
  • 网络Assassin bug
  1. 我抓起我的相机和闪光灯迅速的拍下了一只猎蝽若虫。

    I grabbed my camera and a flashlight and snapped this shot of an assassin bug nymph .

  2. 猎蝽科一新属二新种(半翅目:异翅亚目)

    A new genus and two new species of Reduviidae ( hemiptera : heteroptera )

  3. 环斑猛猎蝽生物学、生态学特性及捕食功能研究新生态环境下社科类学会的功能定位与功能培育

    The Orientation and the Cultivation for the Functions of Social Science Associations in the New Ecological Environment

  4. 斜纹猫蛛和红彩真猎蝽均是烟草上斜纹夜蛾的重要捕食性天敌。

    Both Oxyopes sertatus and Harpactor fuscipes are important predators of common cutworm ( Spodoptera litura ) on tobacco .

  5. 半翅目长虫;腿长的食肉蝽,以主要吃其它昆虫为生;少部分猎蝽吸哺乳动物的血。

    A true bug : long-legged predacious bug living mostly on other insects ; a few suck blood of mammals .

  6. 天敌有瓢虫、猎蝽、盲蝽、花蝽、胡蜂、草蛉、食蚜蝇等昆虫及蜘蛛12种;

    Its enemies have 12 species including ladybug , Pirates , fleahopper , flower bug , vespa , Chrysopa , syrphus fly and spider .

  7. 该病主要见于拉丁美洲,多数通过锥蝽臭虫的粪便传播给人类。这类臭虫亦称吸血猎蝽,并根据地理区域,还有其它名称。

    It is found mainly in Latin America , where it is mostly transmitted to humans by the faeces of triatomine bugs , known as'kissing bugs ' , among other names , depending on the geographical area .