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měng liè
  • violent;fierce;vigorous;vehement;firm;ferocity;violent drastic
猛烈 [měng liè]
  • (1) [violent drastic;fierce;vehement]∶强烈;激烈

  • 猛烈的风暴

  • (2) [firm]∶刚烈、刚强

  • 志不猛烈

猛烈[měng liè]
  1. 他对民主党人发动了猛烈的攻击。

    He launched a fierce attack on the Democrats .

  2. 英国广播公司因被指具有政治偏见而遭到猛烈抨击。

    There were fierce attacks on the BBC for alleged political bias .

  3. 该影片在美国遭遇到批评家的猛烈抨击。

    The film took a battering from critics in the US .

  4. 他对年轻一代发起了猛烈的抨击。

    He launched a bitter diatribe against the younger generation .

  5. 在辩论中她着实给对手以猛烈的攻击。

    She really lammed into her opponent during the debate .

  6. 她遭到报刊的猛烈抨击。

    She came in for a lot of flak from the press .

  7. 文章对政府的业绩进行了猛烈的抨击。

    The article was a savage attack on the government 's record .

  8. 她最近的一部小说受到评论家的猛烈批评。

    Her latest novel has been savaged by the critics .

  9. 首相对批评他的人进行了猛烈反击。

    The prime minister fired a broadside at his critics .

  10. 这架飞机是为经受猛烈的气流而设计的。

    The aircraft is designed to withstand turbulent conditions .

  11. 报道猛烈地抨击了警方。

    The report was sharply critical of the police .

  12. 她受到报界的猛烈抨击。

    She has been heavily criticized in the press .

  13. 汽车若遇到正面猛烈撞击,安全气囊可以保护驾车者。

    Airbags protect the driver in the event of a severe frontal impact .

  14. 这座城市在战争中遭到了猛烈轰炸。

    The city was heavily bombed in the war .

  15. 爆炸把她猛烈地抛向空中。

    The explosion pitched her violently into the air .

  16. 那座城市遭受猛烈轰炸。

    The city was subjected to heavy bombing .

  17. 他慷慨陈词,猛烈抨击酗酒的罪恶。

    He declaimed against the evils of alcohol .

  18. 他给了他两记猛烈的左手拳。

    He hit him with two sharp lefts .

  19. 小船在他们脚下猛烈颠簸着。

    The boat bucked and heaved beneath them .

  20. 风暴更猛烈地再度肆虐。

    The storm resumed with even greater intensity .

  21. 雨点猛烈地打在窗户上。

    The rain lashed at the window .

  22. 雨点猛烈地打在窗户上。

    The rain lashed at the windows .

  23. 他们相互猛烈攻击。

    They went at each other furiously .

  24. 那座城市受到猛烈轰炸。

    The city came under heavy bombardment .

  25. 飞机突然猛烈燃烧起来。

    The plane burst into flame .

  26. 船不时会猛烈摇晃一下,而且越来越频繁。

    More and more frequently the vessel lurched into a sudden roll .

  27. 他猛烈抨击其民主党对手。

    He leveled a verbal assault against his Democratic opponents .

  28. 最猛烈的暴风雨就要来了。

    The worst of the storm is yet to come .

  29. 预报员说大风也许不像他们起初预报的那么猛烈。

    Forecasters say the gales may not be as bad as they initially predicted

  30. 政府的工业政策遭到了左派的猛烈抨击。

    The government 's industrial policy has been fiercely attacked by the left .