
  • 网络outdoorsman;Survival;field lived;outdoor survival;Wilderness Survival
  1. 受训者还可以通过设计的任务,搜救“被击落”的飞行员来了解如何在水域和陆地生存,为自己的野外生存徽章收集开个好头。

    Trainees also get a good start on their Wilderness Survival badge as they learn about water - and land-survival through designed tasks and their search and rescue of " downed " pilot .

  2. 技能:阿曼德人有+的种族加值到野外生存上。

    Skills : Armands have a + 4 racial bonus on Survival checks .

  3. 例句在野外生存训练这一周期间,男孩们没吃上一顿饱饭。

    During this week 's survival1 training , the boys haven 't had a square meal .

  4. 丛林生存技巧杂志编辑SimonEller向VideoJug用户展示野外生存需要带哪些急救物品。

    Simon Eller , editor of Bushcraft and Survival Skills Magazine , shows VideoJug users what first aid items to take to the wilds .

  5. 在摩洛卡伊,居民们希望KP2能克服困难在野外生存,但能一直经常回来看看。

    On Molokai residents are hoping that KP2 can beat the odds and stay wild but still hang out with them .

  6. SolSource于今年5月上市,售价399美元,受到绿色技术迷、野外生存达人甚至主流烧烤爱好者的追捧。

    The SolSource went on sale there in May with a $ 399 price tag and is being snapped up by fans of green technology , survivalists and even mainstream grilling enthusiasts .

  7. 野外生存提高防御姿态、预备和陷阱的效果。

    Wilderness survival improves defensive stances , preparations , and traps .

  8. 感谢收看“野外生存技巧:怎样加热水”视频节目。

    Thanks for watching video Camping Trick : How To Heat Water

  9. 她将教孩子们在野外生存的方式。

    She will teach it ways to survive in the wild .

  10. 令人遗憾的是,大熊猫在野外生存是很困难的。

    It 's difficult for giant pandas to in the wild .

  11. 高校开设野外生存生活训练课程的可行性

    A Feasibility Study of Outdoors Surviving Training Course in Universities

  12. 政府将开始进行大熊猫野外生存能力训练。

    China to train giant pandas to survive in wild .

  13. 大学生海岛野外生存生活训练教学实践研究

    Research on Teaching Practice of Island Field Survival Training of University Students

  14. 野外生存课程专项身体素质训练方法

    The Body Quality and the Ways of Teaching Surviving in the Field

  15. 《野外生存生活训练》课程中绳索攀爬的动力学分析

    Dynamic Analysis of Scramble with Lines in the Field Training for Existence Course

  16. 对于大熊猫来说在野外生存是非常困难的。

    It 's very difficult for giant pandas to survive in the wild .

  17. 野外生存生活训练对大学生身心健康的影响

    Field Survivorship Life Trains the Influence Physically and Mentally Healthy to University Students

  18. 海岛野外生存生活训练对大学生心境和情绪的影响

    Influence of outdoor education on wild island on mood and emotion of university students

  19. 高校体育课程中增设野外生存生活训练内容的探讨

    Discussion on Adding Out-Bound Training Content to the Physical Education Course of Higher-Learning Institutions

  20. 试析大学生野外生存实验的技能获得情况

    The Analysis Of The Acquirement Of Techniques From Field Living Training On College Students

  21. 影响高校开展野外生存活动的相关因素研究

    The Affecting Factors of the Field Training for Existence Spread in university and College

  22. 大学生在野外生存生活训练中心理性别差异的探讨

    The Discussion on the Gender Difference of the College Students in the Field Living

  23. 成都开始建设大熊猫繁育野放研究中心,对大熊猫进行野外生存训练。

    Construction begins on center to train giant pandas to survive in the wild .

  24. 可惜得是,对野生动物来说在野外生存很困难。

    Sadly , it 's difficult for wild animals to survive in the wild .

  25. 得出如下结论:1.上海市高校野外生存生活训练课开设率比较低。

    Conclusion : 1 . Shanghai university field survival training opening rate quite low .

  26. 野外生存类的文学作品总是出奇地积极向上。

    The literature of survival is weirdly upbeat .

  27. 我国普通高校开展野外生存生活训练课程的价值取向

    The Value orientation of development of training course about open country subsist in Chinese University

  28. 在这里,你可以学习到在丛林和野外生存的技巧。

    Here , you can learn the Bush crafts necessary to survive in the wilds .

  29. 我国大学生野外生存生活训练的现状与发展趋势

    Current situation and development trend of outdoor survival life training for college students in China

  30. 学校还为他们额外开设礼仪、编程和野外生存课程。

    The school offers courses in etiquette , coding and wilderness survival , among others .