
  • 网络kikuchi kan;Kan Kikuchi
  1. 菊池宽的独幕剧《父归》是一部反映父子亲情与家庭伦理问题的现实主义作品。

    Father Comes Back , a realistic one-actor written by Kan Kikuchi , reflects the affection between the father and his son and family ethics .

  2. 菊池宽通过描写父亲与长子的对立冲突,深刻地反映了明治和大正时代,近代的自我意识渗透到社会各阶层,并开始挑战以父权为中心的封建家长制的社会现实。

    Kan Kikuchi 's depiction of the conflict between the father and his son reflects that in Meiji and Taisho periods , modern self-consciousness had infiltrated into the whole society and began to challenge the feudal patriarchy .

  3. 田汉的戏剧创作、戏剧理论和所从事的戏剧运动,都有日本戏剧及文艺思潮的重要影响。田汉的戏剧形式得益于秋田雨雀、菊池宽等剧作家。

    From the angle of comparative literature , the essay discusses the important influences of Japanese drama on TIAN Han 's drama creation , drama theory and drama movement .