  • fierce;valiant;violent;vigorous
  • suddenly;abruptly;fiercely;violently
  • 气势大,力量大:~将。~士。~烈。勇~。

  • 忽然,突然:~然。~省(xǐng )(亦作“猛醒”)。~可(突然,陡然)。~不防。

  • 严厉:宽以济~。

  • 凶暴:苛政~于虎。~禽。~兽。~戾。~悍。

  • 古哺乳动物,长毛的象:~犸。


(猛烈) fierce; valiant; violent; vigorous:

  • 勇猛

    bold and powerful;

  • 凶猛

    fierce; ferocious;

  • 猛虎

    a fierce tiger;

  • 用力过猛

    use too much strength; overexert oneself


(忽然; 突然) suddenly; abruptly:

  • 猛悟

    suddenly realize;

  • 猛一转身

    turn round abruptly


(强烈; 猛烈) fiercely; violently:

  • 猛推

    shove fiercely;

  • 猛攻

    attack violently


(姓氏) a surname:

  • 猛足

    Meng Zu

  1. 随着Internet应用的逐渐扩大,网络创造了越来越多的经济效益,也承载了更多的社会价值,随之而来的是越来越猛的网络攻击和网络犯罪。

    With the wide applications of the Internet , Network to create more and more economic benefits and assume more social value , followed by more and more fierce attacks and the network of cyber crime .

  2. 切勿用力猛呀或施压与按摩机上。

    Do not force fierce ah or on pressure and massage .

  3. 猛拽绳扣使你的救生衣充气。

    Inflate your life jacket by pulling sharply on the cord .

  4. 孩子们似乎整天都在猛喝汽水。

    The kids seem to be guzzling soft drinks all day .

  5. 他猛伸手臂扶她,她才没有跌倒。

    He flung out an arm to stop her from falling .

  6. 她猛踩刹车踏板。

    She pressed her foot down sharply on the brake pedal .

  7. 猛不防有人抓住了我的脖子。

    All of a sudden someone grabbed me around the neck .

  8. 他们必须穷追猛赶竞争对手。

    They needed to make up ground on their competitors .

  9. 他把食物猛往自己盘子里堆。

    He piled as much food as he could onto his plate .

  10. 她用胳膊肘猛顶他的肚子。

    She gave him a jab in the stomach with her elbow .

  11. 股价由每股50便士猛降至20便士。

    The share price was chopped from 50 pence to 20 pence .

  12. 他猛踩油门,开着出租汽车闯过了红灯。

    He gunned the cab through the red light .

  13. 他猛踩刹车,汽车在剧烈震动中停下来。

    He slammed on the brakes and the car juddered to a halt .

  14. 她不得不猛踩刹车,以免撞上前面的车。

    She had to brake hard to avoid running into the car in front .

  15. 婴儿在猛长期间会很饿。

    Babies get very hungry during growth spurts .

  16. 他猛踩油门飞速驾驶。

    He had his foot to the floorboard .

  17. 大火在半夜两点钟左右烧得最猛。

    The fire reached its height around 2 a.m.

  18. 他像受到1000伏的电击似的猛跳起来。

    He jumped like a man who 'd been zapped with 1 000 volts .

  19. 火车突然向前猛动了一下。

    The train gave a violent lurch .

  20. 他猛敲窗户。

    He rapped sharply on the window .

  21. 失业率猛升到了18%。

    Unemployment has soared to 18 % .

  22. 电梯猛震一下,升上去了。

    The elevator rose with a shudder .

  23. 水迅猛上涨。

    The water was rising fast .

  24. 他猛灌着双份威士忌,脸色阴沉。

    He was drinking his double whiskey too fast and scowling .

  25. 去年犯罪率猛升了10%。

    The number of crimes jumped by ten per cent last year

  26. 烟抽到一半,她突然一阵猛咳。

    Halfway down the cigarette she had a fit of coughing

  27. 迈克一直揪着他的领子把他往上猛举。

    Mike kept snatching him up by the collar and jerking him up

  28. 船撞到什么东西,猛颠了一下。

    There was a jerk as the boat bumped against something

  29. 他突然猛咳了一阵。

    He broke into a paroxysm of coughing .

  30. 他手腕猛一用力推开戴维,让这小伙子打了个踉跄。

    He let David go with a thrust of his wrist that sent the lad reeling