
  • 网络bmx;Cycling BMX;Bicycle motocross
  1. 小轮车早在2008年北京奥运会就已经加入。

    BMX first premiered in Beijing during the 2008 Olympics .

  2. 小轮车自行车的生产制造摩托车的灯体。

    The BMX bike producers manufacture bikes with light body .

  3. 哈利推着小轮车紧跟着他们,心里七上八下。

    Heart hammering , Harry pushed his cart after them .

  4. 谢谢收看“小轮车杂耍”节目。

    Thanks for watching video How To Do A Wheelie .

  5. 小轮车赛将在八月二十号和二十一号举行。

    B : ? The BMX events are being held on August the 20th and 21st .

  6. 小轮车越野赛项目特点研究

    The Characteristics of BMX Competition

  7. 比如说,杂技和武术职业选手就被视作滑板和小轮车的选拔主体。

    Acrobatics and martial arts professionals , as an example , are considered key groups to look for athletes for skateboarding and BMX .

  8. 耐克还为奥运会的两个新项目(中国武术和小轮车)设计了产品。

    Nike has also created products for two new Olympic events : Wushu , the Chinese martial art ; and BMX bicycle riding .

  9. 这是一个典型的动作,也是许多更高级动作的基础,更是任何小轮车骑手都应该熟练掌握的技巧。

    It is a classic , and forms the basis of many more advanced moves , and is there for a trick that should be mastered by any BMX rider .

  10. 在美国及大洋洲的华人社群主要寻找滑板、小轮车及冲浪的选手。而住在东欧和东南亚的华人将会被作为攀岩的潜在候选人。

    Chinese communities in the US and Oceania will be particularly looked at for skateboarding , BMX and surfing . Those living in Eastern Europe countries and Southeast Asia are viewed as potential candidates for rock climbing .