
  • 网络Jet ski;Water Scooter;Wave Race
  1. 国民托管组织已颁布禁令,禁止在多塞特、德文与康沃尔地区使用水上摩托艇。

    The National Trust has placed an interdict on jet-skis in Dorset , Devon and Cornwall .

  2. 我们不会给他两辆川崎水上摩托的

    We 're not giving him two Jet Skis .

  3. 敌人有一条船四辆水上摩托,和一架直升机

    The enemy has a boat , four jet skis , and a chopper .

  4. 初探水上摩托艇项目在市场经济模式下的机遇与挑战

    The Initial Study on the Opportunities and Challenges of the Motor-boat Event in the Market Economy

  5. 水上摩托最好玩的乐子,就是当姚明从自己的摩托上摔下爬不回去的时候。

    The best part of the jet skiing was when Yao Ming fell off and couldn 't climb back on .

  6. 在当前市场经济条件下,水上摩托艇项目如何求得自身发展空间的问题已摆在了面前。

    Under the current condition of the market economy , a problem of how to develop the motor-boat event itself .

  7. 我的当事人表示只要给买他两辆川崎水上摩托的话就愿意放弃对该枚戒指一切权力

    My client 's prepared to surrender any interest he has in the ring in exchange for two Kawasaki Jet Skis .

  8. 为了适应增长的帆船和水上摩托艇的数量,希腊对码头服务的需求显著提升,一种特殊的投资机遇由此显露。

    In order to accommodate the rising number of sailboats and motor yachts , the marinas in Greece require significant upgrades and represent an exceptional investment opportunity .

  9. 本周早些时候,索撒尔从海上的水上摩托艇下来后,突然觉得一只胳膊“像被蜜蜂蜇了一下”。

    Earlier this week , Southall was getting off a Jet Ski in the ocean when he felt " a small bee-like sting " on his arm .

  10. 或者你喜欢运动,享受游泳、划皮艇、风帆冲浪、划船、冲浪、水上摩托这类的水上运动。

    Or are you the sporty kind who enjoys swimming , doing water sports like kayaking , windsurfing , sailing , boogie boarding , surfing , jet skiing ?

  11. 根据新闻联合社的报道,关于那张100周内完成100个目标的清单,这位48岁的前水上摩托艇教练如今几乎已全数完成目标。

    Setting himself the task of achieving 100 goals in 100 weeks , the 48-year-old former jet-ski instructor has ( almost ) done it all , the Press Association reports .

  12. 以高速度在水上滑行的摩托艇。

    A motorboat designed so that it skims the water at high speeds .