
  • 网络Charlie Chan
  1. 陈查理的扮演者是华纳·欧兰德(WarnerOland),一个瑞典人。

    Charlie Chan was played by Warner Oland , a Swede .

  2. 从陈查理(CharlieChan,美国作家厄尔·德尔·比格斯笔下的华人探长)到《纸牌屋》,在美国屏幕上中国形象的历史上,可能称作是转折点的是一部几乎与中国无关的电影。

    When the history of America 's onscreen visions of China is written , from Charlie Chan to " House of Cards , " it may be that a turning point came with a film that had almost nothing to do with China at all .

  3. 陈查理通常把这些智慧归功于儒家的东方智慧,但是我们知道,大多数幸运饼纸条上的话,包括幸运饼本身,其实都是美国制造。

    ' Charlie Chan always attributes these aphorisms to Confucius'oriental wisdom , but as we know , most of these kind of fortune cookie sayings , including fortune cookies today , are made in America .