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chén shì
  • formulation
  1. 试论陈式太极拳中的虚领顶劲但文学史研究者却忽略了对他的研究,这是很不公平的。Xu,var。

    However , Xu Ling is ignored in the Chinese literature research field .

  2. 内隐攻击性用IAT测量,外显攻击性用自陈式量表测量。

    The explicit aggression is measured by self-report questionnaire measurement .

  3. 行为式自我妨碍对武术考试成绩的影响较自陈式自我妨碍更为显著。

    Behavioral self-handicapping has more effects than claimed self-handicapping on performance .

  4. 陈式太极拳作为足球运动准备活动的可行性

    The Feasibility of Chen Taijiquan as a Football Preparation

  5. 信度研究结果表明,自陈式总量表的信度系数是。

    The result showed that the whole reliability Coefficients of self-report scale was .

  6. 不同年级大学生的行为式自我妨碍和自陈式自我妨碍均存在显著差异。

    There are remarkable differences of behavioral self-handicapping and self-reported handicapping among different grades .

  7. 充分表达了陈式太极拳精深的理论体系和鲜为人知的独得之秘。

    It gives a sufficient expression of its profound theory system and unknown knacks .

  8. 中老年人通过陈式太极拳传统套路的练习可以取得良好的健身效果。

    Middle-aged and elderly through traditional Chen-style Taijiquan exercise can achieve a good fitness results .

  9. 在此基础上试图探索出陈式慈善的可持续路径。

    On this basis , I will try to explore a sustainable path of Chen-style charity .

  10. 本研究根据我国初中生的实际编制了一套测量初中生学业成就动机的自陈式量表。

    This articale reports a questionaire of academic achievement motivation in Chinese junior middle school students .

  11. 本研究的目的是制定一套测量儿童自我控制能力的自陈式量表。

    The objective of the study was to make a self-report inventory for children 's self-control .

  12. 最后,我现在美国密尔沃基地区教授陈式心意混元太极拳。

    To that end , I now teach Hunyuan Chen style Taijiquan in the Milwaukee area .

  13. 众所周知,陈式太极拳是中国传统文化中的瑰宝。

    It is well known , the Chen - style Taijiquan is in the China traditional culture treasure .

  14. 方法:采用自陈式问卷调查法,对某医学院校二、三年级学生,共计231名进行了调查。

    Self - reported questionnaires were sent to 231 second and third grade students in a medical university .

  15. 陈式太极拳引入河间市中学体育课堂的必要性与可行性研究

    The Research on the Necessity and Feasibility of Chen-style T'aichi Import into the Sports Classroom in Hejian Middle School

  16. 斯坦福大学太极拳班的学员演练了陈式老架一路的开始部分。

    The students from Stanford Tai Chi class performed part of " Chen Style Old Form First Road " .

  17. 八名参加者一同学习陈式太极及八段锦的基础,促进身体健康,获益良多。

    Eight participants have learned the basic techniques of Chen-style Taichi as well as Baduanjin Qigong to enhance their health .

  18. 为当下陈式太极拳的教学起到正本清源的作用,为广大太极拳爱好者技艺的提高作出了应有的贡献。

    Chen Taiji for today 's teaching a radical role in the majority of Taiji lovers skill improvement made due contributions .

  19. 目前对心理感受性的测量方法主要有自陈式测量、主题统觉测验和情景测验。

    At present , the main methods used to measure psychological mindedness are self-report measurement , thematic apperception test and situational test .

  20. 结果表明,陈式太极拳传统套路的运动强度符合全民健身活动的标准。

    The results showed that the traditional Chen-style tai chi routines of exercise intensity activities in line with the national fitness standards .

  21. 1997年,随陈式太极拳第十一代嫡宗传人陈正雷大师学习陈式太极拳械;

    In1997 , he studied Chen Style Tai Chi with Master Chen Zhenglei , who is the11th generation of Chen Style Tai Chi .

  22. 青岛市作为2008年奥运会海上赛场可行性分析陈式太极拳作为足球运动准备活动的可行性

    A FEASIBILITY ANALYSIS OF QINGDAO AS A MARINE SPORTS ARENA FOR THE OLYMPIC GAMES 2008 ; The Feasibility of Chen Taijiquan as a Football Preparation

  23. 我感到非常高兴能对将会出席由美国全国陈式太极总会主办的美国全国武术比赛的各位人士作致词。

    I am pleased extend greetings to all in attendance at the US National Martial Arts Tournament organized by the USA Chen Tai Chi Federation .

  24. 试论陈式太极拳缠丝劲的形成与特征自锚式悬索桥主缆缠丝防护施工技术

    The Formation and Characteristics of Chan Si Gong in Chen Style Taiji Quan Construction Technology of Main Cable Wrapping and Painting Protection in Cable Self-anchored Suspension Bridge

  25. 通过专家访谈、理论研究和教学实践,探讨初学者如何正确合理、系统有效地进行陈式太极拳的训练。

    Through interviewing with the experts , theoretical research and teaching practice , it probed into how the beginners drilled Chen-style Taijiquan correctly , reasonably , systematically and effectively .

  26. 该套路是在陈式太极拳老架一路的基础上,去繁求简而定的36式陈式太极拳,该套路是初学陈式太极拳者掌握其基本方法的简明教程。

    This set comes from the Old Frame Routine One of Chen-style Taijiquan , but is a simplified one consisting of36 forms which retain the essence of Chen-style Taijiquan .

  27. 结果表明:大学生在自陈式自我妨碍上不存在性别差异,但在行为式自我妨碍上存在显著的性别差异,男生更倾向于使用行为式自我妨碍;

    The following results indicate that no sex differences between college students in the use of claimed self-handicapping , but there are significant differences in the use of behavioral self-handicapping .

  28. 方法抽取浙江、上海两所护理院校在读98级~2002级护理专业大学生使用自我效能量表以及自行研制的自陈式量表进行测评。

    Methods All nursing undergraduates in each grade ( grade 1998-grade 2002 ) of two nursing college in Zhejiang Province and Shanghai were evaluated by using self-efficacy scale and self-made scale .

  29. 2001年,正式拜陈正雷大师为师,系统学习陈式太极拳新、老架拳械系列、太极理论、推手技巧等。

    In2001 , he formally acknowledged Master Chen Zhenglei as his master , systematically studied Chen Style Tai Chi , Lao Jia , Xin Jia , TaiChi Theory , Tui Shou , etc.

  30. 李书东老师表演了陈式太极剑及新架,使观众领略到了太极拳刚柔相济,飘逸优美的特色。

    Master Li performed the " Chen Style Sword " and " Chen Style Tai Chi New Form " . The audiences were impressed by the graceful , yet powerful Tai Chi movements .