
  • 网络cycling;bicycling
  1. 在自行车运动中,违规罚责有:警告、罚时间、罚款和降低名次。

    In track cycling , there are some ways to punish : admonition , penalize time , fine , and debase class .

  2. 自行车运动管理机构国际自行车联盟(UCI)可以针对相关制裁提出上诉,不过此前UCI从未对美国反兴奋剂机构宣布的制裁提出过上诉。

    The governing body for the sport of cycling , known as the UCI , could appeal the sanctions , though it has never appealed a sanction handed down by USADA .

  3. 目的:评价仰卧位蹬自行车运动负荷超声心动图(Supinebicycleexerciseechocardiography,SBEE)检测心肌缺血的价值。

    Objective : To access the value of the supine bicycle exercise echocardiography ( SBEE ) in detecting myocardial ischemia .

  4. 建议:为了加强对自行车运动训练的监控,应该积极推广SRM训练系统的使用。

    For the sake of enhancing the training monitoring of cyclists , the author suggests popularize use the SRM training system .

  5. 通过研究,可得出如下结论:自行车运动训练监控应依据训练目的,以心率、RPE、血乳酸、血清总睾酮和体成分分析等构建个体化生理、生化监控指标体系。

    This research concludes that to construct the system of control index of individual physiological and biochemical , it should refer to training aim , and analyzes the heart rate , RPE , lactic acid , serum testosterone and body composition .

  6. 采用自行车运动递增负荷试验,通过监测每分钟换气量(VE)、氧摄取量(VO2)和二氧化碳排出量(VCO2)来确定无氧代谢阈值(AT)。

    AT could be determined easily during the bicycle ergometer test by measuring minute ventilation ( VE ), oxygen uptake ( VO2 ) and carbon dioxide output ( VCO2 ) .

  7. 2010年,阿姆斯特朗的前队友兰迪斯(FloydLandis)向自行车运动管理人员发送了多封电子邮件,在信中兰迪斯指控阿姆斯特朗之前所在的自行车队存在服用违禁药品的情况,并指控阿姆斯特朗在职业生涯期间也曾服用禁药。

    In 2010 , Mr. Armstrong 's former teammate , Floyd Landis , sent a series of emails to cycling officials in which he made allegations of doping on Mr. Armstrong 's former cycling team and accused Mr. Armstrong of doping during his career .

  8. 运动模式:低氧训练前及21d低氧训练结束后次日分别进行逐级递增负荷的功率自行车运动:起始负荷为40W,以后每3min递增20W,直至力竭。

    Exercise mode : all athletes had bicycle exercise with stepwise increasing load cycle ergometer before training and the next day after 21 day training : 40 W at the beginning , and 20 W was increased every 3 minutes till exhaustion .

  9. 中国自行车运动发展现状与训练学思考

    Current Condition and Consideration on Training Theory of Chinese Cycling Development

  10. 我也买了安全帽和自行车运动短裤。

    I also had to buy a helmet and bike shorts .

  11. 我国自行车运动可持续发展的战略分析

    Strategic Analysis of the Sustainable Development of Cycling Sport in China

  12. 户外自行车运动对大学生情绪的影响评价

    Effect of Outdoor 's Bicycle Exercise on the Mood of Undergraduates

  13. 自行车运动踏蹬技术的分析和训练

    Analysis and Training on Skill of Bicyclists in Pedaling a Bicycle

  14. 自行车运动的成绩是在人-车-环境的共同作用下取得的。

    The result of cycling is achieved under the co-operation of Human-Bike-Environment .

  15. 女子自行车运动训练原则与方法的研究

    Study on the Training Principle and Methods of Women Cycling

  16. 自行车运动是锻炼耐力的好办法。

    Cycling is a good way of building up stamina .

  17. 研究者们让25名试验参与者参加两轮高强度的自行车运动。

    Researchers had25 subjects engage in two bouts of high intensity cycling .

  18. 山地越野自行车运动训练与比赛中的生理特征

    Physiological Characters of Mountain Bike Athletes in Training and Competition

  19. 论公路自行车运动的弯道技术在比赛中的合理运用

    On Reasonable Utilization Of Road Cycle Racing 's Curve Technique In Competition

  20. 宁夏地区自行车运动概述

    A Brief Introduction of the Bicycling Sports in Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region

  21. 中国女排运动员不同负荷自行车运动时脑电图研究

    Electroencephalographic studies of Chinese women volleyball players taking bicycling tests at different loads

  22. 自行车运动专项训练的阶段性

    Analysis on Special Skills Training of Bicyclists in Stages

  23. 自行车运动两人跟骑的空气阻力研究

    Study on the Air Resistance during Following Riding of Two Persons in Cycling

  24. 在这个国家受欢迎的项目是拳击,自行车运动和田径比赛。

    The popular sports in the country are boxing , cycling and athletics .

  25. 自行车运动协会的主要领导们。

    Cycling of the main leaders of the Association .

  26. 近些年来自行车运动变得流行起来。

    In recent years cycling has grown in popularity .

  27. 我们去年在荷兰骑自行车运动。

    We went cycling in Holland last year .

  28. 我国自行车运动步入市场化前所遇到的主要问题分析

    Cycling in China before Entering the Market Analysis of the Main Problems Encountered by

  29. 夏天则有远足、跑步、高山自行车运动、高尔夫及水上运动。

    Hiking , running , mountain biking , golfing and water sports in summer .

  30. 自行车运动训练测试台的研制

    Development of Training and Testing Station for Cycling