 他们用瓦楞铁板搭建了一个临时住所。

    They built a temporary home out of zincs .

  16. 我一直在一家职业介绍所做临时工。

    I 've been temping for an employment agency .

  17. 这是我们临时能弄到的最好的房间了。

    This was the best room we could get at such short notice .

  18. 他们不得不搬进临时住所。

    They had to move into temporary accommodation .

  19. 他在帮邻居临时照看小孩。

    He 's babysitting the neighbour 's children .

  20. 我在找临时工作。

    I 'm looking for some temporary work .

  21. 我们有几个临时工的空缺。

    We have several vacancies for casual workers .

  22. 临时用几个垫子拼了一张床。

    A few cushions formed a makeshift bed .

  23. 半数以上的职员是临时雇员。

    More than half the staff are temporary .

  24. 我们新来的临时保姆是难得的好保姆。

    Our new babysitter is a real find .

  25. 为了营救下沉渡轮上的旅客,各类船只都被临时征用了。

    Every type of boat was pressed into service to rescue passengers from the sinking ferry .

  26. 他们临时举行了选举。

    They held a snap election .

  27. 临时支路都将设置路标。

    Diversions will be signposted .

  28. 我为这次面试做好了万全的心理准备,可最后它临时取消了。

    I 'd got myself all psyched up for the interview and then it was called off at the last minute .

  29. 在刚过巴尔比环岛的地方,有一个临时红绿灯。

    Just past the Barlby roundabout there 's temporary traffic lights .

  30. 肯尼被临时雇来看门。

    Kenny had been pressed into service to guard the door .