
liè quǎn
  • hound;hunting dog;hound dog;hunter;gun dog;sleuth;sleuth hound;rach
猎犬 [liè quǎn]
  • [hunting dog;hound] 经过训练,用来帮助打猎的狗。又称猎狗

猎犬[liè quǎn]
  1. 猎犬追踪着狐狸的气味。

    The hounds were following the fox 's trail .

  2. 那条狗可爱极了,是柯利牧羊犬和金毛猎犬的杂交品种。

    It was a lovely dog . It was a cross between a collie and a golden retriever .

  3. 猎犬循着臭迹追踪猎物。

    The hounds followed their game by scent .

  4. 这条狗看来不大像一只猎犬。

    It doesn 't look much like a hunting dog .

  5. 两只猎犬同逐一兔,有时也像是一种协同动作。

    Two greyhounds , in running down the same hare , have sometimes the appearance of acting in some sort of concert .

  6. 它展示了一张小猎犬的照片。

    It presented a picture of a beagle .

  7. 我的目光掠过标题,“阿莫斯,有计划的小猎犬”。

    My eyes ran across the title , Amos , the Beagle with a Plan .

  8. 我从未忘记我的小猎犬。

    I never forgot my beagle .

  9. 我那时刚养了一只小猎犬,它是我小时候第一个也是唯一的动物伴侣。

    I had recently had a beagle , the first and only animal companion I ever had as a child .

  10. 博是一只金毛猎犬,它获得了Ken-LRation狗粮公司今年的狗英雄奖。

    Bo , a golden retriever , won this year 's Dog Hero Award from the Ken-L Ration dog food company .

  11. Whip这个用法源于打猎时的用语whippingin,意即,让猎犬们保持队形,防止个别猎犬从整个群体中“溜号”。

    The usage comes from the hunting term " whipping in " , i.e. preventing hounds from wandering away from the pack .

  12. 4《巴斯克维尔的猎犬》

    The Hound of the Baskervilles

  13. 有只鹿受到了猎犬的追捕,拼命地逃进一个洞里寻求庇护。他希望这是一个安全的地方,可以躲避猎犬。

    A stag was chased by the hounds , and took refuge in a cave , where he hoped to be safe from his pursuers .

  14. 《巴斯克维尔的猎犬》充满了忧郁的气氛、可疑的人物和戏剧性的发现,同时也展示了柯南经常被忽视的一点:他出色的文笔。

    Full of moody atmospherics , suspicious characters , and dramatic discoveries , The Hound of the Baskervilles also shows off something often overlooked about Doyle : his wonderful prose .

  15. 不幸的是,这个洞里有一只狮子,轻易地就抓获了鹿,鹿临死之前说:“我真是倒霉,刚脱离了猎犬的追捕,马上又掉进了狮子的大口。”

    Unfortunately the cave contained a lion , to whom he fell an easy prey . " Unhappy that I am , " he cried , " I am saved from the power of the dogs only to fall into the clutches of a lion . "

  16. 对我来说,爱在身患残疾的儿子们给我的每一个拥抱里,在女儿对我的冷笑话给予的微笑里,爱在我的老猎犬和新宠物狗崇拜的目光中,在我胸前小憩喵咪的呼噜声中。

    It is there every time my handicapped sons give me a hug . It is there every time my daughter laughs at one of my dumb jokes . It is there in the adoring eyes of my old beagle and my new puppy . It is there in the purring cat that naps on my chest .

  17. 乔治·W·布什及其夫人劳拉发表声明宣布,他们12岁的爱犬苏格兰小猎犬巴尼死亡。

    George W. Bush and his wife Laura issued a statement announcing the passing of their 12-year-old Scottish Terrier Barney .

  18. 这是猫王歌曲《猎犬》Hounddog的歌词我的那只老灰狗死了。

    My old hound dog just died .

  19. 也许你应该给他们打个电话告诉Le夫妇可爱的小猎犬在我们这。

    Robbie , maybe you should call them and tell the Levinsons we have their cute little spaniel .

  20. 汉克斯甚至还为他2020年的另一部电影《灰猎犬号》写了剧本,在片中他饰演一名二战时期的海军司令员,他的船被德国的U型潜水艇追赶。

    Hanks even wrote one of his 2020 films , Greyhound , in which he plays a World War Two Navy commander whose ship is pursued by German U-boats .

  21. 活动双星和dMe型星(猎犬RS型星,dMe型星,大陵五,激变变星,大熊W型星,活动超巨星);

    Active binaries and dMe stars ( RS CVn stars ; dMe stars ; Algol ; cataclysmic variables ; W UMa stars ; active supergiants );

  22. EdisonChouestOffshore公司总部位于露易斯安那州,其C-猎犬号船的美籍船长及一名工程师被绑架,补给船进入尼日利亚海岸附近的几内亚湾国际水域时遭遇了袭击。

    The American captain and an engineer from Louisiana-based Edison Chouest Offshore , C-Retriever were abducted when their all-supply vessel came under attack in international waters off the gulf of Guinea , off Nigerian coast .

  23. 格雷厄姆没有去解开安全索把妻子送上岸,而是抓住了他们的杰克罗素小猎犬罗西(Rosie)。

    Instead of freeing his wife and getting her to shore , Graham grabbed Rosie , their Jack Russell terrier .

  24. 上周四,美国电影联合会公布了反盗版战争中的最新“武器”:两只能够嗅出DVD光碟、分别名为“拉基”和“弗洛”的拉布拉多猎犬。

    The Motion Picture Association of America on Thursday unveiled its latest tool in the war on movie piracy : a pair of DVD-sniffing Labrador Retrievers named Lucky and Flo .

  25. 长卷毛狗曾被用作猎鸭时叼回猎物的猎犬,但是美国KennelClub却不承认它们为猎犬,因为它们现在大多数作为宠物饲养。

    Poodles were once used as retrievers in duck hunting , but the American Kennel Club does not consider them sporting dogs because they are now primarily kept as pets .

  26. 在狐狸与猎犬电影的最开头,一只红色的孤儿狐狸Tod在Tweed寡妇那里安了新家。

    In the beginning of The Fox and the Hound , an orphaned red fox ( Tod ) finds a new home with the Widow Tweed .

  27. 猎犬号的驾手在上次冲击记录时失败了。作为皇家空军战斗机驾驶员,WingCommanderAndyGreen成了世界上第一个驾驶快于光速汽车的人。

    Bloodhound 's driver was at the wheel the last time the record fell . Making Wing Commander Andy Green , the Royal Airforce fighter pilot , the first man to drive a car faster than the speed of sound .

  28. 这四只狗都取名为“Ruppy”(“ruby”和“puppy”的合成词),在正常光条件下,它们看起来和普通的比格猎犬没什么差别。

    The four dogs , all named " Ruppy " a combination of the words " ruby " and " puppy " look like typical beagles by daylight .

  29. 吐司,一只没有牙齿的骑士查理王猎犬,它总喜欢垂着舌头,在Instagram上拥有超过21.3万的追随者。2015年夏天,在凯伦沃克的眼镜广告中与沃克女士本人一起出镜。

    Toast , a toothless Cavalier King Charles Spaniel dog , with a drooping tongue and more than 213,000 Instagram followers , stars in Karen Walker 's summer 2015 eyewear campaign alongside Ms Walker herself .

  30. 在西方,人们相信大蒜或用利器插入心脏可以杀死德库拉(Dracula)那样的吸血鬼。而在东方,人们相信用黑色猎犬的血、糯米或者护身符可以抵御僵尸的威胁。

    Just as garlic or a stake in the heart can ward off or kill Dracula and other Western vampires , the living can defend themselves from hopping vampires with blood from a black hound , glutinous rice or an amulet .