
  • 网络socialist taxation
  1. 社会主义税收的根本目的应该是促进生产力的高速发展,税收立法、执法、司法及各项工作均应以此为出发点。

    The basic purpose of socialist taxation is to promote the rapid development of productivity .

  2. 从实践角度来看,本文研究对完善中国特色社会主义税收法律体系、规范财政收支制度具有重要的应用价值。

    This study also has important application value to improving the tax legal system and regulating the financial systems .

  3. 它对于推进社会主义税收法制建设,促进我国社会的经济发展与政治进步都有极其重要的意义。

    And it is of great importance to the construction of socialist tax law system and advances in both economy and politics .

  4. 如何完善我国社会主义税收法制,实现真正意义上的依法治税,是我国法学界,尤其是经济法学和行政法学界的学者们必须正视的难题。

    How to perfecting revenue legal system of our nation to achieve taxation by law in real sense is a difficult problem that must be faced by scholars of economy law and administrative law .

  5. 构建社会主义和谐社会税收政策选择研究

    On the Tax Policy to Construct Socialism Harmonious Society in China

  6. 论社会主义制度下基层税收管理

    The Grass-root Tax Revenue Management under the Socialism System

  7. 撒切尔夫人(1993年采访):企业精神已经被社会主义、过高的税收、过强的管制和过分公用的支出压制了很多年。

    MARGARET THATCHER ( interviewed in1993 ): The spirit of enterprise had been sat upon for years by socialism , by too-high taxes , by too-high regulation , by too-public expenditure .

  8. 1994年,通过分税制改革,中国初步建立了符合社会主义市场经济的税收制度。经过18年的不断调整与优化,这一制度逐步完善和成熟起来。

    China has initially established a tax system in line with the socialist market economy through the tax system reform in 1994 , and after continuous adjustment and optimization for 18 years , the system has gradually improved and became mature .