
jìn zhì chǎn
  • interdiction
禁治产[jìn zhì chǎn]
  1. 大陆法系国家比较典型的是日本、德国和法国对于成年监护制度的改革主要是都废除了禁治产、准禁治产制度,更加尊重行为能力有欠缺的成年人的自我决定权。

    Civil law countries such as Germany , Japan and France , for the reform of the adult guardianship system abolish the interdiction system and quasi-interdiction system and respect the right of the self-determination of the adults lacking capacity .

  2. 目前,国外成年人监护制度放弃过去的成年人监护模式,以保护制度取代传统民法上的禁治产宣告制度成为通行理念。

    Currently , the adult guardianship system in foreign countries has been seeing a new revolution . It has further distanced itself from the old adult guardianship system , substituting the system of interdiction declaration with the system of protection .

  3. 大陆法系的家事审判程序制度最早产生于德国,在其民诉法中将婚姻事件和禁治产事件专门规定适用不同于审理普通民事案件的程序。

    Domestic procedure originates in German in civil law . The procedure of the marriage affair has its specialized provisions different from the common civil procedure in German .

  4. 船员年满六十五岁、受禁治产之宣告或身体残废不堪胜任者,应强迫退休。

    Any seafarer , who is at the age of65 , or is judged incompetence , or becomes incapable of working due to physical disability , shall be forced to retire .