
niǎo kàn
  • bird's-eye view;get a birds-eye view;get a bird's-eye view;look down from above;general survey of a subject
鸟瞰 [niǎo kàn]
  • [get a birds-eye view] 从高处往下看

  • 鸟瞰全城

  • (1) [birds-eye view]∶为地形测量或城市规划工作所拍摄的倾斜航空照片

  • (2) [general survey of a subject]∶事物的概括描写

鸟瞰[niǎo kàn]
  1. 实际上,这个集市的阁楼是属于印度展馆的一个展区的,在那里,游客可以鸟瞰整个印度展馆。

    In fact , the attic in this market belongs to one of the exhibition areas of the India Pavilion , from which one can get a bird 's-eye view of the whole pavilion .

  2. 从山上我们可以鸟瞰全城。

    From the hill we can take a bird 's-eye view of the city .

  3. 影片以空中鸟瞰内华达大盆地的镜头开始。

    The film begins with an aerial view of the Great Basin of Nevada .

  4. 但因为我们有几栋楼,下面的鸟瞰图可能会有帮助。

    But because we have several buildings , the overlook below might be helpful .

  5. birds-eyeview的意思就是从上空对某一区域做一个鸟瞰。

    And a birds-eye view is a general look at an area from above .

  6. 在鸟瞰图绘制中,对地形采用了基于Cg语言的凹凸纹理效果,进一步提高了系统的绘制效率。

    For improving efficiency , bump mapping is used to render terrain in Cg language .

  7. “C5鸟瞰”的轮廓反映了雪铁龙公司为达到最佳的空气动力学设计做的努力。

    The profile of C5 Airscape reflects Citroen 's efforts to achieve optimal aerodynamic design .

  8. 利用P-Buffer模拟虚拟场景的后视镜和鸟瞰图

    Simulation of Rearview Mirror and Airscape in Virtual Environment with P-Buffer

  9. 生活的色彩:绿色。鸟瞰风景捕获那层层卷卷的流动河流在秘鲁的山脉Chachapoya地区。

    Life in Color : Green A bird 's-eye view captures the serpentine course of a river in Peru 's mountainous Chachapoya region .

  10. 我们在山顶上鸟瞰整个城市。

    From the top , we looked down on the city .

  11. 20世纪英国小说鸟瞰

    A Bird-Eye Survey of the Novels of the 20th Century England

  12. 世界氧化铝工业鸟瞰与展望

    The Overall View and Outlook of Alumina Industry in the World

  13. 美国四所联邦军官学校鸟瞰

    A General Survey of the Four Federal Military Schools of USA

  14. 台湾省九年一贯课程改革鸟瞰

    Perspectives into the Reformation of Nine-year Consistent Curricula in Taiwan

  15. 这是这个公寓区的鸟瞰图。

    This is the bird 's eye view of the apartment complex .

  16. 讨论了城市鸟瞰图的概念、技术和特点。

    Discusses the concept , technology and feature of city airview map .

  17. 我喜欢坐在顶层楼座所能得到的鸟瞰。

    I like the bird 's-eye view you get from the gods .

  18. 国外历史文化名城名镇保护策略鸟瞰

    On Importance Strategy of History Culture Celebrated of Cities and Town Conservation

  19. 20世纪西方戏剧基本特征鸟瞰

    On Opinion on Basic of Western Drama in 20th Century

  20. 那儿您可以鸟瞰全城的景色。

    You may have a bird-eye view of the whole city there .

  21. 这座旅馆居高临下,可以鸟瞰海滩和远处蓝蓝的大海。

    The hotel overlooks the beach with distant blue sea .

  22. 布莱斯:让我给看下鸟瞰图。

    Bryce : Let me show you an aerial view .

  23. 应力降34巴;巴渝诗鸟瞰

    Stress drop , 34 fors ; A General Survey of Ba Yu Poetry

  24. 清代教育小说鸟瞰

    An Overview of Educational Novels in the Qing Dynasty

  25. 西方社会信息学与东方社会信息科学鸟瞰

    Airscape on Western Social Informatics and Eastern Social Informatics

  26. 味在酸咸之外&台湾饮食文化鸟瞰

    A Bird 's Eye View of Taiwan Dietetic Culture

  27. 鸟瞰民用旋翼机座椅的结构试验

    An Overview of Structural Testing of Commercial Rotorcraft Seats

  28. 清代歌唱理论鸟瞰

    On the Singing Technical Theory in Qing Dynasty

  29. “天堂”鸟瞰港口,“星星”则有按摩浴缸并可俯视全城。

    Heaven overlooks the port , while Stars has city views and a jacuzzi .

  30. 还有幸从一个屋顶酒吧鸟瞰紫禁城的全貌。

    We had a great view of the Forbidden City from a roof-top bar .