
shuǐ xià shè yǐnɡ
  • underwater photography;submarine shooting
  1. Simon的作品包揽了本年度最佳水下摄影照片的前几名。

    Simon 's works has filled out the top ranks of this year 's best underwater photography .

  2. 你可以通过许多方式进入水下摄影世界。

    You can jump into underwater photography in a number of ways .

  3. 当水下摄影新人听到诸如光圈、快门或者是ISO等等术语的时候,就会不知所措的要退回去使用自动模式。

    When beginner underwater photographers hear terms like aperture , shutter speed or ISO they tend to freeze up and want to go back to auto mode .

  4. 也就是说,水下摄影需要用到ISO800以上的设定是非常少的。

    That said , it is rare that you would ever need to go above ISO800 underwater .

  5. 度假村还为初学者提供夜间潜水课程和水下摄影课程。

    Resorts provide courses like night diving and underwater photography for beginners .

  6. 但相机的自动模式只能让你在水下摄影中起个头而已。

    But auto settings can only get you so far in underwater photography .

  7. 水下摄影反向散射的研究与实验

    Research and experiment on back-scattering of underwater photography

  8. 就水下摄影来说,他像个改革者吗?

    Was he like an innovator , you know , with underwater photography too ?

  9. 关于水下摄影光源的研究

    Selection of light sources for underwater photography

  10. 我们当时在巴哈马南部,准备去水下摄影白尖鲨。33岁的摄影师埃里克讲到。

    We were in the southern Bahamas to photograph oceanic white-tip sharks , said the 33-year-old .

  11. 本指南将给你在水下摄影初步阶段最实用的建议。

    This Underwater Photography For Beginners Guide will provide practical advice in getting started in underwater photography .

  12. 水下摄影特有的挑战就是针对水本身的性质给光线造成的影响。

    Underwater photography presents unique challenges due to the properties of water and its effect on light .

  13. 学习水下摄影对了解摄影技巧本身也是非常有益的,当然,有时候有点挑战性。

    Learning about underwater photography can be very rewarding , and yes , sometimes a bit challenging .

  14. 这对于水下摄影尤为重要,因为水底的光线变化莫测。

    It is a simple technique that is especially important underwater , where lighting is inherently complex .

  15. 但是,掌握手动设定可以让你拓展水下摄影的无限精彩。

    However , taking the next step into manual mode opens up endless possibilities with underwater photography .

  16. 万能制版和复制摄影机水下摄影在绘制部分海床图时也是很重要的一个方法。

    Universal process and reproduction camera Underwater photography is also important in mapping parts of the ocean floor .

  17. 水下摄影带给人的愉悦和兴奋是由心而发,毕竟不是所有人都能掌握手动设定。

    Underwater photography is inherently fun and exciting enough that dealing with manual settings is not for everyone .

  18. 如果你是刚开始水下摄影,包围曝光将帮助你获得正确的相片。

    If you are just getting started in underwater photography , bracketing can help you get the right shot .

  19. 从最简单的开始,感受水下摄影,随后再慢慢去体会技术的东西。

    Start off with the basics , get a feel for it , and learn the technical side later .

  20. 同时,利用水下摄影系统记录了泡沫铝壳在爆炸载荷作用下变形、破碎和运动的过程。

    Moreover , the whole deforming , crushing and moving processes of the shells were recorded by the underwater camera system .

  21. 同时对水下摄影过程中造成的水下图象处理进行研究,说明该方法还可应用到更广泛的领域。

    Such deblur methods can also be used in other applications , such as underwater image system and target detection in water .

  22. 对水下摄影和水下电视摄象技术进行了简要的介绍,包括水下光学特点、器材与设备、潜水员进行水下彩色摄影和水下电视摄象的工艺方法以及记录的编辑与分析等。

    Underwater photographic and cable circle television ( CCTV ) techniques are introduced . including underwater optical characteristics . apparatus and instruments .

  23. 33岁的露西成立里一家新公司——“海星水下摄影公司”,专门为那些自信的水下宝宝摄影,捕捉他们在水下世界中探索冒险的美好瞬间。

    Lucy , 33 , who founded her brand new company Starfish Underwater Photography , takes pictures of the confident waterbabies , capturing a brief moment as they explore an underwater world .

  24. 廉价的一次性相机对于旅行来说绝对是完美的配备,就连操作也十分便捷,简单的套一个塑料袋就可以进行水下摄影。数码相机的兴起终结了一次性照相机的黄金时代。

    Cheap throwaway cameras were perfect for traveling , easy to use and similarly easy to outfit with plastic cases for underwater shooting.The rise of digital photography spelled an end to the glory days of disposable cameras .

  25. 大视场大相对孔径水下专用摄影物镜的设计甚大光强[相对]孔径物镜

    Design for Special Underwater Photography Objective Lens with Wide Angle and Large Relative Aperture

  26. 水有一种特性就是快速吸收光线,许多刚刚进行拍摄的水下摄影者总是抱怨相片中的蓝灰色调。

    Water absorbs light very quickly , and the most common complaint for new underwater photographers is the dull blueish-greyish hue of their images .