
  • 网络tearing strength;Tear strength;tear resistance
  1. m(乙二醛)/m(PVA)为0.3时,纸张的撕裂度可提高25%,拉毛速度可提高17%。

    When the m ( Glyoxal ) / m ( PVA ) is 0.3 , paper tearing strength and picking velocity increased 25 % and 17 % respectively .

  2. 撕到一定长度所需的力量,以克表示,就是它的纸边撕裂度。

    The force , in gram , required to tear the paper eo a certain length gives the edge tearing strength .

  3. 纸张老化前后测试的性能为MIT耐折度、撕裂度、耐破度、裂断长、白度、铜价和聚合度。

    The following determinations were made on the initial and aged samples : MIT folding endurance , internal tearing resistance , bursting strength , breaking length , brightness , copper number and average degree of polymerization .

  4. DCS中胶体物质影响纤维间的氢键结合,降低了纤维间的结合力,从而导致纸张抗张强度、耐破度和撕裂度的降低。

    The DCS influenced the hydrogen bond among fibers and decreased the bond of fibers , furthermore resulted in the decrease of the tensile and burst strength . Colloidal particles could fill up spaces of paper and then decreased the tear strength .

  5. 并且在相同的打浆度下,氧碱浆的耐破度和撕裂度同Soda-AQ浆基本相同,但氧碱浆的抗张强度远大于Soad-AQ浆。

    Under the same beating degree , the burst index and tear index of Alkaline-Oxygen pulp are similar to those of Soda-AQ pulp , but the breaking length of Alkaline-Oxygen pulp is much higher than that of Soda-AQ pulp .

  6. 这个测试,可用“爱门道夫”撕裂度测试机进行。

    An " elmendorf " tearing tester may be use for this purpose .

  7. 加助剂后,纸页的白度、滤水性能、填料留着率、裂断长均有较大提高,撕裂度有所下降。

    The paper brightness , breaking length , pulp drainage and filler retention are improved but tear index decreases when the additive is used .

  8. 建议测量纸张老化前后的耐折度、撕裂度、白度和铜价或聚合度。

    Measurements of folding endurance , internal tearing resistance , brightness , and copper number or average degree of polymerization were strongly recommended for papers before and after accelerating aging .

  9. 讨论了纤维的长度、粗度和纤维的内在强度对纸页的抗张强度、撕裂度和耐破度以及纸页成形性能的影响。

    This paper talked about the effects of fiber length , coarseness and strength on the properties of paper , which include tensile strength , tearing strength , burst strength and formation .

  10. 实验结果表明:当添加0.6%的羟乙基田菁胶,可使纸张的裂断长提高14.7%,耐破度提高21.6%,填料的留着率提高15.5%,而对纸的撕裂度改变较小。

    The most proper dosage was determined . The results show that paper breaking length increased 14.7 % , paper burst_strength increased 21.6 % , filler retention increased 15.5 % , with little influence on paper tearing strength when 0.6 % ethoxyl_sesbania gum was added .

  11. 结果表明,过200目筛网的细小纤维在浆料中约占40%,它的存在可以使成纸的抗张强度提高120.7%,紧度提高32.2%,撕裂度提高12.6%,不透明度降低0.66%。

    It was suggested that fines , passing through 200-mesh sieve , accounted for 40 % in the pulp and that with its presence , tensile strength , tightness and tear strength enhanced respectively by 120.7 % , 32.2 % and 12.6 % , and opacity decreased by 0.66 % .

  12. 结论:在常规MRI检查的基础上追加MRI关节腔造影能提高检出肩袖部分撕裂的敏感度。

    Conclusions : There is a higher sensitivity in detecting partial tears with routine MRI combined with MR arthrography .

  13. 常规MRI和MR关节腔造影检出肩袖完全撕裂的敏感度和特异度均为100%和97.1%。

    The sensitivity in detecting full-thickness tears was 100 % and specificity was 97.1 % for both routine MRI and MR arthrography .

  14. 结果:常规MRI检出肩袖部分撕裂的敏感度约为61.9%,追加MR肩关节腔造影后敏感度提高到90.5%。

    Results : The sensitivity of routine MRI for detecting partial tears was 61.9 % and further increased to 90.5 % by adding MR arthrography .

  15. 与关节镜检结果对比,MRI诊断半月板撕裂的敏感度90.0%,特异度91.9%,符合率91.2%。

    Taking the result with arthroscopy as standard for the meniscus tear , the sensitivity of MRI was 90 % , the specificity was 91.9 % , and the diagnostic accuracy was 91.2 % .

  16. 结果:MRI诊断ACL撕裂的敏感度为95.7%,特异度为85.7%,阳性预测值为88.5%,阴性预测值为94.7%。

    Result : The sensitivity , specificity , positive predictive value and negative predictive value of MR diagnosis of ACL tears were 95.7 % , 85.7 % , 88.5 % and 94.7 % , respectively .

  17. 分别计算每种征象诊断半月板桶柄状撕裂的敏感度、特异度、阳性预测值、阴性预测值和准确度。

    Sensitivity , specificity , positive and negative predictive values , and accuracy for diagnosing BHT of menisci were calculated for the presence of each individual sign .