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  • 网络Tear paper;paper tearing;tear off;tear-off
  1. 你的撕纸艺术愈发精湛呐

    You 've perfected the art of tearing up papers .

  2. 满族撕纸少儿传承方式的现状与思考

    Situation and Ponder on Inheritance Ways of Tearing Paper for Manchu Children

  3. 撕纸成画民间一绝

    Tear paper into pictures : a unique folk skill

  4. 打印机撕纸刀的模具设计

    Die design of the paper cutting tool of printer

  5. 不要撕纸,把它放进垃圾桶。

    Don 't tear up paper ; put it in the waste basket .

  6. 【参考译文】撕纸的方式直接同纸张的制作紧密联系。

    The way paper tears is related directly to how it is made .

  7. 使用小吸尘器或撕纸式粘刷清洁包包内部。

    Clean the liner with a vacuum cleaner attachment or a lint roller .

  8. 地震把大巴需要经过的道路像撕纸般扯开。

    The earthquake had crumpled its road like folding up a piece of paper .

  9. 我们听到撕纸的声音。

    We heard the rip of paper .

  10. 在接下来的赏心悦目中啊,您可以继续欣赏锦州的撕纸和剪纸艺术作品。

    In the following Feast for the Eyes , you can continue to appreciate some paper-tearing and paper-cutting works of Jinzhou .

  11. 甚至就是放正确了纸张,还是有很多卡纸,撕纸或产生不读的现象。

    Even when it was the right way round , there were many cases of the paper jamming , tearing or producing unreadable results .

  12. 剪纸原始的家族传承方式是手口相传,现阶段主要是分散的、不均衡的传承方式,而学校教育是传承满族撕纸的新尝试。

    The original inheritance way is hand-mouth phase mass , now is mainly scattered and unbalanced , the school education is the new attempt of Manchu tearing paper .

  13. 他比他父亲更有胆这点我承认你的撕纸艺术愈发精湛呐把他父亲的遗骨还回去吧

    He has more spirit than his father , i 'll give him that . You 've perfected the art of tearing up papers . We can give him his father 's bones back at least

  14. 你能撕张纸给我吗?

    Can you tear off a piece of paper for me ?

  15. v.撕不要撕纸,把它放进垃圾桶。

    tear Don 't tear up paper ; put it in the waste basket .

  16. 凯瑟琳用胳膊抱着她的头伏在桌上,直等到她听到撕包书纸的沙沙声音;然后她偷偷地走过去,静静地坐在她表哥身边。

    Catherine leaned her head and arms on the table , till she heard the slightest rustle of the covering being removed ; then she stole away , and quietly seated herself beside her cousin .

  17. 我从本子上又撕下一张纸。

    I tore another sheet from the pad .

  18. 那孩子正在用力撕礼盒的包装纸。

    The child was tearing at the wrapping of the gift box .

  19. 她从书后面撕了几张纸下来。

    She tore several sheets of paper out of the back of the book .

  20. 她撕下一条纸。

    She tore off a strip of paper .

  21. 他从自己笔记本上撕下了张纸,然后递给了她。

    He tore a page out of his notebook and handed it to her .

  22. 我撕了一卷纸擦去红唇上边的油渍。

    I picked up a piece of scroll to wipe off the grease around my rosy mouth

  23. 从死亡笔记上撕下一页纸,哪怕是一小块碎片,都同样具有死亡笔记的全部功能。

    One page taken from the death note , or even a fragment of the page , contains the full effects of the note .

  24. 薄纸副本或文件在这种薄纸上写下的东西他把笔记本掏出来,撕下几张纸,搓成一个破纸锥。

    Something written on this thin paper . He took his notebook , tore several pages out of it and twisted them until they formed a stiff cone .

  25. 你没要必要花高价在礼品包装缎带上,你可以从旧杂志或者目录上撕下几页纸,还有就是不要忘了用布包。

    You don 't need to waste pounds on expensive gift wrap , you could use pages torn out of old magazines or catalogues and don 't forget fabric .

  26. 他把笔记本掏出来,撕下几张纸,搓成一个破纸锥。把信撕成两半[碎片]

    He took his notebook , tore several pages out of it and twisted them until they formed a stiff cone . rend a letter into two [ to pieces ]