
liè hú
  • fox-hunting;fox terrier
猎狐[liè hú]
  1. 在他们的研究中,生物学家CorsinMüller和他的研究小组挑选了11只狗,其中包括9只边境牧羊犬,一只猎狐梗和一只德国牧羊犬。

    For their study , biologist Corsin M ü ller and his team selected eleven dogs , including nine Border Collies , a Fox Terrier , and a Sheltie .

  2. 有光滑毛发的猎狐犬。

    A fox terrier with smooth hair .

  3. 节礼日将有猎狐活动。

    There will be a hunt on Boxing Day .

  4. 这个地区有几支不同的猎狐队。

    There are several different hunts in the area .

  5. 她喜欢一有时间就去猎狐。

    She liked to hunt as often as she could .

  6. 这个国家有些人喜欢猎狐,但是这并不能使其变得名正言顺。

    Fox hunting is popular among some people in this country . It doesn 't make it right though

  7. 在英式英语中,gohunting指骑马带狗猎狐的体育活动。

    In British English go hunting refers to the sport of chasing and killing foxes with dogs while on horseback .

  8. 另一方面,根据《SnakeEater》结尾,大首领在1971年建立了猎狐犬特种部队,却在1972年离开成为了一名佣兵。

    Snake , on the other hand started FOXHOUND in1971 according to the ending of Snake Eater , but left in1972 becoming a mercenary .

  9. 我听说政府要禁止猎狐。

    They 're going to ban fox hunting , I hear .

  10. 其他人鄙视猎狐,因为它主要是一种供上流社会和贵族消遣的运动罢了。

    Others despise it for being a mostly upper-class and aristocratic sport .

  11. 许多人支持禁止猎狐和猎鹿的运动。

    Many people support the campaign to ban Fox and stag hunting .

  12. 正如猎狐之在英国,意见纷纭,且不可调和。

    As with foxhunting in Britain , views seem irreconcilable .

  13. 围绕猎狐是否道德的持续争论。

    The continuing debate about the morality of fox-hunting .

  14. 猎狐活动几乎和下午茶一样,是英国的一项传统。

    Eg. fox hunting is a tradition almost as British as afternoon tea .

  15. 狩猎破坏者因为对猎杀狐狸持反对意见而破坏猎狐。

    Hunt saboteurs try to disrupt fox hunts because they disapprove of foxhunting .

  16. 在英国差不多有二盯个猎狐组织。

    There are almost two hundred foxhuntsin great britain .

  17. 猎狐犬跟踪狐狸的气味,猎人则跟在猎犬后面。

    Foxhounds follow the scent of foxes ; hunters then follow the hounds .

  18. 美国品种猎狐狗,用来成群或单个捕猎狐狸。

    An American breed of foxhounds used for hunting both in packs and individually .

  19. 猎狐是英国特有的运动。

    Hunting foxes is a peculiarly English sport .

  20. 它的三年以来,猎狐禁令生效,在英格兰。

    It 's three years since the Fox Hunting ban came into force in England .

  21. 有许多人反对猎狐。

    Many people are against for hunting .

  22. 议会必须制订法律禁止猎狐。

    Parliament must legislate against fox-hunting .

  23. 但是现在,猎狐活动本身就快成为濒临绝种的东西了。

    But today , fox hunting itself is on the verge of becoming an endangered species .

  24. 英国品种的猎狐狗,比美国猎狐狗略大,原用于群猎。

    An English breed slightly larger than the American foxhounds originally used to hunt in packs .

  25. 哈利犬是事实上,应该是一种小型版本的英国猎狐犬。

    The Harrier should , in fact , be a smaller version of the English Foxhound .

  26. 我们是新的猎狐犬部队。

    We are the new FOXHOUND .

  27. 当别人问他为什么如此频繁地去猎狐时,他回答说他喜欢追猎的刺激。

    Asked why he went fox-hunting so much , he replied that he loved the thrill of the chase .

  28. 这是刚毛猎狐犬第14次赢得国家顶级名犬头衔。

    It 's the 14th time a wire fox terrier has won at the nation 's top dog show .

  29. 大多数人猎狐的目的就是简单地为了跟踪,追捕,然后,偶尔能够杀死一只狐狸。

    The objective of most fox hunts is simple to track , chase and , sometimes , kill a fox .

  30. 我和杰里米曾经是朋友,可是当他获悉我对猎狐的观点时,他转而反对我。

    Jeremy and I used to be friends but he turned against me when he learned of my views on fox hunting .