
chōnɡ lànɡ bǎn
  • surfboard;longboard
冲浪板 [chōng làng bǎn]
  • [surfboard] 冲浪游戏中用的狭长漂浮板

  1. 我要买个冲浪板学习冲浪。

    I 'm going to buy a surfboard and learn to surf

  2. 告诉他们,非常感谢你的冲浪板。

    Tell them thank you very much for the surfboard .

  3. 这会让冲浪板更好控制。

    This makes the surfboards more controllable .

  4. 这段视频现在YouTube上疯传,成千上万的人点击观看理查德趴在冲浪板上,头套在掏空的木桶里,水里疯狂找寻婚戒的景象。

    The footage - which has gone viral on YouTube with thousands of hits - shows Richard frantically searching for the ring by lying face-down on his paddleboard and using a hollowed out bucket to scour the riverbed .

  5. 29岁的布伦达·谢里丹(BrendanSheridan)来自美国,如今在大东海海滩经营着一家只有一个房间的小店,出售、出租冲浪板,他说,让中国人去冲浪很难。

    Getting Chinese to try the sport can be a challenge , says Brendan Sheridan , a29-year-old American who sells and rents surfboards from a one-room shop near Dadonghai Beach .

  6. 萧恩Stussy已经形成并签署冲浪板上拉古纳滩,加利福尼亚州,当他开始用自己的标记笔的T恤衫。

    Shawn Stussy was already shaping and signing surfboards on Laguna Beach , California , when he started to apply his marker pen to T-shirts .

  7. 做复健,然后回到我的冲浪板上。

    Do the rehab , and get back on my board .

  8. 在加工冲浪板底部时支撑板材的前端。

    Supports the nose of the board when machining the bottom .

  9. 拍岸碎浪我要买个冲浪板学习冲浪。

    I 'm going to buy a surfboard and learn to surf .

  10. 而冲浪板也在改变—现今它们更短而且更快。

    The boards have changed-they are shorter and faster today .

  11. 凯蒂:刚刚来了一波大浪,丹恩从冲浪板上掉下来了!

    A big wave just hit Dan . He fell off his surfboard !

  12. 在拜伦湾,我有家出租冲浪板的小店。

    I have a small shop in Byron Bay where I rent surfboards .

  13. 我们什么时候给冲浪板上蜡?

    What time do we start waxing our boards ?

  14. 冲浪板尾部划破浪尖。

    Tail gate spreader A surfboard fin sliced the crest of a wave .

  15. 当被变形后将不能使用滑翔翼,降落伞和冲浪板。

    Impossibility of using the delta , para and surf if we are morphed .

  16. 但出售那些冲浪板说明了一切。

    But selling those boards explains it all .

  17. 他将冲浪板转向大海。

    He turned his surfboard out to sea .

  18. 海尔哥哥:抱住冲浪板,海潮会带你上岸的。

    Eb : hold the board tight and the tide will send you ashore .

  19. 你租冲浪板来学会让你花上一大笔钱。

    You would spend a thousand dollars to learn it on a rental windsurfer .

  20. 这辆车后座上方有个天窗,是专门用来装冲浪板的。

    The vehicle sported a sunroof in the backseat & room for your surfboard .

  21. 甚至有人要出售你的冲浪板了。

    Someone 's got to carry your surfboard .

  22. 给冲浪板上蜡的一群冲浪运动员。

    A group of surfers waxing their boards .

  23. 双胞胎需要新的冲浪板或者趴板,总之寒假用

    The girls need new surfboards or boogie boards or something for spring break .

  24. 它们只需在冲浪板上等待浪花从底下翻涌上去便可。

    They simply wait on their boards for a wave to rise up beneath them .

  25. 玩冲浪板的人喜欢什么海滩?

    What beach is popular with surfers ?

  26. 我会订做一块写他名字的冲浪板。

    Tell him I said there 'll be a surfboard with his name on it .

  27. 因此,他收起了自己的冲浪板,回到办公室,接受了他的职位。

    So he packed his surfboard and returned to the office to take up his post .

  28. 而如今,冲浪板由多种材料制成,其形状和大小应有尽有。

    Today , surfboards are made from different materials and come in all shapes and sizes .

  29. 我们能借一个冲浪板吗?

    Can we borrow a surfboard ?

  30. 周二,多明戈和他的羊驼搭档踩着一个10英尺的长冲浪板,成功地完成了3次冲浪。

    The pair ride a ten-foot yellow longboard and on Tuesday they managed to catch three waves .