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shòu jīng
  • be frightened;be startled;spook
受惊 [shòu jīng]
  • [be frightened] 因受突然的刺激或威胁而被吓坏

  • 马受惊了

受惊[shòu jīng]
  1. 她像受惊的兔子似的跳了回去。

    She jumped back like a startled rabbit .

  2. 他们的新马很容易受惊。

    Their new horse is very highly strung .

  3. 警报器一响,马受惊了。

    The horse spooked at the siren .

  4. 昨天赛马骑师两次从马背上被摔下来,受惊了。

    The jockey was shaken up when he was thrown twice from his horse yesterday

  5. 克尔夫人受惊过度,不堪再参与自己所受折磨的场景重现。

    Mrs Kerr was too upset to take part in a reconstruction of her ordeal .

  6. 成本一路狂飙,制片厂受惊之余撤回了罗马的公司。

    When costs soared , the studio took fright and recalled the company from Rome .

  7. 乡间强盗正在学习早期西部人的做法,先让牛群受惊四处乱窜以转移农民的注意力,然后再洗劫他们的房屋。

    Countryside robbers are learning the ways of the wild west by stampeding cattle to distract farmers before raiding their homes .

  8. 雷声使马受惊了。

    The thunder panicked the horses .

  9. 那匹马受惊逃脱。

    The horse did a bolt .

  10. 那匹受惊的马疾驰而去。

    The frightened horse galloped away .

  11. 她把受惊的少女们召唤回来,对她们的惊惶之状加以指责

    She called back her scattered maidens , chiding their alarm .

  12. 我们听见那个受惊的女孩发出一声刺耳的尖叫声。

    We heard an ear-splitting scream from the terrified girl .

  13. shakeup使战栗,吃惊那闪电让你受惊了吧?

    Did that lightning shake you up ?

  14. 热气球公司的保险人员查看了飞行过程中的GPS数据也支持了操作员的说法,认为猪受惊事件不是由此导致的。

    Insurers for the company used GPS data generated during the flight to back their claim that it could not have caused the stampede .

  15. 这头受惊的黑白花奶牛将Robert的车前盖砸出了一个坑,然后又反弹到繁忙的马路上。Robert的雪铁龙C5也因此报废了。

    The frightened Friesian has written off Robert 's Citroen C5 after denting the bonnet and breaking a wheel after bounding onto the busy road .

  16. 经过多年演变,它的意思逐渐演变,如今已经变得迥然不同:按照《简明牛津英语词典》(ConciseOED)的释义,它表示“短促、尖利的叫声,尤其是由于疼痛或受惊所致”。

    Over the years , it came to mean something quite different : " a short , sharp cry , especially of pain or alarm " as the concise OED puts it .

  17. 有时,思想在我们的头脑里会像受惊的牛羊四处奔逃。

    They rush through our minds like stampeding cattle or sheep .

  18. 原谅我吧,我的冲动令你受惊了

    Forgive me for startling you with the impetuosity of my sentiments

  19. 他知道惊乱会致使眼镜蛇受惊咬人。

    He knows the commotion would frighten the cobra into striking .

  20. 那个决定把受惊的作家变成了新闻焦点人物。

    The decision turned the startled author into a media event .

  21. 有一次一群受惊的长角牛朝我冲过来

    Once a stampede of longhorns was coming right at me ,

  22. 3、受惊的孩子被领到马车前。

    3 . The frightened boy was led to the carriage .

  23. 公马受惊后猛地扬起前蹄。

    He reared up on his back legs in total fear .

  24. 这个词指玩耍嬉戏或受惊逃跑。

    It suggests them playing happily or running away when startled .

  25. 他知道这样会引起骚乱,致使眼镜蛇受惊咬人。

    He knows the commotion would __ the cobra __ striking .

  26. adj.沉着的母亲沉着的态度使那受惊的孩子安静。

    calm Mother 's calm behavior made the frightened child quiet .

  27. 电视上播放了成千上万受惊的人们等着上公共汽车的情景。

    The television showed thousands of frightened people waiting to board buses .

  28. 陛下,你的叔叔不想让你受惊。

    Your highness , your uncie didn 't want to frighten you .

  29. 受惊的刺猬会把身体缩成一个球。

    A frightened hedgehog contracts its body into a ball .

  30. 烟火一燃起,受惊的小猫便迅速躲到扶椅下面。

    The terrified kitten dived under the armchair when the fireworks started .