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jīnɡ léi
  • a sudden clap of thunder
惊雷 [jīng léi]
  • (1) [shocking thunderclap]∶使人震惊的雷声

  • 春天的第一声惊雷

  • (2) [important event]∶比喻突然发生的重大事件

  1. 我像是受到惊雷轰击一般,一下子就站立起来。

    I jumped to my feet , completely thunderstruck .

  2. 约翰·兰德格拉夫(JohnLandgraf)的评论不啻为一声惊雷。

    John Landgraf 's comments arrived like a thunderbolt .

  3. 布里吉斯的事业也因此得到提升,后来主演了科恩兄弟(CoenBrothers)的杰作《大地惊雷》(TrueGrit)。

    Mr. Bridges also saw a career lift : He went on to make the Coen Brothers " smash " True Grit . "

  4. 虽然一些人认为Steinfeld在《大地惊雷》中的突破性表演足以让她获得一个最佳女主角奖,电影公司很聪明地让她去角逐最佳女配角,因为在这里她有更好的机会。

    Even though some thought her breakthrough performance in " True Grit " was worthy of a lead award , the studio wisely submitted her for the supporting one . She 's got a way better chance here .

  5. 但它们也让你有能力去拍摄《大地惊雷》。

    But they also afford you the ability to make True Grit .

  6. 我听到悬崖边有一声惊雷。

    I heard a crack of thunder near the cliff .

  7. 冬雪惊雷就发生在他们眼前。

    Thundersnow was happening right in front of their eyes .

  8. 典型一声惊雷过后,狂风暴雨突然袭来。

    There was a crash of thunder , then the storm struck .

  9. 但描写你的诗人尽管有笔下惊雷,

    Yet what of thee thy poet doth invent

  10. 气象专家解释,冬雪惊雷的发生可能意味着更大的降雪。

    Weather experts noted that the occurrence of thundersnow likely means more heavy snowfalls .

  11. 有时沉默好似震天惊雷。

    Sometimes silence can seem so loud .

  12. 这个数字不啻一声惊雷。

    That number came as a shock .

  13. 还是爆破远方的一声惊雷?

    Or the distant peel of thunder ?

  14. 因为这是上帝发出的惊雷。

    Because thunder is sent by God .

  15. 暴风雨中,惊雷霹雳,震颤心灵,小孩子却因此兴奋不已。

    In the storm , the thunderclap trembled our mind , but the child were even excited .

  16. 冬雪惊雷形成的内部机制与普通的雷暴相似,都是湿润空气上升而成。

    Thundersnow mimics the inner workings of a normal thunderstorm by forming through the upward movement of humid air .

  17. 正是艺术生活的边缘和寂寞,于无声处,听到了内心的惊雷!

    Just in the art life verge and loneliness , in the silence he heard the thunder in his internal heart .

  18. 一阵凛冽的强风吹过湖面,紧随而来的便是倾盆大雨和满天惊雷。

    A strong gust of wind blew briskly across the lake , bringing with it , torrential rain and threatening thunderstorms .

  19. 左边的炮火山摇,右边的炮火地动,前面的炮火更猛,有如惊雷敌人万炮齐轰;

    Cannon to right of them , Cannon to left of them , Cannon in front of them Volley 'd and thunder 'd ;

  20. 小罗伯特·唐尼凭借1992年的电影《卓别林》以及2008年的喜剧《热带惊雷》中的出色表演两获奥斯卡金像奖提名。

    He is a two-time Oscar nominee for the roles in 1992 's ' Chaplin ' and 2008 's ' Tropic Thunder ' .

  21. 于无声处听惊雷&从《中国小说史略》看鲁迅的研究方法

    Chinese and Listen to the Silent Thunder & From A Brief History of Chinese Fiction , to Study the Research Methods of Lu Xun

  22. 降雪期间,近地面的气温通常不会太高,正因如此,冬雪惊雷才如此罕见。

    This is exactly why thundersnow is so rare , seeing as how warm lower ground temperatures aren 't usually present while it 's snowing .

  23. 左边的炮火山摇,右边的炮火地动,后面的炮火更猛,有如惊雷敌人万炮齐轰;

    Cannon to right of them , Cannon to left of them , Cannon behind them Volley 'd and thunder 'd ; Storm 'd at with shot and shell ,

  24. 2011年,美国东海岸正经历着一场常见的暴风雪,就在这时,居民目睹了夹杂着大雪的闪电与惊雷。

    Residents of the east coast of the United States were experiencing an ordinary snow storm in 2011 when they suddenly witnessed flashes of lightning and streaks of thunder intermingled with the snow .

  25. “阿汤哥”以前的很多戏中搭档也前去恭贺,包括托比?马奎尔(《热带惊雷》)、本?

    Many of Cruise 's former costars also came to celebrate , including Tobey Maguire ( Tropic Thunder ), Ben Stiller ( Tropic Thunder ) and Dakota Fanning ( War of The Worlds ) .

  26. 从左至右分别是:出演《大地惊雷》的海莉·斯坦菲尔德、出演《国王的演讲》的海伦娜·伯翰·卡特、出演《斗士》的艾米·亚当斯、出演《动物王国》的杰姬·韦弗、出演《斗士》的梅丽莎·里奥。

    From left are Hailee Steinfeld for'True Grit ' , Helena Bonham Carter for'The King 's Speech ' , Amy Adams for'The Fighter ' , Jacki Weaver for'Animal Kingdom'and Melissa Leo for'The Fighter . '

  27. 恶搞影片包括《盗梦空间》、《国王的演讲》、《大地惊雷》、《黑天鹅》、《社交网络》以及1985年的经典穿越电影《回到未来》。

    The duo spoofed movies including Inception , The King 's Speech , True Grit , The Fighter , Black Swan and The Social Network & as well as the1985 film Back to the Future .

  28. 颜元的实学思想对宋明理学进行了猛烈的批判,在当时的思想领域可以说是一声惊雷。

    The Practical Learning of Yan Yuan is a violent criticism of the neo-Confucianism in the Song and Ming Dynasty . At the time of the academic community , it can be said to thunder .

  29. 随后他离开了;先向左拐,然后向右拐;先是闪电,随后是惊雷;我们看了最后一场电影,就去睡觉了;然后就回家睡觉了。

    Then he left ; go left first , then right ; first came lightning , then thunder ; we watched the late movie and then went to bed ; and so home and to bed .

  30. 安妮斯顿与第一任丈夫布拉德·皮特在2005年离婚,2008年她结识现年44岁的演员贾斯汀·塞洛克斯,塞洛克斯同时也是电影《热带惊雷》的编剧,他们在2012年宣布订婚。

    Aniston , whose first marriage to actor Brad Pitt ended in divorce in 2005 , met actor and " Tropic Thunder " screenwriter Theroux , 44 , in 2008 and the couple announced their engagement in 2012 .