
sī liè shānɡ
  • laceration;avulsion
  1. 结果CT平扫,33例表现为肾轮廓不规则,肾包膜下血肿14例,肾周血肿13例,肾挫伤16例,肾撕裂伤7例;

    Results Marginal irregularity of the kidney was displayed on plain spiral CT in 33 cases , subcapsular hematoma in 14 cases , and perinephric hemorrhage in 13 cases , renal contusion in 16 cases , renal avulsion in 7 cases .

  2. 目的:总结预防分娩时会阴撕裂伤的经验。

    Objective Sum up the experience of preventing the avulsion of perineum when delivery .

  3. 多层螺旋CT在肺撕裂伤诊断中的应用价值

    Application Value of Multislice Spiral CT in diagnosis of Lung Lacerated Wound

  4. 肺挫伤及肺撕裂伤的CT诊断

    CT diagnosis of lung contuse and lung lacerated wound

  5. 目的比较常规MRI、肩关节腔造影和MRI肩关节腔造影检查对肩袖撕裂伤的诊断价值。

    Objective To compare the diagnostic value of conventional MRI , X ray arthrography , and MRI arthrography in revealing rotator cuff injuries .

  6. 结果:CT检查发现肝包膜下积血3例,肝撕裂伤3例,肝挫裂伤19例,肝内血肿25例。

    Result : Subcapsular hematoma were found in 3 cases , hepatic lancination in 3 cases , contusion in 19 cases , hepatic hematoma were found in 25 cases .

  7. 改良Kromer氏法治疗腓侧副韧带体部严重撕裂伤

    Treatment of Severe Splited Injury in the Body of Fibular Collaterale lig . by the Reforming Kromer 's Technique

  8. 冲击波暴露后豚鼠耳蜗基底膜撕裂伤

    Lacerating injury in basilar membrane of guinea pig exposed to blast

  9. 颈椎间盘水平性撕裂伤的诊断和治疗

    Diagnosis and Treatment for the Horizontal Rupture of the Cervical Disk

  10. 湿润暴露疗法在大面积皮肤擦撕裂伤中的应用

    Application of moist exposed therapy in treating large area skin laceration

  11. 255例剖宫产术子宫切口撕裂伤的临床分析

    Clinical analysis of 255 cases of cesarean laceration of uterus incision

  12. 他的右臂有处撕裂伤。

    He has a laceration on his right arm .

  13. 骨盆骨折合并会阴撕裂伤的初期处理

    Primary Management of Pelvic Fractures Associated with Perineal Laceration

  14. 陈旧性会阴撕裂伤37例临床分析

    Clinical analysis of old perineum laceration in 37 cases

  15. 肛门括约肌撕裂伤为初始结果资料,其被定义为第三和第四度会阴裂伤。

    Anal sphincter laceration was the primary outcome , defined as third-and fourth-degree perineal lacerations .

  16. 大肠镜检并发结肠浆膜层或肠系膜撕裂伤相当罕见,可能多数被忽视。

    Laceration of the colonic serosa or mesocolon complicated by colonoscopy is rare but probably overlooked .

  17. 撕裂伤,挫伤和外科清洁切口,都会发生这种现象。

    It occurs in the laceration and contusion as well as in the clean surgical incision .

  18. 首先,这种皮肤的切口或裂口在医学上称为撕裂伤。

    First , the medical term for a cut or tear in the skin is a laceration .

  19. 儿童髌骨骨折中袖形骨折容易误诊,临床上需同髌韧带撕裂伤进行鉴别。

    The sleeve shape fracture is liable to be misdiagnosed and should be differentiated from the ligament tearing .

  20. 结果17例经阴道分娩,均有阴道侧切伤、会阴撕裂伤,1例剖宫产分娩无阴道分娩及人工流产史;

    Only one case was with obstetric history of cesarean section and without vaginal delivery and spontaneous abortions .

  21. 膝关节前交叉韧带撕裂伤的最理想治疗方法尚不得知。

    Background The optimal management of a torn anterior cruciate ligament ( ACL ) of the knee is unknown .

  22. 方法对22例耳廓撕裂伤病人根据不同损伤程度采用相应的治疗方法。

    Methods Twenty-two patients with auricular traumatic injuries were treated by different methods according to various severity of injuries .

  23. 结果:撕裂伤肝4例,脾19例;

    Results : CT scans showed that hepatic laceration was in 4 cases , the splenic laceration was in 19 cases .

  24. 目的:探讨剖宫产术子宫下段横切口撕裂伤的相关因素及预防措施。

    Objective : Discuss correlation factor and protection measures of laceration of transverse incision of lower uterine segment in cesarean section .

  25. 前交叉韧带撕裂伤在磁共振上常常表现为前交叉韧带的信号异常或消失。

    MR imaging of an anterior cruciate ligament tear demonstrates absence , abnormal signal or course of the anterior cruciate ligament .

  26. 结论:通过此研究,经行剖宫产后的妇女对比未经产妇女的肛门括约肌撕裂伤有着类似的高风险。

    Conclusion At this institution , women undergoing VBAC are at similarly high risk of anal sphincter laceration , compared with nulliparous women .

  27. 怀孕次数似乎并不能成为减少后来分娩中肛门括约肌撕裂伤风险性的因素。

    Pregnancy by itself does not appear to be an important factor in decreasing the risk of anal sphincter laceration in subsequent deliveries .

  28. 经过核磁共振扫瞄检查后,没有改变先前的计画,他的手腕肌腱发炎,韧带也有点撕裂伤。

    An MRI and CT scan revealed no changes from previous studies , which had revealed tendinitis and a small ligament tear in the wrist .

  29. 姐姐被送往医院,医生正在治疗她的擦伤和撕裂伤。家人说孩子被发生的一切吓坏了。

    The child was taken to a hospital to be treated for bruises and lacerations . Her family said she was very distraught by what happened .

  30. 其中,肝包膜下血肿97例,单发或多发肝脏撕裂伤95例,肝实质内血肿35例,胆道损伤15例,107例合并腹腔血肿。

    There were hepatic subcapsular hematoma 97 cases , laceration 95 cases , parenchymal hematoma 35 cases , bile duct injury 15 cases and hemoperitoneum 107 cases .