
  • 网络EU-ETS;Marketable Pollution Permits;The emission trading institution;emission trading
  1. 中国排污权交易制度研究与河北省排污权交易制度构建

    The Study on Chinese Marketable Pollution Permits System and Establishment of Hebei Province 's

  2. 我国行政许可制度刍议排污权交易制度研究

    On Administrative Permission System of China The Study on Marketable Pollution Permits

  3. 我国火电行业SO2排污权交易制度研究

    A Study on the SO_2 Emissions Trading of Chinese Thermal Power

  4. 排污权交易制度的经济理论分析及必要性

    The economic analysis and necessity of transaction of pollution discharge license

  5. 排污权交易制度的理论框架与产权分析

    The Theory Frame and Property Right Analyzing of Emission Trade System

  6. 生态伦理对排污权交易制度实施的软控制不足具有补充作用。

    Ecological ethics can supplement the insufficient of the emissions trading system .

  7. 以使我国排污权交易制度中的各个组成部分能够做到相互联系和有机结合。

    So we can make the component of the emission trading systematic .

  8. 鄱阳湖水污染物排污权交易制度探析

    Analysis of Emission Trading System of Poyang Lake Water Pollutant

  9. 我国排污权交易制度的应用研究

    The study of implementing emission trading institution in China

  10. 西部试行排污权交易制度的再思考

    Reflections on System of Emission Trade in Western China

  11. 因此,排污权交易制度是值得推行的一项环境经济制度。

    Hereby , the emission trading system is a valuable environmental economic system .

  12. 矿山污水治理的排污权交易制度设计

    Design of Sullage-drainage Power Trade System Used for Treatment of Sullage in Mines

  13. 论排污权交易制度在我国的实施

    Implementing the Marketable Pollution Permit Regulation in China

  14. 排污权交易制度研究的理论基础

    Rationale that Pollution Discharge Right Business System Studies

  15. 论排污权交易制度

    A Review on System of Tradable Emissions Right

  16. 中国实施排污权交易制度的若干法律问题思考

    Legal Considerations on the Application System of the Pollutant Discharge Power Trade in China

  17. 环境污染与排污权交易制度探析

    Discuss and analysis on the draining rights system

  18. 甚至中国和印度也都引进了碳排放税和排污权交易制度。

    Even India and China have adopted versions of carbon taxes or emissions trading .

  19. 另一种方法是排污权交易制度。

    Another method is the emissions trading system .

  20. 基于排污权交易制度的流域水质管理体系研究排水系统的去水能力

    Research on Water Quality Management System of River Basin Based on Pollution-Discharge Right Trade

  21. 环境污染治理与我国排污权交易制度的构建

    Research on Environment Pollution Treatment and the Design of the Emissions Trading System in China

  22. 我国也在部分地区开展了排污权交易制度的试点工作。

    The experimental practice of the emission rights trading system has been taken in partial regions .

  23. 总量控制下排污权交易制度若干机制的研究

    A Study on Mechanisms in the Tradable Emission Permits System under Total Quantity Control of Pollution

  24. 排污权交易制度中主体利益的考量与保障

    Main Benefits in Emission Trading System

  25. 排污权交易制度的负面效应&从生态文明的角度看

    The Negative Effects of the Emissions Trading System & From the Perspective of the Ecological Civilization

  26. 结果论证了排污权交易制度理论上可行,实践中有效。

    Results Exchange system of the pollution draining rights is feasible in theory and effective in practice .

  27. 有赖于市场机制的排污权交易制度的实施需要一定的前提和条件。

    The market-based transaction system for pollution control needs several premises to make it go on wheels .

  28. 排污权交易制度在社会可持续发展中的功能与价值

    The Function and Value of the Trading Policy about the Pollution Draining Rights in Social Sustainable Development

  29. 而排污权交易制度在我国还处在起步阶段,尤其是涉及到水污染方面。

    But emissions trading system is in infancy stage in our country , especially in water pollution .

  30. 分析论证了在我国建立排污权交易制度的可行性。

    The discussion is concluded that it is feasible to establish the Chinese emission rights trading system .