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  1. 新的SHRIMP定年结果表明,原先划归于古元古代的丹东花岗杂岩现在被确定为中生代岩体。

    New SHRIMP dating reveals that the previously-known Paleoproterozoic Dandong granitic complex is Mesozoic .

  2. 苏鲁地体古元古代花岗质片麻岩锆石的U-Pb定年、REE和Lu-Hf同位素特征

    Zircon U-Pb dating , REE and Lu-Hf isotopic characteristics of Paleoproterozoic orthogneiss in Sulu UHP ter-rane , eastern China

  3. 如,澳大利亚西北部Kimberley盆地中未变质的古元古代砂岩中自生磷钇矿的SHRIMP定年将成岩作用限定在7Ma的误差范围之内。

    The SHRIMP dating on the authigenic xenotimes in Paleo Proterozoic un metamorphosed sandstone in Kimberley Basin of Northwestern Australia limits the depositional age within an error of 7 Ma .

  4. 古元古代孔兹岩带和华北中部碰撞带基底岩石变质作用均具有等温减压型顺时针p-T演化特征,反映两造山带都经历地壳加厚和随后的隆升剥蚀构造过程。

    Metamorphism of the basement rocks in the Paleoproterozoic Khondalite Belt and the Trans-North China Orogen is both characterized by clockwise p-T paths involving isothermal decompression following peak metamorphism , which suggests that the two orogens underwent initial crustal thickening followed by rapid exhumation / uplift tectonic processes .

  5. 鉴于白垩纪花岗岩的钕模式年龄(tDM)均集中于古元古代(1.8~2.2Ga),表明花岗岩的源区应限于核杂岩中构成原中地壳下部的古元古代结晶基底岩层。

    The source area was proved to be composed of the Paleoproterozoic crystalline basement rocks at the lower part of the original middle crust by the dominantly Paleoproterozoic Nd model ages of the granite and from the comparison with the crustal structure-constitution in East Qinling .

  6. 真羡慕古元,因为他太幸福了。

    I envy Gu Yuan because he lived a happy life .

  7. 胶辽地块古元古代大地构造问题:历史观与活动论

    Palaeoproterozoic geotectonic problems of the jiao-liao massif : evolutionism and mobilism

  8. 胶辽地块古元古代沉积组合:年代与层序

    Palaeoproterozoic sedimentary assemblages in the jiao-liao massif : ages and stratigraphic sequence

  9. 对辽东古元古代地质若干问题的讨论

    Several problems about the Paleoproterozoic geology of eastern Liaodong

  10. 胶辽地块古元古代前造山期深部过程的地质与地球化学制约

    Constraints of Geology and geochemistry on Paleoproterozoic pre-orogenic deep processes in jiao-liao massif

  11. 东昆仑造山带基底主要形成于古元古代晚期。

    The basement of EKOB formed in late Paleo-Proterozoic .

  12. 胶辽地块古元古代构造-热演化与深部过程

    Paleoproterozoic Deep Processes and Tectono-thermal Evolution in Jiao-Liao Massif

  13. 辽东古元古代镁质非金属矿床成矿系统研究

    Mineralization system of Paleoproterozoic magnesian non-metallic deposits in Eastern Liaoning province , China

  14. 古元古代二道洼岩群分布区已发现一批金矿床和金矿化点。

    In Erdaowa 's Group area some gold deposits and mineralization spots have been discovered .

  15. 区域地球化学不均一性起因初探&以吕梁中条古元古代裂谷带为例

    A Preliminary Discussion about Origin of Geochemical Heterogeneity & An Example from Luliang-Zhongtiao Paleoproterozoic Rift

  16. 北祁连西段古元古代大陆裂谷火山岩性质的确定

    Characteristics determination of Paleoproterozoic era continental rift volcanic rock in the western section of North Qilian

  17. 山东昌邑东部地区古元古代变质沉积型铁矿地质特征

    Geological Characteristics of Neoproterozoic Metamorphic Sedimentary Iron Deposit in East Part of Changyi Area in Shandong Province

  18. 两广云开隆起区存在中-古元古代基底的年代学证据

    Chronological evidence for the existence of the Meso - to Paleoproterozoic basement in the Yunkai uplift area

  19. 山西吕梁群流纹岩是一个古元古代的弱碱性火山岩。

    The rhyolites in the Upper Luliang Group of Shanxi Province of China are Palaeoproterozoic A-type volcanic rocks .

  20. 阴山地区早前寒武纪岩石构造分区及古元古地壳碰撞一伸展构造机制

    Tectonic division of the early rocks in the Yinshan area and the Palaeoproterozoic crustal collision lateral extension model

  21. 古元古代拉伸构造模式&以胶北、辽东和吉南地区为例

    Extensional tectonic model of palaeoproterozoic ── an example from northern Shandong Peninsula , eastern Liaoning and Southern Jilin areas

  22. 胶辽吉地区古元古代早期花岗岩的侵位模式及其与隆滑构造的关系

    Emplacement Model of Palaeoproterozoic Early Granite in Jiao Liao Ji Area and Its Relation to the Uplift Bedding Delamination Structural Series

  23. 古元古代地层缺乏种类繁多的标准化石,这使大区域性的、全球性的地层对比难以实现。

    Palaeoproterozoic formation lacks variety of standard fossils , thus it become difficult to compare the whole world formations or large .

  24. 卯独庆金矿床赋存在古元古代二道凹岩群的绿片岩层与大理岩层过渡带。

    Maoduqing gold deposit occurred in the green schist and marble stratum transitional belt of paleoprotozoic Erdaowa Group in Inner Mongolia .

  25. 出露于湘东北九岭&幕阜山岭之中的连云山杂岩属于古元古代结晶基底岩系。

    The Lianyunshan complex , cropping in the Jiuling Mufushan range in the northeastern Hunan Province , belongs to the paleo Proterozoic crystalline basement rocks .

  26. 佛坪变质结晶岩系主体可能形成于古元古代,年龄2000Ma左右。

    The main part of the Foping metamorphic crystalline rock series possibly formed in the Paleoproterozoic , with an age of - 2 000 Ma .

  27. 古元风格即指其延安时期的体现明朗、朴素、单纯特征又具有民族特点的木刻风格。

    This style is that which he employed during the Yan'an period which has clear , simple & pure characteristics combined with particularly Chinese features .

  28. 古元古代吕梁变质地块位于华北克拉通中部构造带中段的西缘,其中有大量的古元古代花岗闪长质到花岗质的侵入体。

    The Lliang Paleoproterozoic metamorphic block is situated in the western margin of the middle segment of the Central Tectonic Zone , North China Craton .

  29. 华北克拉通中北部古元古代碰撞造山时限:来自强过铝花岗岩和韧性剪切时代的制约

    Palaeoproterozoic collisional time in the Sanggan area of the North China craton : constraints from age of regional ductile shearing and post-collisional super Peraluminous Granites

  30. 小佟家堡子金矿床位于辽东金矿集中区,为产于古元古代变质岩系中的微细粒浸染型金矿,矿床类型独特。

    Located in gold concentration area of eastern Liaoning Province , the Xiaotongjapuzi gold deposit is hosted by fine-grained leptite and marble of Paleoproterozoic metamorphosed sequence .