
měng mǎ
  • mammoth
猛犸 [měng mǎ]
  • [mammoth] 已灭绝的一种大象,这种象广泛分布于更新世,与现代象显著不同之处在于:具有带白垩质的臼齿

猛犸[měng mǎ]
  1. 因为有少数关键的DNA结构发生改变,所以可以推出猛犸象的血红蛋白可以在低温环境下把氧气输送到身体的各个部位。

    Due to just a few key structural changes , mammoth hemoglobin can release oxygen more readily at cold temperatures .

  2. 研究人员从一头43000岁的猛犸象标本中获取了其血红蛋白DNA,然后用大肠杆菌培养新的血红蛋白。

    Researchers got the DNA that codes for hemoglobin from a 43,000-year-old mammoth specimen . They then used E. coli bacteria to produce actual mammoth hemoglobin .

  3. 尼安德特人能够捕杀浑身覆毛的猛犸象和熊。

    Neanderthal man was able to kill woolly mammoths and bears .

  4. 猛犸是食草性哺乳动物。

    Mammoths were herbivorous mammals .

  5. 猛犸在史前时期就已绝迹。

    Mammoths became extinct in prehistoric times .

  6. 因为这个称号属于位于美国肯塔基州猛犸洞穴群,它的长度几乎是最新发现的水下洞穴的两倍。

    That belongs to the mammoth5 cave complex in the American hillsides of Kentucky – thought to be near double the length .

  7. 然而,北美、英国和澳大利亚的研究人员从三个猛犸标本中提取出核酸片段,并给予其编码的DNA序列重新构建了血红蛋白。

    But researchers from North America , the U.K. and Australia extracted fragments of nucleic acids from three mammoth specimens , creating hemoglobin based on its coding DNA sequence .

  8. 为了追溯它们的演化过程,研究人员对大象和其他哺乳动物(包括猛犸象和乳齿象等虽然已经灭绝,但DNA在化石中得到保存的现代象的“亲戚们”)的基因组进行了大规模的比对。

    To trace their evolution , the researchers made a large-scale comparison of elephants to other mammal species - including extinct relatives like woolly mammoths and mastodons whose DNA remains in their fossils .

  9. 掠夺者坦克:猛犸坦克的轻型版,是GDI的主战坦克。

    Predator Tank : This is a light version of the Mammoth tank , and is the main battle tank for the GDI .

  10. 该百货大楼的售货员托尼·吕(TonyLui)周六下午表示,陈列的货品都是由可合法交易的猛犸象牙雕刻而成。

    Tony Lui , a salesman at the store , said Saturday afternoon that the items on display were carved from mammoth tusk , which can legally be sold .

  11. 影响西伯利亚南部猛犸象动物群消亡的主要变化可能开始于末次冰期冰盛期(LGM)之后。

    The major change that influenced the demise of the mammoth fauna in southern Siberia was probably initiated after the Last Glaciation Maximum ( LGM ) .

  12. 南宁猛犸互联网技术有限公司始建于2005年,GODEYES是在中国地理信息系统领域最知名的网上社区。

    Nanning Mammoth Internet Tech. , Co Ltd was built in2005 , having the most famous on-line community GODEYES in GIS field in China .

  13. Surovell提出,如果主要原因在于人类,那么特定地区大象和猛犸象的灭绝情况应与人类在该地区的扩张一致。

    If humans caused the elephant and mammoth extinctions , Surovell reasoned , the timing of the die-offs in specific regions should match human expansion into those regions .

  14. 请他们将猛犸象定为官方州化石

    urging them to make the woolly mammoth the official state fossil

  15. 你或许已经在电影中见过猛犸。

    You might already have seen a mammoth in the movies .

  16. 这一猛犸遗骸现已修复陈列在列宁格勒古生物博物馆。

    HAS now been restored in the Palaeontological Museum in Leningrad .

  17. 我们狩猎驯鹿,猛犸象。野牛,野马。

    We hunted reindeer , mammoths . Bison , horses .

  18. 北半球寒冷地区常见的毛发非常浓密的猛犸。

    Very hairy mammoth common in colder portions of the northern hemisphere .

  19. 猛犸标本的表皮和肉身都保存完好。

    The skin and flesh of those dug up are well preserved .

  20. 蓝色的太平洋海水变得冰冷,猛犸山脉的花却在盛开。

    Cold the blue Pacific water , when the mammoth mountain blooms .

  21. 俄国科学家在西伯利亚的永久冻土里发现了整头的猛犸。

    Russian scientists have discovered whole mammoths frozen within the Siberian permafrost .

  22. 他也想成为一头猛犸,就像我想的一样!

    He wants to be an Ultralisk , just like I did !

  23. 我可从没见过一头猛犸是这样睡觉的.

    I 've never seen a mammoth sleep like that .

  24. 那头猛犸,他和我一起清理海岸…他在…

    The mammoth , he washed ashore with me ... He 's. ..

  25. 他们发现70%的猛犸象是雄性的。

    And they found that 70 percent of the mammoths were males .

  26. 动物的一个目,包含大象和猛犸。

    An order of animals including elephants and mammoths .

  27. 大象祖先即长毛猛犸象。

    Elephant ancestors are known as the woolly mammoth .

  28. 不过现在科学家们在那些猛犸象的遗骸中留意到了一个奇怪的趋势。

    But now scientists have noticed a strange trend among those mammoth remains .

  29. 两只树懒,一头猛犸和一头剑齿虎?

    Two sloths , a mammoth and a sabre ?

  30. 但是,科学家们仍渴望看到真正的猛犸。

    But scientists are dying to see real mammoths .