
jìn zhì lìnɡ
  • Restraining order;prohibition order;prohibitive injunction;prohibition of manufacture
  1. 3.disclosuren.公开,透露禁止泄漏公司秘密的禁制令

    an injunction restraining the disclosure of company secrets

  2. 快报集团曾因发表诽谤新闻而得到信德高等法院(SindHighCourt)的禁制令以及藐视法庭的指控,禁制令禁止其进一步发布任何损害Axact公司声誉的内容。

    Express Group was under a restraining order and contempt of court proceedings by Sind High Court for publishing a defamatory news item and further from publishing anything detrimental to Axact 's reputation .

  3. 组织者已经将皇冠戴到了亚军AshleyDixon的头上,但Ramirez的律师已经递交了法院禁制令。

    Pageants directors had already passed the crown to runner-up Ashley Dixon , but Ramirez 's lawyer filed a restraining order .

  4. 我来告诉你们我去哪儿了你们也许是和StanLee一起吃了意式冰淇淋拿到了亲笔签名的漫画书但是我看到了他家的内部结构拿到亲笔签名的申请禁制令

    I 'll tell you where I 've been . You boys may have had gelato with Stan Lee and gotten autographed comics , but I saw the inside of his house and got an autographed application for a restraining order .

  5. 法兰克福地区法院施加的这项临时性禁制令,不允许Uber营运其UberPop“拼车”服务——在其他市场上被称为UberX。Uber是一家快速成长的公司,在最近一轮融资中估值达到170亿美元。

    The temporary injunction imposed by Frankfurt 's Regional Court prohibits the fast-growing company , valued in a recent funding round at $ 17bn , from operating its Uber Pop " ride-sharing " service , known as Uber X in other markets .

  6. 今年2月,堪萨斯州的锡德里克·福特(CedricFord)在自己工作的地方开枪击中17人,其中三人丧生,而90分钟前,他刚刚收到前女友针对他申请的禁制令,她称福特虐待她。

    In February , Cedric Ford shot 17 people at his Kansas workplace , killing three , only 90 minutes after being served with a restraining order sought by his ex-girlfriend , who said he had abused her .

  7. 因此,快报传媒集团为遏制BOL的成功,绕过法院禁制令,在名叫德克兰·沃尔什(DeclanWalsh)的记者配合下,通过其合作伙伴NYT发表了这篇文章。

    Hence Express Media Group to counter the success of BOL and to circumvent the court order has got this story published via its partner NYT in collaboration with some reporter called Declan Walsh .

  8. (点击此处查看法院的禁制令)。

    ( Click here to view the courts restraining order ) .

  9. 我们准备申请禁制令让你们店关闭

    We 're prepared to file an injunction to close you down ...

  10. 问他我可不可以申请禁制令

    Ask him if I could get an injunction to stop a face .

  11. 法庭对被告发出了禁制令。

    The court granted an injunction against the defendants .

  12. 我觉得能拿到禁制令,但由你决定。

    We think we can get an injunction , but it 's your decision .

  13. 你对他提出禁制令吗?

    Is there some restraining order against him ?

  14. 你们整个部门的禁制令!

    A restraining order against your whole department !

  15. 我是不是说了禁制令?

    Did I mention the restraining order ?

  16. 就在禁制令发出前。

    Before the restraining order kicked in .

  17. 政府已申请禁制令,禁止该报发表此事。

    The government has sought an injunction to prevent the paper from publishing the story .

  18. 她对你申请了禁制令。

    She had a tro against you .

  19. 法院应该发出禁制令。

    The court should issue an injunction .

  20. 人身禁制令或保护监护权。

    A restraining order , protective custody .

  21. 这个嘛,因为我见不到德普,再者西蒙兄弟向法院申请了禁制令。

    Weii , I can 't get in to see trump and the zegmans have a restraining order .

  22. 但是,对于那些一再违反鸦片禁制令的人,很难反复赦免他们。

    But as for those who again violate the opium prohibition , it is difficult for the law to pardon them repeatedly .

  23. 该财团寻求法院发布禁制令以阻止这些生产商的侵权行为,并向它们以及谷歌索赔,索赔数额不详。

    Rockstar is seeking injunctions to prevent the handset makers from infringing its patents and pursuing unspecified damages from the handset makers and Google .

  24. 布什政府反对禁制令,也反对收紧国家基金,因为这两项都会严重危害已就位的国家级安全计划和基础设施维护计划。

    The administration opposes sanctions and withholding state funds , both of which would jeopardize important state-level safety programs and infrastructure maintenance programs already in place .

  25. 据此,各方有权获得禁制令以制止任何违约或持续违反对方合同项下义务的行为;

    Accordingly , each party shall have the right to obtain an injunction to prevent any breach or continuing violation of the other party 's obligations hereunder ;

  26. 如果有任何人在将来被发现尝试携带芹菜进入斯坦福桥,他们将会有可能被拒绝进场。同时假如任何人被抓到向球场投掷芹菜,亦将会面对禁制令。

    In future , if anyone is found attempting to bring celery into Stamford Bridge they could be refused entry and anyone caught throwing celery will face a ban .

  27. 现代集团表示,债权人的决定是无效的,而且违反了法律。该集团已申请法院下达禁制令,保护其优先竞购权。

    Hyundai Group , which filed for a court injunction to protect its rights as the preferred bidder , said the creditors ' decision was invalid and against law .

  28. 如果艾斯特拉达获判无罪,将取消这项禁制令,不过如果他被判有罪,「依据金融单位的裁决,这些财产很可能被拍卖。」

    If Estrada is found innocent , the order will be lifted . however , if he is found guilty ," these properties might be auctioned to satisfy any monetary judgment " .

  29. 1932年,国会通过了第一项亲劳工的法律“诺里斯拉加迪亚法”,使禁止工人加入工会的合同无法生效,并且还对联邦法院在劳工纠纷中发出禁制令的权力加以限制。

    In1932 , Congress passed one of the first pro-labor laws , the Norris-La Guardia act , which made yellow dog contracts unenforceable and limited the power of federal courts to issue injunctions in labor disputes .

  30. 他的部分要求是,也有法院发布初步禁令,禁止任何执法的赌禁,而此事尚待解决,以及申请禁制令,所有刑事诉讼,并依据调查对涉嫌违反赌禁。

    Part of his request is to also have the court issue a preliminary injunction to prohibit any enforcement of the gambling ban while the matter is pending as well as applying that injunction to all criminal proceedings and investigations based on alleged violations of the gambling ban .