
  1. 由于受旧观念的影响,有些单位分配工作按资排辈。

    Influenced by old ideas , some units assign posts according to seniority .

  2. 我们要杜绝教师队伍中按资排辈,干好干坏一个样的现象。

    We should try to eliminate the phenomenon of assigning priority according to seniority and equalitarianism among teachers .

  3. 当时,这种做法彻底背离了日本按资排辈和终身雇用的传统就业体制。

    At the time this was a radical departure from the traditional seniority and lifetime employment system in Japan .

  4. 但缺点是,由于日本企业有按资排辈的传统,即便你很优秀,也不得不等待。

    But the flip side is because Japanese companies have a seniority order , even if you are good , you have to wait .

  5. 在我出生之前,我名字一部分就已经确定了,是根据周氏家谱排辈得到的,我的兄弟姐妹的名字中都有“洪”字。

    I was born in , I was already part of the name identified , according to Zhou 's family is scheduled to be the generation , my brothers and sisters are in the name of " Hong " .

  6. 但这取决于你对终身制和排资论辈的定义。

    But that depends on how you define tenure and seniority .

  7. 排资论辈制度也是导致工会好斗争的另一因素。

    The seniority system is another factor that leads to union militancy .

  8. 我年幼无知时比如去年夏天认为90多岁的老人要排资论辈,欺负排在等级最底层的人这种事是开玩笑的。

    When I was young and innocent say , last summer the idea of 90-year-olds in pecking orders , picking on those at the bottom , was a joke .

  9. 我年幼无知时——比如去年夏天——认为90多岁的老人要排资论辈,欺负排在等级最底层的人这种事是开玩笑的。

    When I was young and innocent - say , last summer - the idea of 90-year-olds in pecking orders , picking on those at the bottom , was a joke .