
sī yǎo
  • Bite;worry;maul;bait
撕咬 [sī yǎo]
  • (1) [bait]∶用咬或撕的办法进行攻击

  • 当那几只狗去撕咬这只獾的时候,它们一股劲儿地狂吠

  • (2) [worry]∶扯咬,尤指喉部

  • 狼群撕咬绵羊

撕咬[sī yǎo]
  1. 狼群撕咬绵羊。

    Wolves worry the sheep .

  2. 那两条狗突然互相撕咬了起来。

    The dogs suddenly turned on each other .

  3. 那条狗在一边撕咬一边低声吼叫,尾巴也跟着摇摆。

    The dog was biting , growling and wagging its tail .

  4. 画面中一只狐狸正被一群猎狗撕咬得肠子外流。

    It shows a fox being disembowelled by a pack of hounds .

  5. 这时,一只狮子向他扑来,开始撕咬他。

    Just then a lion sprang upon him and began to devour2 him .

  6. 卞庄子见两只老虎为争吃一个人相互撕咬,拔剑就要冲上去刺杀这两只老虎。

    Bian Zhuangzi saw two tigers fighting each other for one man , and he was about to kill these two tigers , with a sword in his hand .

  7. 然后警察说狗上去撕咬了他DNA测试表明是动物的DNA事情就是这样了。

    And the cops said dogs went for the soft parts . The DNA had wounds of animals so that 's case closed .

  8. 杰夫贝佐斯(JeffBezos)可能正铆足了劲在西雅图四处活动,为他家的FirePhone大声吆喝,并鼓励员工互相撕咬。

    Jeff Bezos may run around Seattle , war paint daubed on his head , barking orders into his Fire Phone , urging employees to be nasty to each other .

  9. 建立恐龙基本动态库,结合Skeleton工具来进行对于模型的动态制作其中包括奔跑、撕咬、追逐、吼叫等。

    Build a dinosaur Skeleton , combined with the basic dynamic repository for the model tools for the dynamic production including running , worrying , chase , roar , etc.5 .

  10. Soren开始只繁育性格最温和的雌性和雄性雪貂,从而大大减少了之前所出现的撕咬问题。

    Soren began breeding only the gentlest males and females which drastically lessened the nipping problem that was seen .

  11. CTVT通常通过性行为在狗类之间传播,撕咬、舔舐、嗅闻等也是传播途径之一。

    CTVT is usually transmitted sexually between dogs but can also spread through biting , licking , or sniffing .

  12. 那匹马大口大口地撕咬着新鲜的草。

    The horse was tearing up delicious mouthfuls of new grass .

  13. 它们通过极其锋利的牙齿撕咬猎物来捕食。

    They catch their prey by biting with their extremely sharp teeth .

  14. 有些狗在没有得到足够的重视时甚至会撕咬。

    Some dogs even snap if they don 't get enough attention .

  15. 两只狗为一块骨头撕咬。

    The two dogs were fighting over a bone .

  16. 不过有时他们会踢打撕咬起来。

    But sometimes the others would kick and bite .

  17. 老虎的牙齿锋利结实,撕咬动物的皮肉简直不在话下。

    They have sharp , stout teeth that can rip through flesh easily .

  18. 狗撕咬着一只旧鞋。

    The dog is worrying an old shoe .

  19. 他喊叫着,挣扎着,撕咬着,他们就是不放他走。

    He shouted and fought and bit : they would not let him go .

  20. 她不顾一切的想要让她的幼仔摆脱猎豹的撕咬。

    She 's desperate to free her youngster from the cheetah 's strangling bite .

  21. 都是因为他撕咬她。

    That 's because he gnashed at her .

  22. 不停撕咬将他撕碎

    Tore at him , tore him apart .

  23. 安琪拉勇敢地挡在了她的小主人前,承受着美洲豹的撕咬。

    Angel positioned herself between her young master and the cougar , sustaining puncture wounds .

  24. “毫无疑问它有一个途径使其免于被撕咬。”

    " Obviously it had a way of coping with the bite forces involved . "

  25. 老鼠在房子里撕咬我的裤。

    The mouse 's tearing my trousers and blouse in the house arouses my anger .

  26. 狗在撕咬一只死猫。

    The dog is-ring a dead cat .

  27. 324.老鼠撕咬短衫和裤子激起了主妇的怒火。

    324 . The mouse 's tearing the blouse and trousers aroused the housewife 's anger .

  28. 种族歧视是在黑人生命中每个清醒的时刻都在撕咬他们的地狱之犬。

    Discrimination is a hellhound that gnaws at Negroes in every waking moment of their lives .

  29. 猛禽的野蛮撕咬(?)现在提高猛禽的伤害10%,持续30秒。

    Savage Rend ( Raptor ) now temporarily boost the raptor 's damage by10 % for30 seconds .

  30. 类似地,厌恶会阻止你撕咬腐烂的食物。

    Similarly , disgust is going to stop you biting into a mouldering pile of rotten food .