首页 / 词典 / good

  1. 囍是一种具有中国传统文化特色的吉祥图符,它代表着喜庆,承载着吉祥。

    " Double happiness " is a propitious pattern with Chinese traditional cultural feature .

  2. 最受欢迎的请柬设计是中国字囍,意指“双重幸福”。

    The most popular design on the invitations is the Chinese character Xi , meaning " double happiness . "

  3. 2008年北京奥运会的奥运村将按囍字布局设计,由此联想到将囍运用到奥运首饰设计中?

    It represents happiness and propitiousness . The Olympic village of Beijing Olympic games in 2008 will be designed in the layout of " double happiness " .

  4. 我发现自己的出租车司机告诉我,所有的清楚,囍事-延迟飞行,在教练直销店拉瓜迪亚机场的士站两个小时的路线。

    I found myself telling my cab driver that all 's well that end 's well – the delayed flight , the two-hour line at the coach outlet stores LaGuardia taxi stand .