
  • 网络Classical Natural Law;classical natural law theory
  1. 法与法律关系的二元论模式&近代西方古典自然法学思想概览

    On the Dualism Mode of Law and Jural Relation & A Survey on the Classical Natural Law Thoughts in Modern Time

  2. 在罗马法时代的形式主义影响之下,然后经过中世纪神学法学和古典自然法学的熏陶,它呈现出向诺成契约转变的态势。

    In Roman times , under the influence of formalism and then through the medieval theology of law and influenced by classical natural law , Real contract shows promise as contract changes to the situation .

  3. 古典自然法学遇到了另一种理论的挑战。

    The classical law-of-nature doctrine found a rival in another doctrine .

  4. 古典自然法学的信仰之维

    The law-belief statement of the classical natural jurisprudence

  5. 所谓历史法学派是指19世纪初首先在德国兴起的,与古典自然法学派相对抗的一个思想派别。

    The so-called " Historical School of Law " refers to the school of thought which first arises in Germany during the nineteenth Century .

  6. 同样,新自然法不过是对19世纪以来过于强调实证法而忽略法的内在价值的一种矫正,是传统实证分析法学和古典自然法学的一个折衷。

    Similarly , Neo-Naturalism just intends to rectify classical positivistic analytics from ignoring the intrinsic value of law and is a compromise between classical positivistic analytics and classical natural law .