
jié fà
  • bind up one's hair—come of age;bind together two locks of hair respectively from the bride and groom using a bun at a wedding ceremony—get married
  • wife
结发 [jié fà]
  • (1) [knot the hair upon reaching adulthood in former time]∶束发

  • 臣结发游学,四十余年。--《史记.平津侯主父列传》

  • (2) [marry]∶指结为夫妻

  • 而我在万里,结发不相见。--江淹《杂体.李都尉从军》

  • 结发同枕席。--《玉台新咏.古诗为焦仲卿妻作》

  1. 和他结发63年的妻子玛丽先于他11个月离开人世。

    His wife of 63 years , Mary , predeceased him by 11 months .

  2. 他的结发妻子死后只有五个月,他就再婚了。

    He married again only five months after the death of his first wife .

  3. 成为我的合法结发妻子。

    To be my lawfully wedded wife .

  4. 维吉尔:为了更深研究你的那些黑魔法,你亲手弑杀了结发妻子。

    Vergil : To further your study of the black arts , you sacrificed your loving wife .

  5. 朱家鼎亦为香港广告帝国“灵智广告”之创始人,与其47岁的结发妻子未留下后裔。

    Mike Chu , also founder of Hong Kong advertising empire Synergie , left no children alongside his47-year-old wife .

  6. 近日在印度农村某地区,一名7岁大的小男孩因算命师称其第一个妻子会被他克死,家人竟强迫让他娶一条狗作为自己的“结发妻子”。

    A seven-year-old boy has been forced to marry a female dog in a rural Indian village because his horoscopes foretold his first wife would die young .

  7. 自第一次亲吻,第一次心灵相通,这对英国夫妇已结发72年。然而妻子因阿兹海默症去世,丈夫为纪念妻子写下了动人的诗篇。

    A widower who lost his wife to Alzheimer 's 72 years after their first kiss has touched hearts across Britain by penning a moving poem in her memory .

  8. 日本新派第一夫人菅伸子在书中毫不客气地讲述了结发40年的丈夫菅直人。菅直人于六月初就任世界第二大经济体日本的首相。

    Japan 's unconventional first lady , Nobuko , in the book about her husband of four decades , who took over in early June as prime minister of the world 's No 2 economy .