
  • 网络Display Design
  1. 谈河南博物院陈列设计艺术

    The Art of Display Design in Henan Museum

  2. 融入品牌里面的陈列设计可以使品牌的风格强化。

    Into the brand inside the display design can strengthen the brand 's style .

  3. 论光在博物馆室内陈列设计中的作用

    On the Function of Light in the Interior Display of Museum

  4. 传承创新融合&谈苏州博物馆新馆建筑与陈列设计

    Inheritance , Innovation and Integration-Construction and Exhibition Design of New Suzhou Museum

  5. 服装商品陈列设计探究

    Display The Study of Product Display of Costume Display Devices

  6. 购物空间中的商品陈列设计探讨

    Design of Goods Display and in Shopping Space

  7. 商品陈列设计是通过独特的艺术形式来表现其视觉审美感受主题的。

    Design of goods display shows the theme of its visual and aesthetic impressions .

  8. 节日橱窗陈列设计刍议

    Tentative Suggestions for Shopwindow Display in Festivals

  9. 博物馆序厅设计,是博物馆展示陈列设计的“画龙点睛”之笔。

    The design of Museum preface hall gives the finishing touch to display of Museums exhibits .

  10. 多元的陈列设计风格

    The Diversity of Museum Exhibition Styles

  11. 店铺陈列设计与其品牌营销策略不是两个独立的个体,而是一个视觉整体。

    The store display design and brand marketing strategy is not two separate individuals , butan overall vision .

  12. 笔者参与了一项历史类博物馆陈列设计的工作,在此过程中经研究发现了一些问题。

    I participated in a history museum display design , and in the process of the study I found that some problems .

  13. 从商业空间陈列设计到大型会展规划,我们顶尖的创意团队为客户提供最具创意和专业的设计咨询服务。

    Our top-notch creative team is at hand to provide creative and professional consulting services , ranging from shop display design to large-scale event planning .

  14. 提出服装商品陈列设计是展示服装品牌风格、创造服装产品卖场空间重要技术手段的概念。

    The paper has advanced the concept that the design of product display is an important method for founding garment brand style and optimizing shopping mall space .

  15. 所以,一个良好的前期准备工作对于博物馆陈列设计工作是非常重要的。对于观众来说,优秀的陈列设计对其也是一种享受。

    Therefore , a nice advance preparation work for the museum display design is very important . , An excellent display design is a joy for audiences .

  16. 成功的陈列设计除了向顾客告知卖场的销售信息外,同时还应传递一种特有的品牌文化,而传播品牌文化的最终目的还是为了进一步促进销售。

    Successful display design can reflect its brand culture , on top of informing customers of the market . The final aim of spreading brand culture is to promote sales .

  17. 与其他领域在进入以信息和数码技术为代表的21世纪的发展相比,博物馆传统的陈列设计理念仍显现出相对的惰性与苍白。

    In comparison with the development in other fields of the 21st century represented by information and digital technology , the traditional concepts of museum design are still relatively indifferent and colorless .

  18. 本文主要通过对陈列设计色氛和油画彩围二者自身的语言特征的研究,总结出了油画彩色对陈列设计氛围其中有章可循的必然影响。

    This article mainly through the display design and painting color atmosphere two their language characteristics of the study , summed up the oil painting color on display design which has the inevitable effects of atmosphere .

  19. 在品牌营销时代,卖场不再是简单囤积商品的销售场所,科学的陈列设计成为卖场经营发展的关键制约因素。

    In the age of brand marketing , shops are no longer the places to store goods . Scientific display design plays an essential role in the development of shopping places , esp. ones where sell garments .

  20. 论述了陈列设计氛围语言里对油画彩色的附着性和依赖性,在油画彩色环境的自身特征下,造成不同的色彩氛围,使其运用在陈列设计的形式和内容中,而得以多元和丰富。

    Discusses the design language of oil painting color atmosphere of attachment and dependence on oil painting color , environmental characteristics , resulting in a different color atmosphere , make its application in display design in the content and the form , and can be multiple and rich .

  21. 马王堆汉墓陈列艺术设计的特色

    Feature of Display Art Design in Ma Wang Dui Han Mausoleum

  22. 中国革命史陈列艺术设计的几个问题

    Several Problems on the artistic Design for the Display of Revolutionary History of China

  23. 论陈列艺术设计理念的更新

    Renewing Display Art Idea and Improving Designer Quality

  24. 服装店铺内的色彩设计包括店内空间色彩设计与陈列色彩设计。

    Clothing shop store space , including color design color design and display color scheme .

  25. 本文着重阐述了掌握文物意识和审美意识对陈列内容设计的重要意义。

    The article oaysmore attention on the importance of mastering the consciousness of cultural relics and aesthetic standards .

  26. 本文主要介绍了丝网版画艺术在现代博物馆陈列展示设计中的运用。

    This article mainly introduces application of screen print in exhibition design of the layout of modern museums .

  27. 博物馆陈列艺术设计与其它艺术的重要区别之一是它没有一部“圣经”。

    One of the most distinguished features of museum exhibition design is its disability to follow a Bible .

  28. 该文介绍了武昌辛亥革命博物馆陈列楼设计的形体变化,布展空间和外形特征。

    This paper introduces form variety , exhibition space and figuration character of exhibition hall of Xinhai revolution museum design .

  29. 本研究的目的在于现代商业环境中商品的展示陈列道具设计。

    The aim of this article is to study the display and exhibit appliances design in the modern commercial environment .

  30. 从室内设计学、建筑学、营销学等多角度综述了服装卖场的室内环境设计、布局设计及服装商品陈列展示设计。

    From the point of the view of interior decoration , architecture and marketing , indoor environment design , layout design and exhibition design of costume merchandise for costume store are reviewed .