
  1. 凡是有利于发展社会主义科学事业的要求和创议,就应该给以支持。

    We must support all demands and suggestions that will further scientific work in our socialist society .

  2. 出版物市场管理关系到国民经济的总体建设、社会主义科学文化的繁荣,意义重大。

    The administration of the publication market is a vital part of the whole national economy and the advance of the socialistic science and culture .

  3. 在这种实践新形式下探讨人的发展问题是马克思主义哲学的应有之意,同时也是社会主义科学发展观的本质要求。

    Discussing the development of human under the new practical form is essential request of the socialist scientific view on development ; meanwhile it is also just the meaning of Marxism philosophy .

  4. 笔者对社会主义科学体系中接班人理论与其他社会主义国家接班人问题的研究提出了新观点。

    Furthermore , the author puts forward some new ideas about the theory on successors in the socialist scientific system and about the studies in other socialist countries about the question of successors .

  5. 其实,关于双百方针,历史上已经有权威的结论,那就是双百方针是一项繁荣社会主义科学和文化艺术的基本方针。

    In fact , about the " double hundred " policy , there is an authoritative opinion that the " double hundred " policy is a basic flourishing policy of socialist culture and arts .

  6. 加强对地方政府行政效能测量、控制、纠错和报告制度建设,完善地方政府行政效能监督体制是提高各级政府服务质量,获取人民信任,构建和谐社会和践行社会主义科学发展观的重要途径。

    To improve the public service and to get the peoples ' credit , so as to construct harmonious society , we must establish a set of institutions of efficacy-supervision to strengthen the evaluation , control , regulating and reporting of the administration-efficacy of local government .

  7. 社会主义与科学技术相结合的逻辑

    The Logic of the Combination of Socialism with Science and Technology

  8. 中国特色社会主义:科学社会主义在中国的继承和发展

    Socialism with Chinese characteristics is the inheritance and development of scientific socialism in China

  9. 论社会主义的科学与价值

    Science and Value of Socialism

  10. 现实中一些学术文献对社会主义意识形态科学性的把握上存在着一些片面性或者误区,影响了社会主义意识形态的形象和人们对社会主义的认同。

    The misunderstandings over the " scientific nature " of socialist ideology influence people 's identification towards socialist .

  11. 确认社会主义是科学与价值的统一,在今天有着重要的意义。

    At present , it is very important to regard socialism as a unity of science and value .

  12. 我们的科学技术人员,为社会主义的科学事业辛勤劳动,怎么是脱离政治呢?

    How can our scientists and technicians who work diligently at socialist scientific enterprises be accused of being divorced from politics ?

  13. 中国特色社会主义是科学社会主义基本原则与当代中国实践和时代特征相结合的产物;

    Socialism with Chinese characteristics is the combination of the basic principle of scientific socialism with its contemporary practice in China and epoch features .

  14. 社会主义除科学基础外,应该包含价值因素,因为科学社会主义的基础&唯物史观和剩余价值学说中都包含有价值因素。

    Besides scientific basis , socialism should also include elements of value since the bases of scientific socialism-historical materialism and surplus value theory-contain value factors .

  15. 社会主义的科学发展观尤其是建设社会主义和谐社会的提法面世以后,有关现实社会主义的本质、价值及其发展道路的研讨,成为理论界讨论的热点。

    Since the scientific development of socialism and especially the statement constructing the harmonious socialist society are advanced , studies of the nature , value and path of realistic socialism have been the focus of discussion .

  16. 由于资本主义制度在中国的实验失败,中国人民迫切需要科学社会主义这个科学武器来摆脱两半社会的地位和拯救严重的民族危机。

    Because of the failure of capitalism in China , the Chinese people urgently need the scientific weapon , that is , scientific to help them shake off their two-halves social state and save the people in danger .

  17. 致力于社会主义的科学事业,作出贡献,这固然是专的表现,在一定意义上也可以说是红的表现。

    Working devotedly for our socialist scientific enterprises and making contributions to them is , of course , a sign that one is expert ; in a sense , it is also a sign that one is " red " .

  18. 建构了具有中国特色的社会主义新闻学的科学体系。

    It constructed the scientific system of socialist journalism with Chinese features .

  19. 历史主义原则与社会主义本质的科学构建

    Historical Principle and Scientific Construction of Theory of Socialist Essence

  20. 摘要社会主义意识形态是科学的意识形态,这是它与以往一切旧意识形态的根本区别。

    That socialist ideology contains scientific nature distinguishes it from all the past ideologies .

  21. 三代领导人对社会主义实践的科学把握

    Three Leaders ' Holding for Socialist Practice

  22. 简论中国特色社会主义的完整科学内容

    Socialism with Chinese Characteristic

  23. 创立具有中国特色的社会主义道德管理科学是摆在我们面前的一个重要而迫切的任务。

    It is an important and urgent task before us to set up socialist moral management science with Chinese feature .

  24. 如同中国特色社会主义事业要科学发展一样,党的建设也必须科学发展。

    As the cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics as to the scientific development , party building must also be scientific development .

  25. 你们为社会主义祖国的科学技术的进步,辛勤劳动,做出了卓越的贡献。

    You have all worked diligently for the progress of science and technology in our socialist motherland and made outstanding contributions in this regard .

  26. 他们关于中国如何根据自身实际情况来规划和建设社会主义现代化的科学设计和构想,就是我们所说的中国社会主义现代化建设思想。

    Their scientific design and proposition about how to plan and construct socialist modernization according to China 's real condition is the thoughts of China 's socialist modernization construction by our means .

  27. 19世纪中叶,马克思、恩格斯对社会主义进行了科学的预测,描绘出未来社会的三大基本经济特征是公有制、计划经济、按劳分配;

    In the middle of the 19th century , Marx and Engels predicted the socialism scientifically and they described the basic economic characteristics of the future society like this ; a public ownership , planned economy and distribution according to work .

  28. 笔者在准确把握社会主义和谐社会科学内涵的基础上,积极探讨民族地区构建和谐社会的特殊性,并针对民族地区的特点,探求民族地区构建和谐社会的现实途径。

    By grasping the scientific connotation of socialist harmonious society , the author actively approaches the peculiar features to construct the harmonious society in national regions and searches for the realistic ways to construct the harmonious society in national regions in accordance with the features in the national regions .

  29. 论社会主义和谐文化的科学内涵和基本特征

    On the scientific connotations and basic characteristics of the socialist harmonious culture

  30. 第二部分是社会主义和谐社会的科学内涵。

    The second part is the scientific content of a harmonious society .